2024 · National Day Calendar

World Parrot Day 2024 🦜

The earliest record of a ‘pet parrot’ in the British Isles dates back to 1504 when Henry VIII owned an African Gray Parrot. The Age of Exploration lasted from the early 15th century to the early 17th century, and it was marked by European ships sailing around the world in search of new trading routes. Several animals had been brought back from these trips, for different purposes.

Parrots from India, Africa, and South America were the most common imports from these exploration trips. Parrots are colorful and easy to domesticate, but they also provide relatively easy transportation on the long, uncomfortable sea voyages back to Europe. Only a few people were aware of the needs of parrots, and this ignorance resulted in the death of many birds in transit. However, parrots did much better than more delicate bird species. The records of birds kept in menageries, the precursor to zoos, private collections of the elite, and artwork of birds from the 16th to 18th centuries list parrots, pheasants, ostriches, and other long-lived and relatively easy-to-keep birds. Most pet parrots are relatively “fresh out” of the wild, as they are only a few generations removed from the wild, and few owners allow parrots to express and exhibit their most basic bird instincts, such as flying, flocking, and mate-finding.

2024 · National Day Calendar · Utah

National Utah Day 2024

National Utah Day, albeit an unofficial holiday, celebrates the 45th state that gained statehood in the U.S. and the people and indigenous population that contributed to its formation. The settlement history of Utah is rather unique as it is believed that a religious group trekked a significant distance in search of a land where they would be free from persecution.

Utah was originally inhabited by Native American tribes including one named Ute, which is where the state gets its name from. When the state entered the Union, the Mormon locals proposed that it be named Deseret, which meant ‘honeybee,’ according to the Book of Mormon. However, Congress felt the name sounded like ‘desert’ so they named it after the Ute tribe.

The first Mormon pioneers settled in the territory in 1847. Now, around 60% of the state’s population are members of the Mormon church. Owing to this, the culture, politics, and daily life of the state are greatly influenced by the church, however, it has still embraced change over the years.

The federal government owns approximately two-thirds of Utah’s land with around one-tenth under the state’s ownership. The native Americans there are provided with a small proportion for their use. Utah’s economy relies heavily on tourism, owing to its fantastic skiing options near the mountains, agriculture, mining, and manufacturing. Utah has evolved into a dynamic and diverse state with many tourists from America and worldwide.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-utah-day/

2024 · Connecticut · Throwback Thursday

Getting Familiar With Danbury, Connecticut 2021

In the evening, I got bored a little bit. The weather was beautiful. The Sun hadn’t set yet. I just needed to get out of the apartment and look around to get familiar with my new surroundings. Every time we drove to Kevin’s apartment complex, I noticed this giant Uncle Sam statue by the Railroad Museum of Danbury. Since it is within short walking distance, we took a little stroll there to check it out. Meanwhile, I saw some beautiful Spring tree blossoms, like the Pink Dogwood, the Shrubby Cherry, and the Saucer Magnolia along the way. A little birdie made a nest in one of the Saucer Magnolias. That must be very interesting and extremely loud for the offspring when the trains roll in and blow their horns. We looked at Uncle Sam and some trains and walked around the train station before we hit back towards the apartment. At least, I’ve got out for a little while. I don’t know if I ever could live in an apartment again. I feel too confined in it. I need the freedom to walk out on my front porch or my back deck at least.

… to be continued in May 2025 …


2024 · National Day Calendar

World Otter Day 2024 🦦

North American River Otter

World Otter Day had humble beginnings as Otterly Mad Week, a week of events, education, and fun. The International Otter Awareness Day was founded before becoming International Otter Survival Day, World Otter Day we now know whose singular purpose is to ensure that future generations can enjoy these charming animals.

International Otter Survival Fund began in 1993 to protect and help the different species of otters worldwide. It was inspired by observing otters in their natural habitats. The Fund is one of the world’s leading charities with various projects that protect otters. They have dedicated over 20 years of research to conserving, protecting, and caring for otters. They have developed a worldwide program to encourage education on otters. They have supported projects in 44 countries and helped cubs in 33 countries.

Since 2009, they held workshops across the world in places such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and China. The workshops provide training in otter field techniques, public awareness programs, law enforcement, and general conservation issues. Some other activities include research, campaigns, training, and otter hospitals.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/world-otter-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Snail Day 2024

Land Snail

National Snail Day takes place every year in the United States. Snails are small shelled animals well-known for moving slowly; their speed depends on their particular species. On average, they move between 0.5 and 0.7 inches per second. Many places in the U.K. appreciate the creature where people organize snail races. They enjoy the irony and the fun of watching and waiting for the famously slow animals to reach the finish line. Snails create silvery mucus that leaves a trail behind them while they move. Land snails cannot hear and use their eyes and olfactory organs to navigate their environment. Their sense of smell helps them find food, making it their most important sensory tool.

Snails are gastropod mollusks distinguished by their most striking physical feature, a spiral shell. Situated on their backs, this hard structure composed of calcium carbonate protects their soft bodies and internal organs and keeps growing as they mature.

Snails are most active at night and usually come out very early in the morning. They avoid moving too much on the ground when the sun is out. Snails have interesting biological features. Though some species have sex differentiation, most are hermaphrodites, meaning that each snail has male and female reproductive organs, however, they mate like other animals with a partner. After mating, the snails lay eggs. The baby snails hatch from the eggs when they are most vulnerable. At this time they are basically defenseless against predators like birds, turtles, and beetles.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-snail-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Alligator Day 2024 🐊

Ally, the Alligator at John Bunker Sands Wetland Center in Seagoville, TX

Although from the crocodilian family, these wet and wild creatures of the water are not to be confused with their reptilian counterparts. The only place where both animals coexist is in Southern Florida, and Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Despite many alligator species, only two have not yet gone extinct. The only remaining alligator species are the American and Chinese alligators, which are also the oldest species of alligators known to science. The Chinese alligators are often smaller and lighter in weight than the American alligators, which is the main distinction between the two species.

In America, alligators can be found in some of the southeast states, such as Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. Still, the largest number of alligators are in Louisiana and Florida, with over a million in each state. Floridians can also be accredited with finding the name alligator, as the first settlers in the state anglicized the word from the Spanish term for ‘the lizard.’

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-alligator-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

Mount Everest Day 2024

Mount Everest’s Summit

Mount Everest is known for being the highest mountain above sea level. It stands tall in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas. Its height is about 29,000 feet. Many climbers are attracted to the mountain, including highly experienced mountaineers. There are two routes to climb the hill. The first is the standard route approaching the summit from the southeast in Nepal. The other route approaches it from the north in Tibet. Climbing the mountain requires substantial technical climbing skills. It also comes with significant risks such as altitude sickness, weather, wind, and hazards from avalanches and the Khumbu Icefall. Some mountaineers have attempted the climb and have not made it back.

Mount Everest Day is a chance to celebrate the brave climbers who attempt the mighty Everest. They are a reminder that anything is possible when you are determined. The holiday signifies bravery and endurance. It takes a lot of courage to embark on a dangerous climb like Mount Everest. People worldwide can be inspired to take more chances and go after their dreams. It shows people that they can face any challenges they may be facing in their lives. The holiday raises awareness about the natural wonder. This eventually leads to support that can aid the mountain’s preservation. Preserving the environment’s natural treasures is important for our society and future generations.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/mount-everest-day/

2024 · Wildlife Wednesday

Queen Butterfly (Danaus gilippus)


The Queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus) is a North and South American butterfly in the family Nymphalidae with a wingspan of 31⁄8 – 33⁄8 inches (80 – 85 millimeters). It is orange or brown with black wing borders and small white forewing spots on its dorsal wing surface, and reddish ventral wing surface fairly similar to the dorsal surface. The ventral hindwings have black veins and small white spots with a black border. The male has a black andrological scent patch on its dorsal hindwings. It can be found in meadows, fields, marshes, deserts, and at the edges of forests.

This species is possibly a close relative to the similarly colored soldier butterfly (or tropical queen, D. eresimus), in any case, it is not close to the plain tiger (D. chrysippus, African queen) as was long believed. There are seven subspecies.

Females lay one egg at a time on larval host plants. Larvae use these plants as a food source, whereas adult butterflies feed mainly on nectar from flowers. Unpalatability to avian predators is a feature of the butterfly; however, its level is highly variable. Unpalatability is correlated with the level of cardenolides obtained via the larval diet, but other compounds like alkaloids also play a part in promoting distastefulness.

Males patrol to search for females, who may mate up to 15 times a day. Male organs called hair-pencils play an important role in courtship, with males with lower hair-pencil counts being selected against. These hair pencils may be involved in releasing pheromones during courtship that could attract female mates.


2024 · National Day Calendar

National Hamburger Day 2024 🍔

Ah yes, the hamburger. A baked bun, beef patty, mustard, ketchup, onion, pickles, with optional cheese. Convenient, cheap, and delicious, the world-famous burger has a storied and uncertain history. No one is quite sure about the origins of the hamburger, other than that it is eponymously named after the town of Hamburg in Germany.

People have been eating cooked meat on bread for centuries, but the association with Hamburg seems to stem from a 1758 recipe for a dish called the “Hamburg Sausage.” Others think the name originates from a cruise company known as the Hamburg America Line, which served its passengers similar sandwiches in the Mid-1800s. To this day, there is little agreement over who actually created the iconic food.

