Father’s Day 2024


Katelynn, Sara, and Kevin at the beach in Redwoods National Park, California
If I could find the perfect words
I’d write them ‘cross the sky
In lots of shiny colors
With letters ten feet high.
Then everyone could read about
The man that I call dad
And how he’s always there for me
In good times or in bad.
I need to let you know dad
Cause sometimes it’s hard to say
But I have always loved you
And in my heart, you’ll always stay.
Thank you for just being you
I’m so proud you are my dad
You truly are my hero
And the best friend I’ll ever have.

Author: Unknown


2024 · Connecticut · Watertown

Sara’s Middle School Graduation 2024 🦅


Today was one of Sara’s big day. She graduated from her Middle School and is ready to go to High School at the end of Summer. Exactly two years earlier, her sister, Katelynn walked on the same field to receive her High School Diploma. Sara will walk the same turf in four years if all goes to plan. But for now, she enjoys her Summer Break for the next eleven weeks before school begins, again.


2024 · National Day Calendar

National Hug Your Cat Month – June 2024

Sara and Joshua watch Nickelodeon together.

Despite their characteristically independent attitude, cats domesticated themselves. Millions of years ago they wandered up to human fires, begging for scraps, and decided to stay for the free food. Isn’t that just like a cat? In June, we smother our furry feline friends with affection they may try to escape. Welcome to National Hug Your Cat Month! May your day be full of purring, cat hair on your clothes, and face rubs on your chest.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-hug-your-cat-month/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal

A New Fence Pole & An Old Dismantled Shed ~ 2013

One of our fence poles didn’t have a cap to cover it. When it rained the pole collected water. Over time the metal started to rust through and didn’t hold up the fence. It also didn’t help, that Ranger always peed on it. So, one Saturday afternoon Kevin got the materials to fix the fence. He dug the concrete block up, which was huge. It took us both to lift it out of the ground. Once the new pole was in place, Kevin poured the new concrete to keep the pole in place.

While the concrete was set, Kevin dismantled the old rusty shed which was here, before we moved into the house. All it did was attract rats. We had to get rid of it sooner or later. We had that extra space and enough room to trim the trumpet vines. In the meantime, Katelynn and Sara collected the rest of the twigs from the Mimosa, which was cut down three days prior. Our cats made sure, we all did our chores.

2024 · National Day Calendar · Texas

National Road Trip Day 2024 🛣

A road trip to San Antonio, Texas in 2016

National Road Trip Day became an official holiday in 2019, thanks to Pilot Flying J, the largest travel center operator in North America. They chose the Friday before Memorial Day because of the long weekend ahead and, with May being the start of summer, it kickstarts the travel season, too. Since travel stories are ingrained into the very history of America, with wagon trains heading out West in the 1840s and Native Americans exploring the country long before that — it makes sense to observe a day that celebrates travel by road.

The first recorded road trip across the U.S. began in 1903 with a bet. Someone bet Horatio Nelson Jackson (a physician and automobile pioneer) that he could not travel from San Francisco to New York City in less than 90 days. Accompanied by mechanic Sewall K. Crocker, and a dog named Bud, they set off in a 20-horsepower Winston to prove them wrong. Despite numerous mishaps, Jackson and Crocker completed the trip in 63 days.

By the 1930s, the famous Route 66 opened America up for cross-country travel. Many began to migrate West, while others took to the road for vacations. By the 1950s, America was the world’s largest car manufacturer, and nearly 75% of American families owned a car, which became a symbol of American pop culture. Road trips became the typical holiday of the American middle classes, leading to a boom in drive-ins and roadside motel businesses, too. Hippies in the ’60s then converted the road trip into a full-blown lifestyle, turning vans and buses into homes on wheels.

In the ’80s and ’90s, road travel dipped with the rise of air travel but, today, the road trip still has a special charm of its own. The ‘Great American Road Trip’ stands for the freedom and adventure that only the road can bring!

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-road-trip-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar

National Pick Strawberries Day 2024 🍓

While there’s no record of when the first National Pick Strawberries Day was celebrated, the history of the activity and the fruit goes way back. In ancient times, wild strawberries were used mainly for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. There are mentions of the fruit in Roman records that date to the first century A.D. In other centuries, the wonders of the fruit were also proclaimed in literary texts, and one prominent example includes the words of William Butler, a 16th-century writer/poet, who said, “Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did”. The great properties of strawberries have also led to other historical figures using them. Madame Tallien, a renowned figure from the French Revolution, took baths in tubs full of strawberries to keep her skin glowing and radiant. Another example is Fontenelle, a centenarian writer from the 18th century, who credited his long and healthy life to his strawberry consumption.

