2024 · Florida · Georgia · Germany · Pennsylvania · Travel Tuesday

From Florida To Atlanta, Georgia; Flying To Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania & Back To Frankfurt, Germany 2002

The last day of our vacation day came, and we had to pack up in Daytona Beach. I still had a few pictures to take. Kevin was so silly, I captured photos of his dance move. He made me laugh out loud. After everything was packed and cleaned, we made our way to Macon, Georgia to rest for the evening. On that day, I had my first fresh Georgia Peaches. Wow, they were so tasty and full of juice. No wonder, Pecahes are Georgias State Fruit.

The following morning, we drove to Alanta to catch our flight to Pittsburgh, Pennsylavania. I told my in-laws, that it will be less than two years, before I come back to the US. Kevin and I said our goodbye’s for now, and checked in. In Pittsburgh, we had a three hour layover. Kevin and I took a night flight back to Frankfurt, Germany. We left the USA on Sunday and arrived in Europe on Monday.

We left Atlanta with a few clouds and 93℉/34℃. And we arrived in Frankfurt with rain and 48℉/9℃. I missed the US, and wanted to take the very next flight back. It made me so upset. Thank goodness, I went back to work on Wednesday. There I could tell my co-workers about all the adventures we had in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Florida.


2024 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · Imbolc · National Day Calendar

National Groundhog Day 2024

Groundhog in Whirlpool State Park

The Pennsylvania Dutch were German-speaking immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania. They developed their own take on the legend of Candlemas in the 18th and 19th centuries bringing with them the custom of the native Groundhog as their annual weather announcer. Candlemas involved the clergy blessing and distributing candles needed for winter. The Pennsylvania Dutch transformed the idea by selecting an animal to predict their needs for winter.

The first-ever Groundhog Day was created by a local newspaper editor Clymer Freas around 1886, who convinced Groundhog hunter local businessman, and all members of his Punxsutawney Groundhog club of the idea of Groundhog Day. Together, they all made their way to Gobbler’s Knob where the Groundhog would make the final decision on the weather. Today, a group called the inner circle who wear top hats, conduct the official proceedings on February 2 in a Pennsylvania Dutch dialect, where tens of thousands of people attend the day’s events every year.

Studies have proven no strong correlation between a Groundhog spotting its own shadow and the arrival of spring subsequently. According to German lore, the badger known as Dachs is their forecasting animal. A separate version of traditions states that clear weather on the holy Christian day of Candlemas would often prohibit winter from being prolonged.

Groundhog lore suggests much about Punxsutawney Phil. It is said that he drinks a magic ‘‘elixir of life’’ every summer, giving him seven more years to live. He has been predicting since around 1886, and a badger’s life span is around six years roughly, so go figure. There is also supposedly only one Phil and any other groundhogs who attempt to do what he does, are imposters. He is said to speak to the club president on the day, in front of the crowds in Groundhogese which is understood and then translated.

Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early Spring of 2024,

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/groundhog-day/


20 Years