Numerous deli and diner owners across the United States claim that their joint is responsible for inventing the burger. However, there seems to be some consensus amongst historians that the food as we know it today truly gained popularity at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, an event that also gave us the ice cream cone. However it happened, the hamburger has grown to be one of the world’s most widely consumed food items, found on menus from Texas to Thailand. They can be had for a dollar apiece or made from gourmet ingredients that cost hundreds. However you decide to chow down, this day is for you. Fire up the grill, gather around your friends, and cook some delicious burgers.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-hamburger-day/

2024 · Florida · Travel Tuesday · Walt Disney World

Disney’s Animal Kingdom & Magic Kingdom 2007

On the first full day, Kevin, Katelynn, and I went to Disney’s Animal Kingdom. There we met quite a few characters. First, we ran into Stitch. Mickey, Goofy, and Pluto were at Camp Minnie-Mickey. Katelynn had a blast with them. She kissed Mickey on the nose and hugged the other two characters. And they were happy to take photos with her and give autographs. When Kevin, Katelynn, and I walked a little, we saw a line in front of Balou and King Louise. Katelynn was very interested in King Louise’s big hands, while Balou was autographing her book. We were told, King Louise doesn’t know how to sign his name. So, photos with him had to do it.

After the visit to Disney’s Animal Kingdom, we took a break in the resort room. Katelynn had to rest for a couple of hours. In the late afternoon, we went to Disney’s Magic Kingdom. We had to wait out the storm and watch the parade that evening. Katelynn was happy when we purchased her a plush Princess Minnie. We had to spoil her.

… to be continued …

2024 · USA

Memorial Day 2024

The Arlington National Cemetery
“At its core, the nobility and the majesty of Memorial Day can be found in the story of ordinary Americans who become extraordinary for the most simple of reasons: They loved their country so deeply, so profoundly, that they were willing to give their lives to keep it safe and free.”

President Barack Obama, Memorial Day 2010

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Cherry Dessert Day 2024 🍒

Cherry Cheesecake

If you’ve made it this far, you are either a lover of cherry desserts, intrigued about the obscurity of this holiday, or just looking for interesting ways to celebrate the day. Whatever the case may be, you’ve come to the right place and we have all the answers you need below.

It’d be more accurate to talk about the origin of cherries when discussing National Cherry Dessert Day because cherry desserts would not be a thing without cherries. There are different types and even colors of cherries that have been identified throughout history. Some of them include true cherries, bird cherries or cherry laurels, and bush cherries, with the term ‘wild cherries’ referring to cherries growing outside cultivation.

The word cherry was coined from the Old Nothern French word ‘cherise,’ which was derived from the Latin word ‘cerasum’ to refer to the ancient Greek region of Kerasous, which is said to be the first place in Europe cherries were exported to. In the US, cherries arrived first in Brooklyn, New York. Colonists in Massachusetts planted the first sour cherry, which is still a people’s favorite.

Queen Elizabeth I is given credit for making the first cherry pie in the 1500s with the start of fruit pies and tarts. Since then, a variety of cherry-flavored desserts have made their way into the scene. Cherry can be used as a filling like in cherry pie and cobbler, as part of the flavoring like cherry cheesecake, or even as a topping like cherry tarts or biscuits.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-cherry-dessert-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Wine Day 2024

Wine has been enjoyed by humans for thousands of years. The natural likeness for this drink is not only because it tastes wonderful, but also because of its nutritional value and psychotropic effects. 

Wine has also had a significant impact on the economy and the shaping of societies. Out of all the alcoholic beverages, it is the trade of wine that allowed exploration of different cultures and paved the way for philosophical and religious ideas to spread. Wine is cited frequently in the “Bible,” from the time of Noah to Jesus, indicating its integral role. Wine-making was also seen as a sign of a provident economy, as only provident societies could accommodate a well-established wine industry. In fact, it is often debated that the foundations of Western Society were built on wine.  

The wine enjoyed in the olden days is a distant relative to the wine enjoyed today. Red, pink, green, white, and blue grapes were used by the Egyptians to prepare the drink. Palm dates, figs, and pomegranates were often added to the mix too. So the taste was completely different from what we know. Using different fruits to make wine is similar to how it is prepared using grapes, except that sugar is also added to aid the fermentation process.  

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-wine-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

Africa Day 2024 🌍

In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 25, 1963, the leaders of 30 of Africa’s 32 sovereign republics signed a founding charter. The O.A.U. was established to assist numerous African countries in achieving transformation, freedom, and independence. The African Economic Community was founded by the O.A.U. in 1991, and the African Union was established by the O.A.U. in 2002. A total of 21 countries have joined the O.A.U. since its inception.

On May 23, 1994, South Africa joined as the 53rd member. African Liberation Day or African Freedom Day was observed in Ethiopia, South Africa, and Ghana on April 15, 1958, following the first Conference of Independent African States. In Ghana, African Unity Day replaced this holiday in 1963. Despite being renamed the African Union, the name and date of Africa Day have been preserved, and Africa Day serves as an opportunity to honor Africa’s people and governments. Africa has a wide range of languages. Except for Ethiopia, every African country has one of the following official languages — English, Portuguese, French, or Arabic.

Apart from Ethiopia and Liberia, Europe colonized every country in Africa. After the colonized obtained independence, one of their official languages remained the colonizers. Liberia had previously adopted English as its official language after being founded by African-American settlers in 1847. Ethiopia was never colonized, despite being briefly occupied by Italy before WWII.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/global-africa-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal

A New Fence Pole & An Old Dismantled Shed ~ 2013

One of our fence poles didn’t have a cap to cover it. When it rained the pole collected water. Over time the metal started to rust through and didn’t hold up the fence. It also didn’t help, that Ranger always peed on it. So, one Saturday afternoon Kevin got the materials to fix the fence. He dug the concrete block up, which was huge. It took us both to lift it out of the ground. Once the new pole was in place, Kevin poured the new concrete to keep the pole in place.

While the concrete was set, Kevin dismantled the old rusty shed which was here, before we moved into the house. All it did was attract rats. We had to get rid of it sooner or later. We had that extra space and enough room to trim the trumpet vines. In the meantime, Katelynn and Sara collected the rest of the twigs from the Mimosa, which was cut down three days prior. Our cats made sure, we all did our chores.

2024 · National Day Calendar · Texas

National Road Trip Day 2024 🛣

A road trip to San Antonio, Texas in 2016

National Road Trip Day became an official holiday in 2019, thanks to Pilot Flying J, the largest travel center operator in North America. They chose the Friday before Memorial Day because of the long weekend ahead and, with May being the start of summer, it kickstarts the travel season, too. Since travel stories are ingrained into the very history of America, with wagon trains heading out West in the 1840s and Native Americans exploring the country long before that — it makes sense to observe a day that celebrates travel by road.

The first recorded road trip across the U.S. began in 1903 with a bet. Someone bet Horatio Nelson Jackson (a physician and automobile pioneer) that he could not travel from San Francisco to New York City in less than 90 days. Accompanied by mechanic Sewall K. Crocker, and a dog named Bud, they set off in a 20-horsepower Winston to prove them wrong. Despite numerous mishaps, Jackson and Crocker completed the trip in 63 days.

By the 1930s, the famous Route 66 opened America up for cross-country travel. Many began to migrate West, while others took to the road for vacations. By the 1950s, America was the world’s largest car manufacturer, and nearly 75% of American families owned a car, which became a symbol of American pop culture. Road trips became the typical holiday of the American middle classes, leading to a boom in drive-ins and roadside motel businesses, too. Hippies in the ’60s then converted the road trip into a full-blown lifestyle, turning vans and buses into homes on wheels.

In the ’80s and ’90s, road travel dipped with the rise of air travel but, today, the road trip still has a special charm of its own. The ‘Great American Road Trip’ stands for the freedom and adventure that only the road can bring!

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-road-trip-day/

2024 · New York

The New York Brooklyn Bridge’s 141st Anniversary

The Brooklyn Bridge is a hybrid cable-stayed/suspension bridge in New York City, spanning the East River between the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Opened on May 24, 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was the first fixed crossing of the East River. It was also the longest suspension bridge in the world at the time of its opening, with a main span of 1,595.5 feet (486.3 m) and a deck 127 ft (38.7 m) above mean high water. The span was originally called the New York and Brooklyn Bridge or the East River Bridge but was officially renamed the Brooklyn Bridge in 1915.

Proposals for a bridge connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn were first made in the early 19th century, which eventually led to the construction of the current span, designed by John A. Roebling. The project’s chief engineer, his son Washington Roebling, contributed further design work, assisted by the latter’s wife, Emily Warren Roebling. Construction started in 1870, with the Tammany Hall-controlled New York Bridge Company overseeing construction, although numerous controversies and the novelty of the design prolonged the project over thirteen years. After opening, the Brooklyn Bridge underwent several reconfigurations, having carried horse-drawn vehicles and elevated railway lines until 1950. To alleviate increasing traffic flows, additional bridges and tunnels were built across the East River. Following gradual deterioration, the Brooklyn Bridge was renovated several times, including in the 1950s, 1980s, and 2010s.