As time went by, strawberries started being cultivated for mass consumption, with the first instance taking place in the 13th century. Initially, strawberries were only found in North and South America. However, globalization led to the fruit traveling great distances to other continents. After several failed attempts to grow the plant in France, the French horticulturalists finally succeeded in their endeavors in the 1750s. The resulting strawberry variety from the 1750s is one of the most produced varieties today. Strawberries are not only enjoyed by humans for their great taste and nutrients but are also used by bees for their nectar and pollination.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-pick-strawberries-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Furbabies

National Hug Your Dog Day 2024

The true and unconditional love of a dog: “When you feel sad or hurt, you just give me a hug! I’ll always be there for you, Sara! Pinky-Paw Promise!”

Hugging your dog releases a hormone in both pup and person called “oxytocin,” informally referred to as “the cuddle hormone.” Not only does a good tight squeeze strengthen your bond, but it also shows your pet that you care. Today celebrate your dog for all they do.

2024 · National Day Calendar · Texas

National Farm Animal Day 2024


A variety of animals have been domesticated and raised on farms for food. They provide eggs, milk, cheese, meat, wool, leather, and other products. Most farmers raise their livestock responsibly. Providing a quality environment for them to grow benefits the animal and the farmer, too. Farmers invest in their livestock from the time they’re born, providing nutritious food, and ensuring robust and healthy development. They also provide ideal conditions for their breed. Farmers are continually educating themselves about the livestock they raise so they can provide them with the best care possible. 

Resource: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-farm-animals-day-april-10/


2024 · National Day Calendar

National Dandelion Day 2024

Dandelion is a tap-rooted, perennial, herbaceous plant, native to the temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Once dandelion flowers dry off, dropping petals and stamens, it opens into a spherical shape. Once the seeds are mature, they fly off with the help of fluffy parachute-like structures attached to their tips. The wind disperses the seeds — they are capable of traveling very large distances.

We believe the dandelion evolved around 30 million years ago in the Eurasian region. Our prehistoric ancestors were well aware that the plant was edible and brimmed with medicinal properties. The properties of the plant were known to Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, and Romans. It was popular in America for its edible uses and in China for its medicinal benefits.

Raw dandelion greens are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, and various vitamins. The flower can also be used to produce a yellow dye. The plant is considered an invasive species in various parts of the world. It can affect the growth of other crops, spread far, and grow fast. But it can also help plants when planted properly. Its roots can dig deep and bring forth the nutrients for shallow-rooted plants. It can also attract pollinating insects.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-dandelion-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar · Nevada

National Nevada Day 2024

On October 31, 1864, Nevada joined West Virginia as the only other state to be granted statehood during the Civil War. The mostly desert landscape is nearly devoid of trees. With vast open spaces, dramatic gorges, majestic mountains, and windswept rock formations, the state transforms quickly.

Nevada may have once been the loneliest state and is home to the loneliest highway. After the Comstock Lode discovery of silver in 1859, the population grew dramatically. By 1864 when the state was admitted to the union, Nevada lacked the 60,000 to be granted statehood and didn’t gain the needed residents until 1880. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, it would even lose population and not achieve the qualifying numbers again until 1910.

Lonely or not, Nevada was the first state to vote for the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Nevada wasn’t lonely for long. The population exploded when two railroads connected in 1905 and established a town called Las Vegas first platted in 1910. It would be 30 years before the first resort would open. Casinos and glamour would soon follow. As the casinos began to sprout, construction of Hoover Dam began. Formerly named Boulder Dam, the dam on the Colorado River provides hydropower to Nevada, Arizona, and California.

Resource: https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-nevada-day-march-29

2024 · National Day Calendar

🎹 World Piano Day 2024 🎹

Why do we need World Piano Day? “For many reasons. But mostly, because it doesn’t hurt to celebrate the piano and everything around it: performers, composers, piano builders, tuners, movers, and most importantly, the listener,” replied Nils Frahm, the German pianist, and composer who initiated World Piano Day in 2015. The idea behind it was to celebrate the piano across the world by holding events, performances, masterclasses, lectures, etc. Since its launch, World Piano Day has gained immense popularity, with participation from pianists, promotors, organizers, distributors, technicians, piano enthusiasts, and basically anyone associated with the instrument.

Hammered dulcimers were the first string instrument used since the Middle Ages in Europe. After several attempts at creating stringed keyboard instruments, the mechanisms of the clavichord and the harpsichord were developed during the 17th century.

