2024 · Bavaria · Germany · Travel Tuesday

A Boat Ride From Würzburg To The Veitshöchheim Court Garten, Lower Franconia, Germany 2001

The Veitshöchheim Palace is sitting on the grounds of one of the most important Rococo gardens in Germany. Until 1802 it was the Summer residence of the Würzburg prince-bishops. The summer residence was built on the site of a hunting lodge under Prince-Bishop Peter Philipp von Dernbach from 1680 to 1682 and was enlarged from 1749 to 1753 by Balthasar Neumann, who also redesigned the roof. The ceiling stucco work by Antonio Bossi also dates from this time, and the staircase sculptures were completed by Johann Peter Wagner in 1780. The castle has been owned by the Bavarian Crown since 1814 and was also used as a summer palace by the royal family in the 19th century.


After the 4th of July, Kevin and I had off a couple of days. Since the weather was so nice, we decided we do something outdoors. So, we went to the Main River to take a boat ride from Wurzburg to Veithoechheim approximately 5 miles (8 km) down the river.

When we arrived in Veithshöchheim I made sure I knew the boat schedule, before we walked over to the Court Garden. Kevin and I were strolling around in the gardens until we arrived at the Grotto with Belvedere, where the bottom part has animal sculptures, which are made of shells and snail houses. I was always fascinated with the grotto when I was a child visiting the Court Garden. The gardens have a lot of historical sculptures of astronomical figures, poets, and many more.

When it was time to leave, Kevin and I went to the ice cream parlor before we made our way down to the boat again. On the boat ride back to Würzburg, we had a nice view of the vineyards am Stein. This Franconian wine from these vineyards is famous all over Germany and Europe.

2023 · Bavaria · Days of The Week · Germany · Travel Tuesday

A School Trip To Randersacker, Germany ~ 1985

The Kartoffelturm (Potato Tower) was built before WWII to warrant a great view over the Main river. The tower is located in the vineyards of Randersacker which produce some of the best wine in Lower Franconia. The whole area is worth a hike. You can start in Würzburg and then either go alongside the Main river or directly walk through the vineyards. Wherever you look, you will see a beautiful idyllic coexistence of nature and human life. Trees, shrubbery, and meadows are omnipresent between the river and the mountains. Once you go uphill you can enjoy the fantastic clean air of this region. And when you arrive at the Sonnenstuhlturm you will have a magnificent panoramic view. In 1972, the name was changed to Sonnenstuhlturm (Sun Lounger Tower, or Sun Deck Chair Tower). However, Kartoffelturm is still the more common name for the residents of Würzburg and Randersacker.

Randersacker is located in the south of Würzburg. This part of the Main is called Maindreieck. The term refers to the course of the river, it looks similar to a triangle. The city of Würzburg is about three miles away from the village center of Randersacker. There are two subdistricts: Lindelbach and the main part Randersacker.