The Brooklyn Bridge is the southernmost of the four toll-free vehicular bridges connecting Manhattan Island and Long Island, with the Manhattan Bridge, the Williamsburg Bridge, and the Queensboro Bridge to the north. Only passenger vehicles and pedestrian and bicycle traffic are permitted. A major tourist attraction since its opening, the Brooklyn Bridge has become an icon of New York City. Over the years, the bridge has been used as the location of various stunts and performances, as well as several crimes and attacks. The Brooklyn Bridge is designated a National Historic Landmark, a New York City Landmark, and a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark.

Resource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooklyn_Bridge

2024 · National Day Calendar · Wyoming

National Wyoming Day 2024

National Wyoming Day celebrates three occasions, the first is the day it became the 44th state of the U.S. the second is the day the Wyoming territory passed the bill to grant voting rights to women. It is sometimes even celebrated on December 10 at the behest of the Wyoming Federation of Women’s Clubs which requested this particular day to commemorate the passage of the bill to vote. The third day is May 24, due to the order in which the states became a part of the union, and is celebrated by the National Day Calendar.

The states in the West approved of women’s suffrage as some of the men recognized the important role women played. The state of Wyoming has been inhabited for roughly 13,000 years. However, around 1869, it was observed that the territory had a huge imbalance in the male and female population. The territory was occupied by 6,000 adult males but only 1,000 females. Men hoped that more women would settle down in the isolated territory and alleviate their issue of loneliness if they were granted the right to vote. Moreover, a territorial legislator by the name of William Bright was convinced by his young wife that it would be a gross injustice to deny women the right to vote. Thus, in 1869, the then-governor signed the bill that officially allowed women to vote.

Wyoming boasts many monuments and historical sites. These include the Fossil Butte National Monument and the Fort Laramie National Historic Site. The state even provides magnificent views in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-wyoming-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

World Turtle Day 2024 🐢

Tiny Red-eared Slider Turtle

It’s easy to get confused between a tortoise and a turtle. The main difference is that turtles sometimes live in the water, while tortoises only live on the land. Turtles live up to 40 years and have streamlined and mostly flat shells. On the other hand, tortoises can live up to 300 years and have larger, more domed shells. You will mostly find turtles in the sea, while tortoises inhabit dense jungles and grasslands.

Turtles and tortoises are different species but this day is dedicated to celebrating and protecting both. The day was first celebrated by American Tortoise Rescue in 2002 and it highlights the suffering and the dwindling numbers of these animals due to human interference and environmental hazards. Schools, rescue centers, and nature lovers all come together on this day to learn more about these creatures and pledge their allegiance to help save them.

American Tortoise Rescue was created by Susan Tellem and Marshall Thompson. They organize charity drives and actively work to spread awareness of the critical conditions of these shelled reptiles. The couple is known for their humane treatment of all animals, including reptiles. Since its establishment in 1990, American Tortoise Rescue has given homes to over 4,000 tortoises and turtles. The organization also assists local law enforcement in guarding turtles’ natural habitats and tending to them when they are sick.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/world-turtle-day/

2024 · Connecticut · Throwback Thursday

A Car Wash Fundraiser & A Hike In The Woods Near Danbury, Connecticut ~ 2021

Tomato Basil Marinara Sauce and a car wash for a fundraiser at a local church in Redding

Originally, I wanted to go to the Saugatuck Waterfalls near Redding. But Kevin and I had a hard time finding a parking spot. So, we decided to go back to Danbury and hike on a trail up there. On the way back, we ran into some kids with signs next to a church. They offered us a carwash and a cup of freshly made tomato sauce for $25. If we wanted only the carwash ($20) or the Marinara Sauce ($10) we could have gotten that, too. We went for both. Behind the church, they had everything set up for the carwash. Whole families were scrubbing, washing, and drying cars. I think this is a cool idea for a warm Sunday afternoon. Those kids can enjoy family time and still learn a bit about the value of a Dollar.


When we found our way back to Danbury, we went to the Wooster Mountain State Park Scenic Reserve. There was a decent parking lot and a nice trail system. Kevin and I hiked on the Bennet’s Pond Trail for a little bit, talked about the area, got all excited about the house sale & purchase the next day, listened to some birds, and looked at some vegetation. Yeah, it was a relaxing afternoon as a couple. Kevin and I needed that, after all the stress we’ve been through the last six months. The fresh air and walking together made all up for it. 💕

… to be continued …


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Furbabies · The Night Sky

A Warm Spring Evening In Late May (1)


1) Roseleaf Raspberry Blossoms; 2) Full Flower Moon; 3) Luis;
4) Pink Rhododendron


2024 · Days of The Week · Wildlife Wednesday

Southwestern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus cowlesi)

Southwestern Fence Lizard in Blue Mesa, Arizona

The Southwestern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus cowlesi), also known as Cowles’ prairie lizard, the White Sands prairie lizard, or the White Sands swift, is a species of spiny lizard in the family Iguanidae. The species is native to the Chihuahuan Desert of the southwestern United States and northcentral Mexico. Originally described in 1956 as Sceloporus undulatus cowlesi, a subspecies of the eastern fence lizard, subsequent DNA studies elevated the southwestern fence lizard to species status. The specific name, cowlesi, is in honor of American herpetologist Raymond Bridgman Cowles.

2024 · Florida · Travel Tuesday · Walt Disney World

Arriving In Walt Disney World, Buena Vista, Florida 2007 🏰🐁

Kevin, Katelynn, and I flew from Dallas, Texas to Orlando, Florida. When we arrived in Florida, we went to the bus that took us to Walt Disney World. Once, we made it to our room at “Disney’s All-Star Movies” Resort, we saddled in and waited for our luggage. Since we were told, the luggage wasn’t arriving before late evening, Kevin, Katelynn, and I had dinner in the World Premiere Food Court. After dinner, Kevin organized a view Disney meeting for Katelynn throughout our stay. And there was also an issue with the computer. We found out, we were booked into the wrong room. So, we were moving from “Toy Story” to “Herbie The Love Bug”. Our luggage finally came in, and we called it a day.

… to be continued …

2024 · National Day Calendar

World Bee Day 2024 🐝

A honey bee is busy getting nectar and pollinating the milkweed in my front yard.

To protect bees and other pollinators, the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association launched a campaign in 2014, calling for May 20 to be designated as World Bee Day. The initiative was supported by the Slovenian Government. In 2015, the initiative was co-opted by the largest international beekeepers’ organization, Apimondia.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Food of Slovenia traveled around the world with a pavilion called Bee World, actively promoting the projects. Meetings with representatives of other countries and international organizations involved in environmental projects were also organized by the ministry. In 2017, the United Nations’ Economic and Financial Committee adopted a resolution proclaiming World Bee Day. The resolution was unanimously supported by the General Assembly of the U.N., and May 20 was declared World Bee Day. 115 countries including the United States, Canada, China, Russia, India, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, and all E.U. member states, signed on as major sponsors.

Bees, as one of the most important pollinators, contribute to food and food security, sustainable agriculture, and biodiversity. Bees also play an important role in climate change mitigation and environmental conservation. It is important to protect bees and the beekeeping industry to combat poverty and hunger, not to mention the significant impact on environmental health and biodiversity. Simply put, without bees, we may never be able to solve the widespread issues of hunger and poverty. These tiny insects are critical to our survival. Scientific studies have proven that bees are becoming increasingly endangered. Every environmentalist and concerned citizen is encouraged to help protect bees and their habitats on World Bee Day.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/world-bee-day/

National Day Calendar · 2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

National Pick Strawberries Day 2024 🍓

While there’s no record of when the first National Pick Strawberries Day was celebrated, the history of the activity and the fruit goes way back. In ancient times, wild strawberries were used mainly for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. There are mentions of the fruit in Roman records that date to the first century A.D. In other centuries, the wonders of the fruit were also proclaimed in literary texts, and one prominent example includes the words of William Butler, a 16th-century writer/poet, who said, “Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did”. The great properties of strawberries have also led to other historical figures using them. Madame Tallien, a renowned figure from the French Revolution, took baths in tubs full of strawberries to keep her skin glowing and radiant. Another example is Fontenelle, a centenarian writer from the 18th century, who credited his long and healthy life to his strawberry consumption.

As time went by, strawberries started being cultivated for mass consumption, with the first instance taking place in the 13th century. Initially, strawberries were only found in North and South America. However, globalization led to the fruit traveling great distances to other continents. After several failed attempts to grow the plant in France, the French horticulturalists finally succeeded in their endeavors in the 1750s. The resulting strawberry variety from the 1750s is one of the most produced varieties today. Strawberries are not only enjoyed by humans for their great taste and nutrients but are also used by bees for their nectar and pollination.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-pick-strawberries-day/

2024 · Chinese Lantern Festival · Dallas/Fort Worth

Chinese Lantern Festival, Dallas 2012 (3)


The Porcelain Dragon stretched 110 feet made from 15,000 bowls, spoons, and cups … all tied together by hand.


… to be continued ..

2024 · National Day Calendar · The Night Sky

International Astronomy Day 2024 (1)

Astronomy is a natural science that has been ever-present in human history. Our ancestors looked at the night sky, filled with curiosity about what was beyond our planet with the same fervor as we do. Indigenous cultures from around the world practiced astrology with the naked eye. It played a key role in their societies. A famous example of this was Mayan astronomy. They were avid observers, keeping recordings and producing calendars and star charts. To them, the actions of the gods could be read in the movement of the stars, moon, and sun.