As the Mozart-era piano underwent changes from 1790 to 1860, the modern structure of the instrument came into existence. These alterations were a result of the preferences of composers and pianists who wanted more powerful and sustained sounds. Over time, the tonal range of the piano was also increased from the five to the seven octaves that can be found in the modern-day piano.

World Piano Day is a celebration of the piano and everything connected with it. This day celebrates the music of the past and promotes its evolution. So, on this 88th day of the year, we come together to celebrate one of the greatest instruments of all time and all those who make this day possible.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/world-piano-day/

2024 · Dallas/Fort Worth · State Fair of Texas

State Fair of Texas, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas: A Stroll Through The Fair 2012 🎡

We walked on the fairgrounds to look at some sculptures and walked to the Texas Discovery Gardens. Big Tex celebrated his 60th Anniversary at the State Fair of Texas. Unfortunately, 13 days later he burned down to his frame. He had an electrical short in his wiring, which moved his jaw. It was a sad day in Dallas’ History. The following year, he was rebuilt.

… to be continued …

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Garden

Texas Gardening In March 2013 (1)


I started my garden in the early Spring of 2013 by sowing beans, bell peppers, corn, pumpkins, sunflowers, tomatoes, and other goodies. I also worked on some herbs. At least, I had something ready to grow in the greenhouse, once the parts arrived and I could finish building it. Joshua made sure, that I watered the seedlings every day. And Sara enjoyed the milder days on the back porch.


2024 · Dallas/Fort Worth · State Fair of Texas

State Fair of Texas, Fair Park, Dallas, Texas: Automotive Building 2012 🎡

It was the first weekend of October when we visited the State Fair of Texas in 2012. And it was chilly. Most of the time, we avoided the wind and walked into buildings. Since the Automobile Building protected us from the chill, I captured photos of the Mural on the walls along the Esplanade Fountain in Fair Park, Dallas, Texas.

History of the Automobile Building:

… to be continued …

2024 · Addison Kaboom Town · Dallas/Fort Worth · 🗽 4th July 🗽 · Texas

Addison Kaboom Town, Texas 2011 (2)

When the sun disappeared behind the trees, it was time for the air show. It was also a little bit cooler. And the girls became a bit more active outside the water fountains. Katelynn had the chance to hold a cockatoo on her shoulder. That bird looked almost bigger than her. Sara enjoyed hanging with her daddy and munched herself through the cooler. Everything, that could keep her cool, she went for it. Katelynn came back with a lightsaber before it was time for fireworks.

… to be continued …

2024 · California · National Day Calendar

National California Day 2024

California is a beauty that adorns the western landmass of the beautiful U.S., with shimmering beaches washed by the deep blue waters of the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Nevada deserts in the east. Its north is graced by occasional prairies, marshes, and other wetlands bordering Oregon, and finally, the Mexican borders to the south. California is a land of geographical diversity, blessed with seashores, forests, deserts, valleys, coastal mountain ranges, and a thriving agricultural landmass. The state has a rich history divided into five major periods.

Native American culture has strong roots in California. The Native American period started about 10,000 years ago and ended with European explorations in the 1500s. Before the European age, California held about one-third of the total population of Native Americans. The Spanish explorers named California. Settlements grew over time, and the land of California welcomed them all. Between 1769 and 1821, the Spanish colonized California. However, the colonization efforts were faced with many difficulties. The lack of an organized agricultural tradition, the absence of organized tribes, and the difficulty of procuring food supplies and domestic animals made it difficult. The isolation of California did not help at all in the process. In 1821, Mexico obtained independence from Spain, and California became a part of the new nation.

In the following decades, California witnessed the war between Mexico and America. The end of the war also witnessed California becoming a state in America. Congress passed the California Statehood Act on September 9, 1850. The following years saw the Gold Rush and large-scale settlements in California filled with dreams of gold and riches. In the following years, California became an important state, and it still is today.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-california-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Furbabies

National Love Your Pet Day 2024

Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet? While there are more cats than dogs in the United States, more households have dogs than cats, but not by much. Pets are not limited to the canine and feline categories.  There are quite a few who prefer the companionship of birds, reptiles, fish, or rats. Whoever your pet companion is, we are sure you will enjoy spending a little extra time with them on National Love Your Pet Day and reap the benefits, as well such as stress relief and lower blood pressure. So on February 20th (and every day) show your appreciation to your pets!

