2024 · National Day Calendar

National Orchid Day 2024

Fuchsia Orchid

Orchids – belonging to the family Orchidaceae – are a widespread family of flowering plants, with colorful and fragrant blooms. National Orchid Day was created in 2015 by a South Carolina couple, Mike and Faith Young, in remembrance of their daughter who passed away the previous year.

The couple fell in love with orchids while both volunteering at an orchid reserve in Mexico, so much so that they decided that if they were ever to have a daughter, they would name her ‘Orchid’. They did have a daughter, but, unfortunately, lost her during labor.

After this loss, the couple wanted to do something to honor the day and celebrate the memory of their late daughter with their favorite flower. So, they went ahead to create a Kickstarter campaign to get the money required to register for the day. They offered pre-orders of their backyard honey — The Humble Bumbles Honey — and within hours of commencing, raised the required $1,500 and got National Orchid Day registered.

Since then, the day has gained widespread recognition from orchid growers, enthusiasts, and botanical gardens. With so many varieties to choose from, anyone can enjoy the beauty of orchids from home or by visiting botanical gardens around the world.

For the rest of their lives, Mike and Faith say they will be caring for and spreading awareness about Orchids. They believe in having a National Orchid Day dedicated to the beautiful lives lost, people everywhere will appreciate orchids some more, and their little girl will feel the warmth of those who think of Orchids that day.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-orchid-day/

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