While many different cultures made great advances in astronomy, there probably isn’t a more revered astronomer than Nicolaus Copernicus. He first proposed that the Earth revolved around the sun. This was a truly revolutionary idea (no pun intended) since it was widely believed by many astronomers and religions that the Earth was the center of the universe. Challenging this, Copernicus proposed that humanity was only a part of a more complex system of space and time.

International Astronomy Day was started by Doug Berger, the President of the Astronomical Association of Northern California at the time. He intended to get people in urban areas interested in astronomy. To do this, he set up telescopes that people could use to enjoy gazing at space. Since then, the event has gained popularity and the support of organizations such as educational institutions, space agencies, and museums.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/international-astronomy-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Armed Forces Day 2024

Veterans Memorial Plaza at the Josey Ranch Park in Carrollton Texas

Armed Forces Day is a special holiday for people all to come together and thank the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. First conceived by President Harry S. Truman, the holiday was established in 1949. The creation of a single-day celebration for all five branches of the United States military made sense due to its recent unification under the Department of Defense. Today, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of every May, this year falling on May 18. Be sure to mark your calendar & support our military!

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/armed-forces-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal

R.I.P. Mimosa Tree ~ 2013

Our Mimosa started to die and eventually needed to be cut down. One day in early April 2013 the tree service came over and chopped. We were actually glad, the tree was done. Mimosas make a big mess. They look pretty only for two to three weeks. But the rest of the time they drop sticky sap and their seeds make a mess. However, Ranger loved the tree. It provided a lot of shade for him.

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Yard

Our Yard In Mid-May (2)


1) Spring Rain Drops; 2) Greater Celandine; 3) Daisy Fleabane;
4 & 5) Rhododendron; 6) Roseleaf Raspberry Blossoms;
7) Greater Celandine; 8) Bugleherb


2024 · National Day Calendar

National NASCAR Day 2024 🏁🏎

That night in April 2014 was the qualification race for the NASCAR Sprint Cup the following day. Chase Elliott, 18, won the O’Reilly Auto Parts 300 at the Texas Motor Speedway.

The first NASCAR Day was commemorated in 2003 by the NASCAR Foundation. An acronym for the National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing, the foundation aimed to raise funds for children’s welfare whilst celebrating the racers, crew, companies/sponsors, and legions of fans all over the world. NASCAR, founded by Bill France Sr. in 1948, is an auto racing-sanctioning and operating company. It is most known for its stock car racing event that takes place not only in the U.S., but also in Mexico, Europe, and Canada. Every year, NASCAR endorses more than 1,500 races at 100 tracks.

NASCAR Day takes place on the third Friday of every May. Much like baseball or derby, NASCAR is also a classic American pastime, and this is why the media covers the races extensively. Drivers and sponsors join hands with fans to bring attention and raise funds for children’s welfare. Apart from this, other common activities on NASCAR Day include a meet-and-greet with the drivers, raffles, and bumper-to-bumper races. There’s much skill involved in maneuvering a speeding car at curvy bends and within inches of another vehicle. The exhilaration is felt by the drivers and the audiences alike. The ultimate winner of the season is decided through a scoring system whereby the highest scorer wins.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/nascar-day/

2024 · Idaho · National Day Calendar

National Idaho Day 2024

National Idaho Day celebrated the momentous occasion when Idaho was declared the 43rd state to join the union in 1890. Since then, the Gem State has witnessed a wave of miners, traders, and missionaries making their way to its cherished lands.

Idaho is a state known for its natural beauty. It is home to the Rocky Mountains range, Snake River, and some of the deepest river gorges in North America. Hells Canyon National Recreation Area and Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve are some of the most visited destinations in the state by tourists and Idahoans alike. Hagerman’s Fossil Beds in Idaho is a vast lava field that was formed from prehistoric ancient volcanic activity. Paleontologists often flock to these fossil beds to study the well-preserved fossils of the yesteryears.

Idaho is also home to several modern-day inventions. Everything from lists of patents for improving printing presses to railroad technology comes from there! It was in Idaho where Philo Farnsworth invented the necessary technology to bring the television to the mass market. In recent years, Idaho has gathered fame as a tourism and agricultural state, and its commercial bases also include science and technology industries, which have become Idaho’s biggest pride.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-idaho-day/

2024 · Connecticut · Days of The Week · Throwback Thursday

A Visit To Groton, Connecticut ~ 2021

From Watertown, we drove further east to New London/Groton. I originally wanted to see the Mystic Lighthouse. But we decided to go to the Avery Point Lighthouse instead. The Avery Point Lighthouse sits on the same Peninsula as the University of Connecticut (UConn) Southeastern Branch. They have a lot of neat buildings on this Campus: the Branford House, a library, a bookstore, a University Police Department, a Project Oceanology Building and Marina, a Marine Operation Building, etc. The Long Island Sound has a lot to offer, studying marine life and other nifty subjects. We walked around the Campus and saw more lighthouses in the area. Where the Thames River runs into the Long Island Sound is the New London Ledge Lighthouse located, right in the middle of New London Bay. It’s been humored, that lighthouse is haunted by a former keeper named “Ernie”, who committed suicide by jumping off the top of the lighthouse into the bay. It’s been said, that his wife decided to leave him for another man. The Coast Guard witnessed unexplained knocking and door opening & closing repeatedly during nighttime. The New London Harbor Lighthouse is right across the Thames River. There are a lot more in and around this bay area. But we focused on these three lighthouses.

Walking towards the Shennecossett Yacht Club, we heard quite a commotion on the Thames River. We wondered, what was going on. The U.S. Coast Guards made so much noise, that we first thought someone is in deep trouble. Come to find out, the Coast Guards were guiding a Submarine out of the river and the bay to the sound into deeper waters. Later, I found out that there is a Naval Submarine Base and a museum, where the Nautilus is located upstream of the river. That was very interesting. I haven’t seen a submarine in 31 years. When I was 16, I had the chance to see the “Wilhelm Bauer” (U-2540) submarine in Bremerhaven, Germany. Anyway, seeing the submarine entering the Long Island Sound was the highlight of this trip to New London/Groton.

Wild Violet – They seem to grow all over the state at this time of the year.

Kevin and I had lunch at Chester’s Barbeque before we drove back to Danbury. In the late afternoon, I couldn’t do much due to a nasty migraine. But those come and go from time to time. We decided to take it easy for the rest of the evening.

… to be continued …


2024 · National Day Calendar

Buddha Day 2024 🕉

Buddhism can be traced back to the 5th and 6th centuries B.C. in India, where Siddhartha Gautama founded it. Historians believe Siddhartha Gautama was born into an elite family in the small Shakya Republic, which is now part of Nepal. Gautama gave up his inheritance after reaching adulthood and lived as a sramana ascetic, studying under various teachers. After six years of searching for a solution to human suffering, Gautama found enlightenment under a Bodhi tree.

Buddha spent the remaining 45 years of his life traveling the Gangetic Plains of north-central India, teaching his doctrine and establishing his religion. Following his death in 483 B.C., Buddha’s followers started a religious movement, and his teachings evolved into Buddhism. During the reign of Ashoka the Great (268 B.C. to 232 B.C.) of the Mauryan Empire (322 B.C. to 185 B.C.), Buddhism was established as the state religion of India, and it soon spread through Central and Southeast Asia, including China and Greece.

Buddhism gained more popularity in China and Sri Lanka than in India. Buddhist art, including anthropomorphic depictions of Buddha himself, began appearing in these countries between the second and first centuries B.C. However, the Huns’ invasion of India in the sixth century, as well as the spread of Islam during the Middle Ages, forced Buddhism into the background. In 1950, the World Fellowship of Buddhists held its first conference in Sri Lanka. During the conference, members agreed to formalize Vesak as the Buddha’s birthday in all Buddhist countries.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/buddha-day/

2024 · California · Disneyland · Travel Tuesday

A Day In Disneyland & An Entertaining Pet Goat ~ 2006

When Kevin lived in California, he visited Disneyland quite often as a child. Kevin had an itch to go back since we were already in Anaheim. He made sure, one day was reserved for the park. And Katelynn definitely had to see Mickey & his Pals. It was her first Disney trip. And she was so excited to see Goofy as Santa Claus. His big nose, goofy teeth, and gloves fascinated her. Katelynn couldn’t believe all these cartoon characters were walking around and interacting with her.

Katelynn took a nap in her stroller around lunchtime. Kevin got some food, while I sat at a table and kept an eye on her. When she woke up, she noticed it wasn’t a dream. She looked around and had the biggest smile on her face. Yes, Katelynn! You are in Disneyland. It wasn’t a dream”, I said to her. That smile on her face made my day for years to come. It’s almost 18 years later, and I still talk about that moment.

Once, we all had lunch it was time to walk around and meet more characters. We went on some age-appropriate rides and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon into the evening hours. It was mild in California evening. So, only a light jacket or a sweatshirt was needed on that early December evening. It was a beautiful day and my first adventure in Disneyland.

The following day, we celebrated Kevin’s grandparents’ 60th Anniversary. I met more people on my mother-in-law’s side of the family. Once, the party was over we went to a cousin’s (?) house, and enjoyed the rest of the evening there. The funny part was, they had a pet goat. And they took the goat on walks like a dog. When they showed the goat their fist, it was the sign for the goat to go potty. Inside the house, the goat had toys to stay entertained. When visitors were at the house, the goat just minded its business and entertained itself by tumbling around in a laundry hamper. I’m pretty sure, the goat entertained us all. That was a very well-trained goat.