Resource: https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-love-your-pet-day/

2024 · Addison Kaboom Town · Dallas/Fort Worth · 🗽 4th July 🗽 · Texas

Addison Kaboom Town, Texas 2011 (1)

Kevin, Courtney, and I went with the kids, and a stroller full of cooler, blankets, and towels from a parking garage to the Addison Circle, which leads to the entrance of Kaboom Town. Addison opens the gates around 4 or 5 pm. The earlier we show up, the better the chance we get a decent spot. It was a very hot Independence Day weekend. So, we adults decided to pick a shaded spot under a couple of trees close to the water fountains and the bathrooms. Once, our blankets were laid out, the girls wanted to play in the fountain and cool off. There was still plenty of time for the airshow and fireworks. By the time the sun is behind the horizon, the kids can rest and watch the shows. It didn’t take long until Sara was hungry and wanted to eat a sandwich. Thank goodness, we always bring our cooler with us. Katelynn rested with her Dad on the blanket for a little bit, before she decided she was hungry, too.

… to be continued …

2024 · National Day Calendar

🧸 Teddy Day 2024 🧸

Storytime with Teddy is fun!

Stuffed toys have been children’s best toys since ancient times. They are soft, squishy, and a good companion for all. In the Roman Empire, the children of the rich had wooden carved toys in the shape of animals and humans they played with, and it was such that only the children of the rich could afford and get them. So the children of the lower class and peasants developed ragdolls made from clothes and straws, and over the years, they evolved into stuffed toys as we know them in the world today.

Teddy bears are soft fluffy toys in the shape of bears that evoke feelings of love and warmth when we hold and hug them. They come in different sizes; small, medium, large, and even plus size. Like all other stuffed toys, Teddy bears have evolved from being toys for children to being toys for everyone, including men and women. So during the cold, lonely nights and when we’re feeling emotionally down or happy, teddy bears serve as a great cuddle companion.

Teddy bears got their name in 1902 after President Theodore Roosevelt in a series of events that happened when he went on a hunting trip. During hunting, they happened upon a bear, and President Roosevelt refused to shoot it. The story soon spread all over, and the first stuffed bears were developed by toymakers Morris Michtom in the U.S., and Richard Steiff in Germany, and they were named ‘Teddy bears,’ after President Roosevelt’s pet name.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/teddy-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Pizza Day 2024 🍕

Though flatbreads with toppings were consumed by ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks, the modern birthplace of the pizza is southwestern Italy’s Campania region, home to Naples. Founded around 600 BC as a Greek settlement, Naples in the 1700s and early 1800s was a thriving waterfront city. Technically an independent kingdom, it was notorious for its throngs of working poor, or lazzaroni. These Neapolitans required inexpensive food that could be consumed quickly. Pizza — flatbreads with toppings that can be eaten for every meal — fulfilled this need. These early pizzas featured tasty toppings such as tomatoes, cheese, oil, anchovies, and garlic. More well-off Italian authors judged Naples’ innovation, often calling their eating habits disgusting.

In 1861, Italy finally unified, and King Umberto I and Queen Margherita visited Naples in 1889. Legend says that the traveling pair became bored with their steady diet of French cuisine and asked for an assortment of pizzas from the city’s Pizzeria Brandi, founded in 1760. The variety the queen enjoyed the most was called pizza mozzarella, a pie topped with soft white cheese, red tomatoes, and green basil — much resembling the Italian flag. Since then, this particular choice of toppings has been dubbed the Margherita pizza.

However, even with the Queen’s love for the dish, pizza would remain little known in Italy beyond Naples’ borders until the 1940s. Across the sea, immigrants to the United States from Naples were replicating their flatbreads in New York and other American cities. They were coming for factory jobs but accidentally made a culinary statement. Relatively quickly, the flavors and aromas of pizza began to intrigue non-Neapolitans and non-Italians alike.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-pizza-day/

2024 · Dallas/Fort Worth · 🗽 4th July 🗽 · Texas · The Colony Events

The Independence Day Parade In The Colony, Texas 2011

In 2011, Sara was old enough to take her to her first Independence Day parade. It was very warm the whole weekend. But we were prepared. Plenty of water, sunscreen, and sitting in the shade helped tremendously. Katelynn and Sara both enjoyed the parade’s colors and candy. There were parrots, pirates, landmarks, Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty, the Fire Department & Police Department, and so many flags. It was a wonderful event to see people from the community celebrating the 4th of July.

2024 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · National Day Calendar

World Snow Day 2024


On the third Sunday in January, World Snow Day promotes winter sports for young people. The two sports in particular that are highlighted include recreational skiing and snowboarding. It’s also a day for young people to learn about winter sports safety as well as the importance of caring for the environment.

