2024 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · Our Forest · Our Yard

A Murder of Crows In The Backyards

I’ve noticed, that we have had a lot of crows sitting in our trees for the last few days. They usually come to us shortly before sunset. It’s a big murder of crows. And they are very loud. I mentioned to Kevin, that we have a “Crow Counsel Spring Meeting” in the trees. Our cats are not impressed by all these big black birds and always make a b-line back into the house. Luis and Zoey cut their toilet time shorter, too. What a big commotion over some conversations between some smart crows. Since some of our neighbors and I feed the Winter birds, we might have a chance to get some gifts/trinkets. It’s time to lay some unsalted peanuts out. And if the crows don’t want them, we still have plenty of squirrels and Blue Jays in the neighborhood. They would love some peanuts in their diet.

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