It was time to drive back home to Texas. In New Mexico right before El Paso, Katelynn wanted to get out of the car and did not want to go back in. She had enough of sitting in her car seat for hours and days. Being only three years old, I couldn’t blame her. It was a long ride. We stopped and walked with her for a little bit. We got a motel room and called it a day. The next morning, we were well-rested and made it back to Dallas.


2024 · The Night Sky

The Night Sky In Mid May (1)

Since I missed the Aurora Borealis on Friday and we had an overcast sky on Saturday, I tried to catch some polar lights last night. Unfortunately, the lights were not as strong as on Friday. The Aurora Borealis was probably not visible in Southern New England in the early morning. I captured a couple of nice shots of the Big Dipper, which is part of the constellation Ursa Major, and the Waxing Crescent Moon.

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar

🌷 Tulip Day 2024 🌷

The origins of Tulip Day are largely unknown. However, the tulip flower itself has a rich and colorful history. It all began in Central Asia, where the tulip flower grew wild. However, it wasn’t intentionally cultivated until around 1000 A.D. in Turkey, where it was grown for medicinal purposes. It grew in popularity in the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century, such that it became a favorite of the Sultan, who demanded its cultivation for his enjoyment. In the 18th century, the ‘Tulip Era’ or the ‘Age of the Tulips’ began, with the flower’s fame rising to dizzying heights. It even became a crime punishable by exile to buy or sell tulips outside the empire’s capital.

The tulip made its debut in Europe when a biologist called Carolus Clusius began planting it in Holland, Netherlands, during the 16th century. The University of Leiden hired Clusius to perform research on medicinal plants. Clusius’ Turkish friend, who was the ambassador of Constantinople (Istanbul), sent tulips to him for the project. This was the genesis of the tulip bulb fields in the Netherlands, which are still in existence today.

In the 17th century, the tulip moved from being merely medicinal and became a garden flower for beautification, causing prices to soar. This eventually led to ‘Tulipomania’ or ‘Tulip Mania,’ a period when tulips became so sought-after that they became a currency of sorts. The love of tulips became so frenzied that people would exchange their property for a single tulip. The Dutch government even had to place restrictions on tulip trading. Eventually, the tulip market crashed in 1637, leaving those with heavy investments in the flower at the losing end. Today, tulips are still associated with the Netherlands, the world’s largest producer of tulip bulbs.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/tulip-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

International Hummus Day 2024

The origin of hummus is cloudy and hotly contested. Though we know it originated in the Middle East, many regions around the Eastern crescent of the Mediterranean claim to be the one true originator of the delectable spread. The first real mention of hummus in a cookbook was found in 13th century Cairo, where it appears as merely a cold chickpea puree, and notably lacks lemon juice and garlic – including instead pickled lemons with oil, herbs, and spices. It still sounds pretty good to us.

Hummus remained a huge staple in the diet of many living in the Middle East, where chickpeas flourish. In fact, the word “hummus” is rooted in the Arabic word for “chickpea”! Though there is some debate over whether or not the Greeks also invented hummus, most believe it spread between Greek and Middle Eastern traders, along with popular delicacies like baklava and stuffed grape leaves. It’s known for this reason as one of the greatest crossover foods.

It’s also the national dish for many countries in the Middle East. It’s a cultural phenomenon as much as a culinary one, and nations stick up for their claim to hummus. For example, in 2008 Lebanon tried to sue Israel for “stealing” hummus! After that, the two strove to set the record for the largest plate of hummus. For all its long-lasting popularity in the Middle East and Southern Europe, it may surprise you to learn that the first British grocery store to stock hummus only did so in 1980. Unsurprisingly, however, it quickly became a great hit in the UK, largely for its health benefits.

Hummus definitely had a fashionably late arrival to the U.S. While 20 years ago, most Americans probably couldn’t even pronounce the name of the dish, and annual sales barely topped $5 million, today it is found in most grocery stores and considered a staple in many American households. While in the Middle East, hummus is increasingly considered a somewhat routine and middle-class meal, Americans are falling for the brownish spread – hard.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/international-hummus-day/


Mother’s Day 2024



2024 · National Day Calendar

National Windmill Day 2024

Wind Energy Turbines in the Californian desert

The earliest windmills date back thousands of years. Most windmills were used to process grain. In countries like Holland, windmills pumped flood water and redirected it for agricultural purposes. It’s believed that without windmills, the Dutch would have lost their towns and cities to floodwaters. Even today there are over 1,000 windmills in Holland, some of which are used to drain flood water and process grain. Early models used wooden parts, but as technology progressed windmills were constructed using stronger materials like metal. The first windmills in Europe were known as ‘post mills.’ These simple wooden structures were built on stilts above the ground. They weren’t as sturdy or as powerful.

Post mills evolved into tower mills in the 12th century. At this point in European history, only nobles had the resources to construct mills. Tower mills were made of brick or stone, which made them more reliable in stormy conditions. Their fans could also catch more wind, generating more power and processing grain much faster. Tower mills were a status symbol and this spurred a rush for their construction throughout Europe. By the 17th century advances in engineering had grown. Now the smock mill came into being. It was designed to be a cheaper, lighter, easier-to-build, and more efficient version of the tower mill. They quickly became the most popular type of windmill. This is partly because it was easier to build on wet terrains — an essential quality for the Dutch. Soon hundreds of windmills blossomed, turning sleepy villages into industrial centers almost overnight.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-windmill-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Train Day 2024 🚂🚃🚃🚃

Modern trains have developed rapidly since their invention some 200 years ago. Trains can be classified as one of the most important inventions of modern history. Train transport has drastically changed business, exploration, and how we travel daily.

In the 1800s, the steam train made its way to the railways of industrial England. Today, we have bullet trains that carry passengers at incredible speeds, with a distance of thousands of miles in no time. There are also freight trains that are used to transport goods, including food, post, and fuel. Distant lands have become almost instantly reachable. Long distances can be covered in a matter of hours. The industrial revolution was hastened by the arrival of trains, which made the transport of raw materials and the outgoing transport of finished goods an easy task. Even with the arrival of airplanes, trains still continue to do a fair haul of public and commercial transport around the world. Trains are used in a variety of ways – from trams, subway electric trains, distance trains, and specialized tourist trains to freight trains and high-speed bullet trains that can go up to 275 miles an hour.

National Train Day marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Golden Spike in Promontory, Utah, at the Promontory Summit. The day also observes the first anniversary of the rail route system in the United States. Events such as exhibitions of railroad layouts are organized on the day to celebrate the event.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-train-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Garden Journal · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (6)


The rest of the raised beds were built and filled with soil. and ready for some planting. Joshua was my greenhouse inspector. He would make sure, the beds were built to standard. The vegetable seedlings grew nicely and were ready to be planted into the beds.


2024 · National Day Calendar · Texas

National Public Gardens Week 2024

The word ‘garden’ refers to a small enclosed area of land, usually adjoining a building, commonly referred to as a yard in the U.S. It is usually a planned space set aside for the cultivation, display, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature and often incorporates both natural and artificial materials in their surroundings. The first notable event related to gardening in the U.S. was the founding of the American Public Gardens Association — the leading professional organization for the field of public horticulture that works together with members and other organizations to strengthen and shape public horticulture by providing the tools and support needed to plants creatively and sustainably. They were formerly known as the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta.

The American Public Gardens Association initiated National Public Gardens Week in 2009, in partnership with a large gardening supply company, Rain Bird, to increase public awareness of the educational resources public gardens provide to local communities. It aims to highlight programs about important topics such as plant conservation, water conservation, the preservation of green spaces, and home gardening.

The organization’s members include botanic gardens, arboreta, zoos, museums, colleges and universities, display gardens, and research facilities, all of which are expected to unveil projects that emphasize their importance and effort as community connoisseurs and catalysts for environmental change throughout the week.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-public-gardens-week/

2024 · National Day Calendar

Mother Ocean Day 2024

Sunrise over the Atlantic at the Outer Banks in North Carolina

Have you ever wondered what the Earth would be like without the ocean? How would life be, or would there even be life? Scientists are not sure how water came to Earth, but they know it has been around for four billion years. The oceans have seen it all: the formation of continents, the day of creation, volcanic rage, tectonic plate battles, the split of continents, reptile evolution, extinction events, mammalian conquest, and human blunders and legends. It is one of the oldest things on Earth. Water was here before humans arrived and it will be here long after our time.

The ocean is also an enigma that refuses to share its inner workings. We explored higher percentages of cosmic bodies than we explored the depths of the ocean. The ocean is the source of most of the oxygen we breathe and the rain we get. Without the ocean, the climate as we know it today would not exist. Most of human history can be easily understood by understanding the sea routes we took in the past. Our explorations through the vast oceans increased our willpower and drive to create and innovate. The Ocean is also home to the largest ecosystem on Earth, with one-quarter of all life calling it home. Mother Ocean Day is dedicated to appreciating the importance of the oceans on our planet. The day was founded by the South Florida Kayak Fishing Club.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/mother-ocean-day/

2024 · Connecticut · Our House · Throwback Thursday

A Glimpse of Our Future House ~ 2021 🏡

Kevin and I arrived in Danbury after midnight. I was hungry and had some of Kevin’s home-cooked spaghetti. Before we rested for the night, I gave Kevin an inside what my to-do plan was for the weekend. The following morning, we decided to drive to New London to see a few lighthouses. Watertown is on the way, and I could get a glimpse of our new home from the outside before we would officially buy it on Monday afternoon. When I first saw the house in front of me, I was delighted. Yeah, we picked a good home. It needs some tender, love & care (TLC). But we are used to that from our first home, which we bought in The Colony, Texas. I definitely will have my hands full with projects. And that’s exactly what I need: projects. I’ll be in paint up to my knees, all Summer.