Engaging in outdoor recreational sports is a great way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. This is true no matter what season it is, including winter. Although it can be cold, it’s fun and invigorating to play in the snow. Skiing and snowboarding, ice-skating, and sledding are just a few examples that anyone, including children, can participate in. Besides being fun, snow sports offer some great health benefits.

Participating in outdoor winter sports also forces children off their screens! Besides all of that, children can gain an appreciation for the environment. Spending time in the snow can be awe-inspiring. A love of snow might even influence children to protect the environment so that snow will always be a reality.

Children can also learn how to stay safe while participating in winter sports. This includes knowing how to dress properly for cold temperatures, learning how to fall, wearing the appropriate protective gear, and warming up with light exercises and stretches to avoid injury.

Resource: https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/world-snow-day


2024 · National Day Calendar · Oklahoma · Texas

Take A Walk Outdoors Day 2024

There is no evidence of how this holiday started, but we assume it was established as a way of reminding people to stay active. This is especially applicable in the modern world driven by technology as it is. We tend to spend a major part of our day sitting in front of a monitor. The idea of walking is a significant part of human evolution as we separate ourselves from other animals by walking without our hands. 

The Romans came up with the concept of a mile by walking. In their estimation, a thousand military steps were equivalent to a mile. Through the ages, long-distance walking developed into a competitive sport as humans liked to exhibit their outstanding feats of achievement. In the latter half of the 19th century, this became a popular sport in America as well as Europe. Germany boasts of the oldest surviving walking club, Black Forest Wanderverein, which was set up in 1864. The first race walk in the U.S. took place in New York in 1911. Even before that, there is a record of race walks being an official sport in the London Olympics of 1908.

Today, we are familiar with various forms of walking such as race walking, speed walking, brisk walking, power walking, marathons, and so on. Walking has even become a mode of worship. For example, thousands of people marched to Camino de Santiago in 2015, inspired by the movie “The Way,” which portrays an American father walking along the same route in France in search of his estranged son’s body. Who knew walking could have such a glorious history? If you have a daily ritual, like getting your morning coffee, reading a book, listening to music, or sipping wine, club it with a bit of walking. This way, you don’t have to find an extra slot in your busy schedule for a walk. Think about it.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/take-a-walk-outdoors-day/

2024 · Arkansas · National Day Calendar

National Arkansas Day 2024

Arkansas comes from the word ‘acansaw,’ and its territory was initially occupied by native tribes Osage, Caddo, and Quapaw.  In 1541, the first European explorer to reach the territory was the Spaniard Hernando de Soto. The land was later explored by Frenchmen, of whom the first to settle down was Henri de Tonty in 1681. Henri created a European settlement in the Quapaw village: the Arkansas Post.

The Louisiana Purchase, a transaction where French Louisiana was sold to the United States, occurred in 1803, making Arkansas the 25th state to become a part of the Union. The capital of Arkansas is Little Rock, which is also its most populated city. The mockingbird is the Arkansas insignia, its flower is the apple blossom, and its tree is the pine tree.

Arkansas is known for its natural landmarks. It is a center of tourist attractions, with hot springs, rivers, rocks, and museums to mark its rich history. The state is also popular for quartz, diamonds, and a million-acre forest, truly earning its name as Natural State. The state is also an active agricultural producer of cotton, rice, and soybeans.

Arkansas ranks as the 34th most populous (more than 3 million residents)  and the 29th largest state in the United States. Its current governor is Asa Hutchinson. So if you are looking for a quiet and beautiful place to live, make Arkansas an option to consider.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-arkansas-day/

2024 · Canada · Ontario · USA · Utah

Kevin’s Birthday 2024


Happy Birthday to the love of my life!
Words will never suffice for how much you mean to me.
May you always stay blessed!


2024 · Dallas/Fort Worth · Texas · The Colony Events

Kids Colony II Playground (Phase I), The Colony, Texas 2011

In 1993, residents and businesses in The Colony came together to build a playground. There was lots of planning, fundraising, scheduling, and building – all done by volunteers! This little town in Texas made a great effort and the result was a community-built playground named Kids’ Colony. The years and hot Texas sun took its toll on the expansive wooden structures and the process began to replace the beloved playground. In 2011, Phase I of the rebuild of Kids’ Colony was completed with the addition of a nature-themed play structure, pavilion, picnic tables, and benches. 

Resource: https://www.thecolonytx.gov/472/Kids-Colony-Park

2024 · National Day Calendar · USA

National Missouri Day 2024

The history of Missouri began during the Paleo-Indian period in about 12,000 B.C. when Native Americans settled in the area. Ensuing periods of native life developed until the 17th century, then New France set up small settlements. After some years, Napoleonic France sold the area to the U.S. in 1803, as a portion of the Louisiana Purchase.

Statehood for Missouri came after the Missouri Compromise in 1820 that authorized slavery, and the settlement was rapid after 1820, boosted by a network of rivers made passable by steamboats and by being centered in the city of St. Louis. This attracted European settlers, particularly the Germans. The Civil War saw multiple small battles and influence by the Union. But after the war, the economy became diverse and railroads set up in Kansas City opened up new farmlands in the west.

Missouri is named after the indigenous Missouri Indians. It comes from the word ‘ouemessourita’ meaning “wooden canoe people” or “those who have dugout canoes.”

The idea for National Missouri Day came from the school teacher and native Missourian Anna Lee Brosius Korn. She composed the old state song, “Missouri”, and felt that the state required a whole day to acknowledge significant Missourians. So, in 1915, House Bill 122 created Missouri Day and set it  aside as a day to “foster a love for our state’s history and to teach rising generations of boys and girls the glories of Missouri.” Today, Missouri is renowned for its natural beauty, with beautiful lakes, varieties of trees, and wildflowers. The state also yields the most lime in the nation and is the top producer of mined lead in the United States.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-missouri-day/

2024 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃

❄☃ January ☃❄


Sparkling Winter sunshine,
Faces all aglow
Making resolutions,
And angels in the snow ~
Steaming cups of cocoa,
A year that’s fresh and new …
All of this is magic ~
Unfolding just for you.


2023 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · 🎅🎄 Christmas 🎄🎅 · Throwback Thursday

Christmas Season (Part V) 2012 (1)



… to be continued in December 2024

2023 · 🎅🎄 Christmas 🎄🎅

Christmas Eve 2023


‘”A Visit from Saint Nicholas”

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her ’kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window, I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
“Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So up to the housetop the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head and turned around,
Down the chimney, St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle,
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”

~ Clement Clarke Moore ~


2023 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · Days of The Week · 🎅🎄 Christmas 🎄🎅 · Our Furbabies · Throwback Thursday

Christmas Season (Part IV) 2010 – 2011


In 2010, Kevin, Katelynn, Sara, and I went to our local Christmas Parade again. This time, the girls got a glimpse of Santa. Katelynn was in first grade. Her class had the school play “Santa’s Suit”, where she was the “Lego” Elf. On Christmas Eve, Katelynn lost her first tooth. So, the Toothfairy and Santa visited our home on the same night. Unfortunately, Sara had a bad cold on Christmas Day. She wasn’t too happy. But we made the best out of the situation.


Santa left apples, oranges, nuts, and candy under the tree. Of course, Sara found the candy first and wanted some. Kevin and I said she could have some after breakfast. Instead of listening, she was very sneaky, put one in her mouth, and acted like she didn’t know what we were talking about. Lexi was happy, she had a new toy duck, which was shredded by her and Ranger the same day.


… to be continued …

2023 · Alabama · National Day Calendar

National Alabama Day 2023

We know Alabama as the heart of America’s Deep South. Yet, this fascinating region comes with a long and rich history — before and after it would become part of the United States. Before European settlers arrived in the 16th century, Alabama was home to numerous indigenous peoples. The Spaniards were the first Europeans to explore the region, paving the way for other European countries to arrive.

The 250 years followed saw numerous battles for control of the area among the French, British, and Spanish. These events would culminate in the American War of Independence. What’s more, the foundations of the cotton economy began around this time — an institution that would go on to shape Alabama’s society, culture, and history. Before joining the Union, Alabama was part of the Mississippi Territory. Up until then, Alabama was claimed by the colony of Georgia. As pressure to create two states mounted, Congress carved out a new Alabama territory from the east of the Mississippi Territory. William Wyatt Bibb was the region’s territorial governor.

Within two years, the Alabama territory grew in population and economy. Petitions for statehood soon became louder. Alabama’s shift to statehood began at a constitutional convention that took place in Huntsville. Six months later, Congress passed a resolution on December 14 granting statehood to Alabama — the only state added to the Union that year. Alabama joined the Union a few months before Maine and a year after Illinois. The town of Cahawba in Dallas County was the first capital, and William Wyatt Bibb became the state’s first governor. Much later, the unassuming town of Montgomery in Alabama would set the stage for the Civil Rights Movement that swept the rest of the country and the world.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-alabama-day/

2023 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · Days of The Week · 🎅🎄 Christmas 🎄🎅 · Our Furbabies · Throwback Thursday

Christmas Season (Part III) 2008 – 2009


Since Kevin’s homemade Christmas tree got positive feedback, he installed it in 2008, again. The same year, I decorated a Christmas wreath for our girls.