… to be continued …


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early May (1)


1) Brown Jumping Spider; 2) Blueberry Blossoms; 3) Swiss Chard; 4) Bell Pepper; 5) Carrots; 6) Radish; 7) Curly Parsley; 8) Brown Jumping Spider


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Forest · Our Yard

Our Yard/Forest In Early May (2)


1) Wild Columbine; 2) Ozzy; 3) Dark-barred twin-spot Carpet Moth;
4) Maples in our forest; 5) Norway Maple Leaves; 6) Bumble Bee on
Honeysuckle; 7) Crabapple Blossoms; 8 & 9) Pusteblume;
10)Star of Bethlehem; 11) More Maples; 12) Garlic Mustard


2024 · National Day Calendar

World Donkey Day 2024

Donkey at the Arbuckle Wilderness Park in Oklahoma

World Donkey Day was created by Ark Raziq, a scientist whose focus is on desert animals. He realized that the hardworking donkey wasn’t being recognized for its efforts in building our society. Their input has improved the quality of life for people all around the world. He started by creating a Facebook group talking about the animal. In 2018, World Donkey Day was officially set up and it’s been celebrated every year since. Its purpose is to spread information about donkeys and how they impact human lives.

The modern donkey has two ancestors, both subspecies of the African wild ass, namely, the Somali wild ass and the Nubian wild ass. Current evidence suggests that donkeys have been working for humans for centuries. Donkeys are bred all around the world for their various uses. Donkeys helped build a society by providing energy before there was electricity or steam power. They can travel long distances, they are sturdy, somewhat self-sufficient, and they can bear some really harsh conditions.

These animals are respected and celebrated for their strength and diligence. They do not shy away from work. They are capable of pulling cargo for miles, which is where the idea of donkey pull carts comes from. They can work much longer and harder than most other animals. Their running speed can get up to 31 miles per hour. Their life span is between 50 to 54 years. They are considered a wonderful gift from nature. There are millions of donkeys all over the world and they have a significant impact.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/world-donkey-day/

2024 · Wildlife Wednesday

Western Honeybee (Apis) 🐝

Honeybee on Photinia Blossom

A honey bee (also spelled honeybee) is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade, all native to Afro-Eurasia. After bees spread naturally throughout Africa and Eurasia, humans became responsible for the current cosmopolitan distribution of honey bees, introducing multiple subspecies into South America (early 16th century), North America (early 17th century), and Australia (early 19th century).

Honey bees are known for their construction of perennial colonial nests from wax, the large size of their colonies, and surplus production and storage of honey, distinguishing their hives as a prized foraging target of many animals, including honey badgers, bears, and humans hunter-gatherers. Only eight surviving species of honey bee are recognized, with a total of 43 subspecies, though historically 7 to 11 species are recognized. Honeybees represent only a small fraction of the roughly 20,000 known species of bees.

The best-known honey bee is the western honey bee, (Apis mellifera), which was domesticated for honey production and crop pollination. The only other domesticated bee is the eastern honey bee (Apis cerana), which occurs in South, Southeast, and East Asia. Only members of the genus Apis are true honey bees, but some other types of bees produce and store honey and have been kept by humans for that purpose, including the stingless bees belonging to the genus Melipona and the Indian stingless or dammar bee Tetragonal iridipennis. Modern humans also use beeswax in making candles, soap, lip balms, and various cosmetics, as a lubricant and in mold-making using the lost wax process.


2024 · Arizona · California · Nevada · New Mexico · Travel Tuesday

First Trip To California 2006

Kevin’s grandparents were celebrating their 60th Anniversary in 2006. Originally, I was supposed to drop off Kevin and Katelynn in Oklahoma City, so Kevin’s parents could stay on Interstate 40 from North Carolina to California. At first, I had too many clients that week and I was not able to make it. However, several clients canceled due to the Christmas season. And I could push my other clients a week out. Therefore, we met my in-laws in Albuquerque, New Mexico where we spent the night in a Motel.

After breakfast the next morning, Katelynn switched cars since she wanted to be with her grandparents. While Kevin and I followed them behind. After a few hours, Katelynn was tired of getting spoiled, so she wanted to come back into our car. Yeah, we had yogurt and some other goodies. After that, Katelynn took a nap. In the evening, we drove to the Aquarius Casino in Laughlin, Nevada. I was jetlagged and stayed with Katelynn in the casino hotel room, while Kevin was gambling with his parents.

On the third day, we finally made it to California. My Mother-in-law’s younger brother had a timeshare across from Disneyland in Anaheim. We were able to use the timeshare in early December. That was so cool. We just had to cross South Harbor Boulevard, in front of Disneyland. That evening, we had dinner at the local Denny’s and took it easy.

… to be continued …

2024 · Canada · USA

Great Lakes Awareness Day 2024

Most people believe that Lake Erie came into its current state some 10,000 years ago, while Lake Ontario was around 7,000 years ago, Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior were formed (at present-day levels) around 3,000 years ago. But, lakes are everywhere, so these five shouldn’t have attracted any special interest. The main reason (at least initially) for the Great Lakes gaining prominence was their ability to provide transportation routes into the heart of the American continent.

Then, people started seeing the forests and fertile lands around these lakes — perfect for agriculture, lumbering, and other activities. The perfect addition to this was the plentiful deposits of natural minerals found on the shorelines of these lakes, including iron, salt, copper, large coal mines, limestone, and more. These resources and the abundant water supply made these lakes very attractive for development, and the shores were soon lined with huge industries and large metropolitan areas.

Of course, the excess human population and activity around the lakes had to have consequences, which were first officially noticed around the 1900s. By 1950, many beaches had to be closed because of pollution and unsafe conditions. The wildlife from the areas surrounding the lakes began to exhibit signs of toxic substances. These incidents, the pollution in the rivers, and the extinction of certain water-based animals gave the authorities a giant wake-up call. By the 1970s, the governments of both America and Canada — these lakes travel through both nations — had begun to collaboratively work on pollution control in these lakes.

These two countries even signed a ‘Great Lakes Water Quality Act’ in 1972 to protect and conserve the Great Lakes. Since that time, the Great Lakes have benefitted from multiple conservation efforts — both governmental and private — and now have improved water quality. Some fish populations have even begun to repopulate these waters after many years. Since 2014, the Great Lakes Awareness Day has created what it aims for, awareness. Students are encouraged to find solutions to pollution problems, and their projects are highlighted today.

Great Lakes Awareness Day celebrates one of nature’s most glorious wonders — the largest group of freshwater bodies on Earth — saddled up in North America. The Great Lakes is the collective name for Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Erie. The lakes together make up the largest group of freshwater bodies on Earth, stretching from east to west and covering a distance of 750 miles. Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. It covers more than 80% of the water requirement of the continent. 

It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Great Lakes for the people of North America. Great Lakes Awareness Day raises important questions and demands accountability from leaders who are in charge of protecting these majestic water bodies. 

The holiday is an awareness campaign that illustrates the dangers that the Great Lakes face. An alarming number of issues endanger the Great Lakes, including pollution, climate change, carbon dioxide emissions, and invasive pipelines. Although the federal government has tried to restore the balance with more than 140 programs, it still isn’t enough. As the United States and Canada share the five lakes, both governments need to work in unison to combat the issues that threaten the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem.

It also illuminates the ways in which climate change will impact our habitat and the way we live, starting with the water bodies on Earth. Needless to say, the impact of climate change can already be felt at the Great Lakes, with the changes in size and shape of Algae, the primary constituent of the underwater food web.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/great-lakes-awareness-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar · Texas

National Concert Day 2024 🎸


Live Nation Entertainment, which initiated National Concert Day, is a merger between two original companies. In 2009, the first Live Nation, a concert promotion firm, and a ticketing company, Ticketmaster, reached an agreement to merge. The new company received regulatory approval and was named Live Nation Entertainment. Although the merger was first approved in Norway and Turkey, several fans, artists, and regulators opposed it, with The United Kingdom’s Competition Commission ruling against the merger. However, on January 25, 2010, the United States Justice Department approved the merger, pending a few momentarily prohibitions, and Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. was established.

Live Nation Concerts is currently the largest producer of music concerts in the United States and internationally — producing over 20,000 shows annually for about 3,000 artists globally. It also owns and operates many entertainment venues and acts as a music recording label. National Concert Day was established in 2015 and held for the first time in May. It was a day to honor the commencement of the summer concert season, as well as the musicians, record companies, tour managers, and everyone else who works to ensure that fans enjoy live music. Live Nation held a concert at Irving Plaza in New York City during the first year of the holiday. That year, they also held a Kickoff to Summer Ticket Sale, offering more than a million concert tickets for $20 National Concert Day tickets.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-concert-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

Cinco De Mayo 2024

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Let’s start by clearing the biggest misconception: Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day. But, that does not mean it’s less important or notable than it actually is, for the history behind it dawns on the importance of the landscape of North America as a whole.