… to be continued …

2023 · 🎅🎄 Christmas 🎄🎅 · National Day Calendar · Our Yard

National Christmas Lights Day 2023


Time to deck the halls, folks, because December 1 is National Christmas Lights Day! Before the invention of electric lights, families would balance candles on the branches of their Christmas trees—a risky practice that naturally led to several house fires. Electric Christmas lights were first invented in 1880 by Thomas Edison, who promptly strung them all over the outside of his Menlo Park laboratory. Because people were initially distrustful of electricity, however, it took another several decades for the invention to catch on. It wasn’t until 1903 when General Electric began selling pre-assembled kits of Christmas lights, that electric lights became popular with people of all classes. Today, electric lights are an integral part of the winter holiday season, and certainly aren’t exclusive to Christmas. As we get ready for the end of the year, let’s string up our lights and celebrate. ‘Tis the season, after all.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-christmas-lights-day/


2023 · National Day Calendar

National Princess Day 2023 👑

The first princess to come to our TV screens was Snow White in 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, this movie was also the first full-length traditional animation film as well as the earliest Disney animated feature film. When Xena: Warrior Princess came out in 1995 and Mulan was released in 1998, they showed everyone that a princess can do more than wear a pretty dress. These two iconic women let children everywhere know that a princess can also be a strong and adventurous warrior. New wave princesses like Moana and Frozen’s Elsa show us that you can still be a princess while maintaining your independence.

We all grew up with animated, and live-action, princesses guiding us through life. When thinking of our favorite princesses, our minds instantly go to Disney. However, when it comes to National Princess Day, Disney had very little involvement in its inception. Nest Family Entertainment, a Texas-based entertainment company, teamed up with Rich Animation in 1994 to create the animated film The Swan Princess, a musical adaptation of Swan Lake. The studio wanted people of every age to have a day to celebrate like royalty, embodying the kindness and grace that we all associated with princesses at the time — and thus, National Princess Day was created.

The definition of a princess is constantly changing. From the 1930s until the 1990s, princesses were meant to be saved by a prince and live happily ever after. Nowadays, princesses create their own happily ever after, save the prince, and then put the prince squarely in the friend zone. So basically, embodying a princess on National Princess Day is to embody, what the kids call, the G.O.A.T (greatest of all time).

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-princess-day/

2023 · National Day Calendar

National American Teddy Bear Day 2023 🧸

Cheers to all teddy bear lovers and owners! Let’s celebrate one of the best toys we’ve ever owned on National American Teddy Bear Day, on November 14. Teddy bears have been our comfort bed pals since our childhood. We give them names, hug them while we sleep, and take them everywhere with us. These soft furry friends are a reminder of childhood. Teddy bears come in different sizes, colors, and materials and have been a popular toy choice since their creation in the early 20th century.

Tatty Teddy Bear
2023 · National Day Calendar

International Tongue Twister Day 2023

Tongue twisters, the popular nonsensical sayings that are ridiculously hard to say (or deceptively easy, whichever way you want to look at it) might seem to be simply alliterative strings of words meant to trip up, well, your tongue but, as it turns out, tongue twisters are not random, which is why the popular ones — like Peter Piper and the woodchuck — have been around for a hot minute.

Tongue twisters have technically been around since as early as the 19th century when John Harris published “Peter Piper’s Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation,” which included a twisty tongue tango for every letter of the alphabet. While the book was meant to help children learn the fundamentals of speech mechanics, its titular twister garnered quite the attention and inspired a lot of lore about its namesake. 

Speculation aside, Peter Piper was based on French horticulturalist Pierre Poivre, whose last name actually means ‘pepper’ in French. Pierre was said to be exploring the viability of growing American spices in the French Mediterranean. 

2023 · Texas

American Heroes: A Salute To Veterans In The Colony, Texas

American Heroes is a FREE weekend celebration honoring America’s heroes with live music, remembrance ceremonies, carnival, fair food, car/truck/bike show, and the best patriotic fireworks display in North Texas!