An economically struggling Mexico was intervened by the French for the second time, who had the hopes of gaining control of the Latin American country under the rule of Napoleon III. The French General, Charles de Lorencez, directed his army toward the capital of Mexico City, with the intent to overthrow the president of Mexico, Benito Juarez.

But things didn’t go as planned, as they encountered heavy resistance, culminating at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Even if their forces had half the numbers of their opponents, the Mexican Army, led by Ignacio Zaragoza, managed to successfully win over the French army at Puebla, a city just 70 miles from Mexico City. Four days later, on May 9, Juárez declared Cinco de Mayo a national holiday.

While the battle in itself was not a major strategic win, and the French took control of Mexico in 1864, it served to lift the spirits of resistance forces and helped them to gain an alliance with the Americans to successfully make Napoleon’s forces withdraw. Since it is believed the French would have likely aided the Confederacy during the Civil War, Mexico’s resistance likely changed the history of the United States.

Pro-Union Mexican citizens in the state of California heavily celebrated the victory at the Battle of Puebla viewing it as a victory for the Union’s cause, later formalizing and spreading the annual celebrations across all of California, and Mexican-Americans all around.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/cinco-de-mayo/

2024 · Chinese Lantern Festival · Dallas/Fort Worth

Chinese Lantern Festival, Dallas 2012 (1)


In November 2012, Kevin, Katelynn, Sara, and I went to the Chinese Lantern Festival in Fair Park, Dallas. We arrived early. So, we still had time to walk around Fair Park. When the State Fair of Texas is over, that place looks very empty. But the Texas Star® Ferris Wheel is there year-round. Katelynn posed for some photos. When we came back to the Festival entrance area it was almost time to go in. …


… to be continued …

2024 · Connecticut · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Sweet Pete’s Pickle Fest At March Farm In Bethlehem, Connecticut 2024 🥒

Kevin, Sara, and I visited the Sweet Pete’s Pickle Fest at March Farm in Bethlehem, Connecticut. The fest was on the Hilltop and easy access from the parking lot. Parking was $5 and the entry was free. There were bounce houses, face painting, some other great activities for kids, and a lot of craft vendors on the Hilltop. The food trucks, a mobile coffee trailer, and the pickle stands were separate from the vendors. They also had a band “Kevin & The Hammers” playing at the event.

I purchased a “Beach Life” gnome from a craft vendor from Red Barn Crafts. I informed her about the Harvest Fest in Watertown in mid-September. I would love to see her Harvest and Halloween gnomes and might purchase some more down the road. I also let the lady from Glass Act know about our Harvest Festival in town. They both seemed to have a busy schedule but were interested and asked me to leave more information in an email. Hey, the more the merrier. I always like more variety and don’t have to drive half across the state to get it. Let the vendors come closer to me if they can do it.

Kevin also had to get pickles, of course. We ended up purchasing two different containers from Jersey Pickles. They were so good. I believe, I ate more samples than what we bought. Especially the olives tasted so yummy. It was the first time, I tried pickles and horseradish. I love pickles, and I love good ol’ horseradish. But the two together, I have to get used to that taste. If they had a smaller container, I would have taken one.

Overall it was a nice afternoon at the March Farm. Many people came out to visit and taste pickles. The weather was perfect for the event.

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar

National Start Seeing Monarchs Day 2024 🦋

Monarch butterflies can be found all around North America, mainly concentrated in the eastern parts of the United States. They are considered the most popular species of butterflies in the country. These butterflies migrate every year around late summer and fall. The ones born in the northern and central U.S. and Canada travel all the way to Florida and Mexico and the ones born in the western area migrate to southern California as well. There are also monarchs living in the International Space Station!

Butterflies have a life cycle of four phases. The first is the egg, which is laid under young leaves of milkweed. It takes them three to eight days to turn into larvae, which is the second phase of the life cycle. Larvae, also known as caterpillars, are the stage where the species grows the most and feeds very well to be able to form the pupa. The third stage of the life cycle is the pupa, which is the phase where the caterpillar stays within its chrysalis for eight to 15 days before it finally emerges and turns into a beautiful butterfly.

A monarch butterfly can live up to eight months by feeding off milkweed and other nectar plants, which makes them one of the many animal species responsible for pollinating plants and flowers all around. Once they reach sexual maturity and can be considered adult butterflies, it takes them a while to begin their migration process, which happens only once overwintering is complete. Migration takes four different generations to finally be completed.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-start-seeing-monarchs-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Garden

National Herb Day 2024


Herb Day was created in 2006, a time when ‘herb’ was still a bit of a scary word. Medical doctors, naturopaths, and acupuncturists were not yet comfortable incorporating herbs into their practices, and the public knew very little about the subject. The HerbDay Coalition is made up of five non-profit organizations that wish to create a day for people to celebrate the healing power of herbs. On the first Saturday in May, we invite you to have your own celebration with the herbs you have in your garden or on your patio.

The world of plants was divided into trees, shrubs, and herbs by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus. Herbs are also further classified into three groups, namely pot herbs, sweet herbs, and salad herbs. During the 1600s, pot herbs began to be referred to as vegetables as they were no longer considered only suitable for the pot.

In its early stages, botany was primarily a study of the pharmacological uses of plants, and by the Middle Ages, with the advent of humoral theory in medicine, the position was made that foodstuffs, having their own humoral qualities, could, in turn, alter the humoral temperaments of humans.

Popular plants parsley and sage were often used together for cooking in medieval times. A renowned therapeutic nutriment of that age, chicken broth, as well as green sauce, were usually prepared with parsley and sage.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/herb-day/


2024 · National Day Calendar · Walt Disney World

May The Fourth Be With You!

The “Star Wars” universe is a massive achievement. It is hard to think of a time when “Star Wars” didn’t exist, given its extraordinary influence and popularity in pop culture. It all started with the book “Dune” by Frank Herbert. First published in 1965, it is widely regarded as the base inspiration for “Star Wars,” given the huge similarities between the characters and the storyline of the two. Either way, George Lucas set his story in outer space and took the risk of producing a sci-fi movie in 1977, a time when the genre was pretty much dead in Hollywood. Nobody expected the first “Star Wars” movie to do as well as it did. Backed by a meager $9.5 million for production, it had a limited theatre release and was expected to bomb at the box office. There was no way that this sci-fi opus would be a hit. On May 25, 1977, “Star Wars” (later renamed to “Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope”) was released.

Through word of mouth and rave reviews, “Star Wars” enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame and changed the entire landscape of cinema, leaving studios completely bewildered by its success. The world was introduced to the Skywalker family saga, and beloved characters like Han Solo, Yoda, Chewbacca, and perhaps the darkest villain of all time — Darth Vader. Grossing over $100 million by the end of the summer, the first installment of “Star Wars” won six Academy Awards and a Special Achievement Award for groundbreaking accomplishments in special effects. For its time, and considering the limited budget, George Lucas pulled off a massive feat by creating advanced effects and filming impressive space sequences using only small-scale figures and setups. 

The success of the first movie was followed by two sequels, “Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back,” in 1980 and “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi,” in 1983. The franchise branched out into different commercial lines as well. 

20 years after the debut film, Lucas released the second trilogy of films, the ‘prequel trilogy.’ With a new cast of popular actors like Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor, “Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace” was released in 1999, followed by “Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones” in 2002, and “Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith” in 2005. The storyline wasn’t as acclaimed as that of the original trilogy, but the digital technology and effects of the movies had significantly improved and, subsequently, they were overall box-office successes. The marketability of the franchise became more extensive, with a book series, animated TV series, action figures, video games, and clothing lines created for the new generation of “Star Wars” lovers. 

Walt Disney Studios acquired the franchise in 2012, and set forth to produce a third trilogy, the ‘sequel trilogies.’ The seventh film, “Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens,” was released in 2015. The universe was further expanded with new characters while staying faithful to the true essence of “Star Wars.” “Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi” was released in 2017, followed by “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” in 2019. Several stand-alone movies were also tied in with the main story, “Star Wars: Rogue One” in 2016, and “Solo” in 2018.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/star-wars-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (5)


Some of my veggies and fruits were potted separately. It was still too cold to plant the tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse-raised beds. There were nights, I had to cover the crop since I didn’t heat the greenhouse. Two to three weeks later, it was a different story. The soil and the air were warm enough for planting. And I had to keep the greenhouse door and window open during the daytime. It became warm very quickly in Texas.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar

International Sun Day 2024 🌞

Sunset in the forested area of Arbor Hills Nature Preserve

In a bid to promote the use of more environmentally friendly energy, International Sun Day was created. Solar energy is one of the safest ecological energy sources, it does not pollute the environment nor have long-term side effects like fossil fuels do. It is comparatively cheaper and can give an equal amount of energy to power stations around the globe.

Sun Day was proposed by Denis Hayes, an American environmental advocate and proponent of solar power. He rose to fame as the coordinator for the first Earth Day which was held on April 22, 1970. It was his idea for Sun Day to be grafted after Earth Day. The idea was accepted warmly by Congress and by 1978, Jimmy Carter declared the holiday, which spread from the U.S. to other parts of the world.

National Sun Day became an international event in 1994, attracting the attention of 22 countries. The event was introduced in Europe by the European Division of the International Solar Society. In certain nations, the holiday has been extended from a single day to a week, which is known as the Week of the Sun and begins on May 4. On International Sun Day, many events are held throughout the world to encourage the usage of renewable and environmentally beneficial solar energy sources. People can tour solar cottages on this vacation. Exhibitions, open Days, meetups, and tournaments are organized by solar research and project organizations. Students participate in solar-related projects and competitions in schools.

China is currently leading the world in solar power, prominent from 2020 with 208 GigaWatts, accounting for one-third of global installed solar capacity, motivating other nations in their strife to help preserve the planet by choosing green energy.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/sun-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar · The Night Sky

National Space Day 2024

The Milky Way in southern Utah

Careers in space involve a wide range of specialties. Going to space requires many working parts, and that’s not just the parts that go into space. All kinds of engineers build the equipment, and computers and make the computations.

Accountants and public relations manage the books and the press. Meteorologists, chemists, physicists, and biologists analyze data and doctors monitor the health of the astronauts. As preparations are underway, photographers and writers record the events.

In 1997, Lockheed Martin Corporation created National Space Day as a one-day event. In 2001, due to its extreme popularity, former astronaut and senator John Glenn expanded Space Day to International Space Day.

Resource: https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-space-day

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar · Our Garden

National Garden Meditation Day 2024 🕉

Our Garden Buddha

The concept of meditation is ancient. Evidence of its existence and practice date back to the 5th and 6th centuries in the South Asian cultures of Hinduism and Buddhism. In the 19th century, when Asian cultures spread worldwide, the concept of meditation was among the fastest to be adopted by people from Western countries.

With meditation came the idea of making spaces that are conducive to meditation. As a result, people started designing traditional landscapes like exotic gardens with ponds, wind chimes, and soft music. The essence of garden meditation comes from the Chinese and Japanese cultures, and their gardens have often been displayed in Western countries. Asian texts on meditation are considered the most notable.

The fact that garden meditation became an annual practice in the U.S. is thanks to C. L. Fornari, who is also known as ‘Garden Lady.’ Fornari is a gardening artist who believes that gardens and gardening help us to connect with ourselves and with nature. She pointed out that caring for plants, planting seeds, and simply talking to plants help us connect with our inner selves and bring us a deeper understanding of ourselves and what our minds and bodies need to feel better.

Although the actual origins of this day are unclear, there is not much need to figure it out. It would be fair to say that National Garden Meditation Day has been celebrated since at least 2000. As the awareness of garden meditation spreads, more and more people will be drawn towards it.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-garden-meditation-day/

2024 · Montana · National Day Calendar · USA

National Montana Day 2024

National Montana Day was established to honor Montana and its people. Montana is the land of gleaming mountains, big skies, and many other treasures. Locked in the north with Idaho, the Dakotas, and Wyoming as its neighbors, Montana gets its name from the Spanish word ‘montaña,’ which translates to ‘mountains.’ After decades of brawls between the Indians and the white settlers, Montana was admitted to the Union in 1889. The discovery of silver, copper, gold, and other precious metals catapulted Montana to international fame, as it became the home to the largest copper mining company in the world.

The spectacular scenery is a large proportion of the state. It is managed by the state in the form of national parks and monuments. Montana is now known for its wide-open spaces, friendly people, river rides, scenic vistas, and mountain biking trails. Locals occasionally encounter grizzly bears and other wildlife. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, a little more than a million Montanans live an authentic and slow-paced life. A day’s outing can include the gorgeous mountain tops, somber lakes, and the iconic Glacier National Park.

The 2020 super hit series, “Yellowstone,” reflects the socio-cultural and economic realities of the state. Modern-day Montanans enjoy a vibrant culture and an exhilarating trade market. The state’s major exports to the country include quality agricultural produce, beef, lumberjack, bison meat, and hydroelectric energy. On May 3, locals come together to celebrate the beauty of their state, and tourists from all over the country are invited to enjoy the gorgeous mountain life in the summer.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-montana-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Spring In The Neighbor’s Yard (2)


1) Pink Flowering Almond; 2) Crabapple Blossoms; 3) Common Bluebell
4) Japanese Flowering Cherry; 5) Meadow Buttercup


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Forest · Our Yard

Our Yard/Forest In Early May (1)


1) Star of Bethlehem; 2) Red-tailed Hawk Nest; 3) Common Bluebell;
4) Dandelion; 5) Eastern Redbud; 6) “Ballerina” Tulip; 7) Wild Strawberry;
8) “Ballerina” Tulip; 9) Wood Anemone; 10) Dandelion with Ant;
11) Bugleherb; 12) Hosta; 13) Striped Hosta; 14) American Robin


2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Garden

Gardening For Wildlife Month ~ May 2024

A devastating byproduct of human growth has been the loss of natural habitats around the world. Wild animals and plants can no longer rely on woodlands, marshes, and ponds — these places have been slowly disappearing to make way for roads, homes, factories, etc. As a result, wildlife that was once thriving is now facing multiple threats, and their populations are dwindling.

That’s when, over time, studies began to be conducted to find a solution to this concerning issue. Since private residential property took almost one-third of the urban landscape in many developed nations, one way to revive wildlife was to plan urban gardens that would be completely wildlife-friendly.

A key organization leading the development of these ‘wildlife gardens’ was the National Wildlife Federation, which began operations in 1973 and has been pushing for a wildlife-supportive gardening method ever since. They’d even conducted 24 studies on the impact of wildlife gardening, which clearly showed that such places do boost biodiversity, help wildlife ecosystems thrive, and supplement natural resources when local plants and trees are planted. These places are also almost always home to twice as many species of birds as areas without such gardens.

People who’ve had their homes and backyards turned into wildlife gardens witness this phenomenon first-hand. They’ve recounted tales of seeing local species of animals along with many migratory birds and butterflies, many of whom return to this safe haven year after year.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/gardening-for-wildlife-month/

2024 · National Day Calendar

Save The Rhino Day 2024

Black Rhinoceros

To trace the origins of the Rhinoceros, we’d have to go back some millennia — almost 56 million years ago, to be precise. That’s when the first ancestors of the modern Rhinos roamed the planet. They were more horse-like in structure and had no horns. Old rhino bones found from this period in North America show a gradual evolution from this old horse-like structure into one more aligned with today’s rhino. Over the years, there were three distinct species that scientists think might be the ancestors of today’s rhinos. One of these was called the ‘running rhino,’ which was adapted for speed.

Another was more aquatic and resembled today’s hippopotamus. The last, most direct ancestors to the modern rhinoceros appeared approximately 25 million years ago and had multiple subspecies in their families. Of these, the wooly rhinoceros was one of the largest subspecies, weighing almost four times the size of the average African elephant, and boasting one-meter-long horns. This species inhabited a large area, from Siberia to the British Isles. These plant-eaters lived alongside the wooly mammoths, and have been found fossilized in ice and in cave paintings made during that period.

These rhinos only lived in Asia initially but began traveling to other places around 25 million years ago. Over time, these rhino ancestors roamed the continents, primarily living in Eurasia (Europe and Asia combined) and North America. However, the American rhinos went extinct sometime between 5.4 and 2.4 million years ago.

Rhinos have also featured in many Asian and African legends — they are the fire-stamping heroes in many stories from Burma, India, and Malaysia. According to these stories, rhinos appeared every time a fire was lit in the forest and would stamp out the flames. So popular is this tale that it even featured in a popular 1980 South African movie named “The Gods Must Be Crazy.”

Unfortunately, these once-abundant creatures have lost out to human activity. Hunting, and now, poaching and habitat loss, have drastically reduced the number of rhinos across the world. Rhino horns are also integral to traditional medicine in many parts of Asia, with people believing it has mystical powers. Since 2007, there has been a sharp increase in poaching activity and illegal trade of rhino horns, to the extent that many subspecies of rhinos have been declared extinct and the entire rhino population is listed as ‘endangered’.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/save-the-rhino-day/

2024 · Wildlife Wednesday

Western Raven (Corvus corax sinuatus)

“Hello! Welcome to Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park! I hope you have had a great trip so far?!”

Common ravens have coexisted with humans for thousands of years and have been so numerous in some areas that people have regarded them as pests. Part of their success as a species is due to their omnivorous diet: they are extremely versatile and opportunistic in finding sources of nutrition, feeding on carrion, insects, cereal grains, berries, fruit, small animals, nesting birds, and food waste. Some notable feats of problem-solving provide evidence that the common raven is unusually intelligent. Over the centuries, it has been the subject of mythology, folklore, art, and literature. In many cultures, including the indigenous cultures of Scandinavia, ancient Ireland, Wales, Bhutan, the northwest coast of North America, and Siberia and northeast Asia, the common raven has been revered as a spiritual figure or godlike creature.


2024 · Beltane · Wheel of The Year

Beltane Blessings 2024


Blessed be the Maiden innocent and fresh,
Blessed be the Mother fertile and loving
Blessed be the Crone powerful and wise –
Blessed be the Lord gentle and kind,
Blessed be the Father protective and warm,
Blessed be the King forever reborn.

⛤ Blessed Beltane!⛤


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Hello, May 2024!


Sunshine and blue skies and springtime bouquets,
Light hearts and laughter and bright, happy days…
Dogwoods are blooming young hatchlings appear
May is such a lovely time of the year.