The photos are from the festival in 2015. In Connecticut, I miss having a Veteran’s Festival close by. Watertown still celebrates our Veterans in the Veteran’s Memorial Park. Oakville has a ceremony at the Oakville Town Green. However, we don’t have 5K Runs, carnival, live music from famous artists, and fireworks.

2023 · Days of The Week · 🍂🍁 Autumn 🍁🍂 · Our Forest · Throwback Thursday

Our Forest In November 2021 🦌


Kevin told me two deer were in the forest when I returned home from picking up Sara at school. So, we went down to the upper tree line to check if they were still there. And sure enough, the two young ladies hung out on our property. Deer #1 kept her distance at the other end of the tree line while Deer #2 hid behind a tree. It took us a moment to see her. She was well camouflaged in the forest. Smart girl! After we watched them for a while, we guessed Deer# 2 got spooked and made a leap onto the neighbor’s property, where she was waiting for her sister to come along with her. Soon, they were gone in the underbrushes of the forest. Kevin mentioned getting a deer blind. We can watch all kinds of wildlife visiting our property. We still haven’t seen Bruno the Bear yet.


– 11/01/2021 –

2023 · National Day Calendar

World Ballet Day 2023 🩰

World Ballet Day is a floating holiday and its date is set by several ballet companies annually. This year, it takes place on November 2. Ballet, which can be traced back to the 15th century, is an intricate and artistic dance form that involves precise, light, and graceful movements and gestures, performed to music. World Ballet Day is a special occasion for people around to celebrate this well-loved art.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/world-ballet-day/

2023 · Days of The Week · 🎃👻 Halloween 👻🎃 · Throwback Thursday

Halloween Season (Part IV) 2010 – 2011


Katelynn loves going to the pumpkin patch because she can jump in the bounce house, go on hay rides, and pick a pumpkin. Sara just enjoyed crawling around between the pumpkins. Every pumpkin had to be tested by giving it a good slap on top. We also went to the Pirate Days. Unfortunately “Boo at the Zoo” got rained out the day, we went to the Fort Worth Zoo. But it wasn’t the end of the world, either. The girls got out and had fun, anyway.


Awww! 2011 was one of my favorite Halloween Seasons of all time so far. Katelynn had a crush on “Marvin, the Martian” and wanted to marry him. That’s right. She loved this Looney Toon character so much, that we had to get her a plush Marvin. She said she wanted to become an Astronaut and be the First Woman on Mars. Well, over the years her idea of flying to Mars has changed. But she still wants to be a Paleontogist, now.

Sara was the cutest little garden gnome, I’ve ever seen. It was her first Halloween, she could walk to the houses. But she still had a hard time catching up with her older sister. Her little feet were not fast enough. So, she called Katelynn to wait for her: “Kaitin, Kaitin! I want to go T’ick-o’-T’eat with you!” Sara wasn’t scared of any monsters either. Since we always made a big fest out of Halloween, she must have thought it was normal.


… to be continued in October 2024

2023 · 🎃👻 Halloween 👻🎃

There Was A Little Witch …


Katelynn and Sara go to “Trick-or-Treat” in the neighborhood. (2013)
There was a little witch
who kept her little bat
on the teeny, tiny tip
of her pointy, little hat.
She knocked on many doors
and cackled, “Trick-or-treats!”
while the little bat held out his wings
and gathered tasty sweets.
They shared a midnight feast
besides the Boo Lagoon,
then flew on home to dream sweet dreams
beneath a candy moon.

by Penny Parker Klostermann


2023 · Days of The Week · 🎃👻 Halloween 👻🎃 · Throwback Thursday

Halloween Season (Part III) 2008 – 2009


Katelynn wanted to help me with the pumpkin carving. So, I’ve got her a little pumpkin she could play with and get the pumpkin guts out. She always loved to say: “We need to get all the pumpkin yikes out!” And then she played with the gooey inside of the pumpkin.


Sara was only twelve days old when we celebrated Halloween in 2009. She was such a cute little Pumpkin. Katelynn wanted to help with the pumpkins again, while her little sister took a nap. Katelynn was very proud of being a big sister. She really enjoyed taking Sara out for her first Trick-or-Treat. All bundled up we walked through the neighborhood and collected candy on this cool October night. The fresh air was good for the little munchkin.


… to be continued …


14 Years …


From the day you came into this world
We were as proud as can be
Blessed with a Daughter
For everyone to see.
So every year we celebrate
This very special day
To mark another milestone
As your life moves on its way.
So happy Birthday to you
We wish you all the happiness in the world
We are thankful all year round
For our very precious girl.

Happy 14th Birthday, Sara!
