2024 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

Pea Blossoms In Our Spring Garden ~ 2013


Sugar Snap Pea Blossom


2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅

Hot Summer Days (3)


Rainbow in late Summer 2010


2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅

Hot Summer Days (1)


Double Rainbow in Summer 2008


2024 · Wildlife Wednesday

Queen Butterfly (DanausΒ gilippus)


TheΒ Queen butterflyΒ (Danaus gilippus) is a North and South AmericanΒ butterflyΒ in the familyΒ NymphalidaeΒ with aΒ wingspanΒ ofΒ 31⁄8 – 33⁄8Β inches (80 – 85 millimeters).Β It is orange or brown with black wing borders and small white forewing spots on itsΒ dorsalΒ wing surface, and reddishΒ ventralΒ wing surface fairly similar to the dorsal surface. The ventral hindwings have black veins and small white spots with a black border. The male has a blackΒ andrologicalΒ scent patch on its dorsal hindwings.Β It can be found in meadows, fields, marshes, deserts, and at the edges of forests.

This species is possibly a close relative to the similarly colored soldier butterfly (or tropical queen, D. eresimus), in any case, it is not close to the plain tiger (D. chrysippus, African queen) as was long believed. There are seven subspecies.

Females lay one egg at a time on larval host plants. Larvae use these plants as a food source, whereas adult butterflies feed mainly on nectar from flowers. Unpalatability to avian predators is a feature of the butterfly; however, its level is highly variable. Unpalatability is correlated with the level of cardenolides obtained via the larval diet, but other compounds like alkaloids also play a part in promoting distastefulness.

Males patrol to search for females, who may mate up to 15 times a day.Β Male organs calledΒ hair-pencilsΒ play an important role in courtship, with males with lower hair-pencil counts being selected against.Β These hair pencils may be involved in releasing pheromones during courtship that could attract female mates.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal

A New Fence Pole & An Old Dismantled Shed ~ 2013

One of our fence poles didn’t have a cap to cover it. When it rained the pole collected water. Over time the metal started to rust through and didn’t hold up the fence. It also didn’t help, that Ranger always peed on it. So, one Saturday afternoon Kevin got the materials to fix the fence. He dug the concrete block up, which was huge. It took us both to lift it out of the ground. Once the new pole was in place, Kevin poured the new concrete to keep the pole in place.

While the concrete was set, Kevin dismantled the old rusty shed which was here, before we moved into the house. All it did was attract rats. We had to get rid of it sooner or later. We had that extra space and enough room to trim the trumpet vines. In the meantime, Katelynn and Sara collected the rest of the twigs from the Mimosa, which was cut down three days prior. Our cats made sure, we all did our chores.

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal

R.I.P. Mimosa Tree ~ 2013

Our Mimosa started to die and eventually needed to be cut down. One day in early April 2013 the tree service came over and chopped. We were actually glad, the tree was done. Mimosas make a big mess. They look pretty only for two to three weeks. But the rest of the time they drop sticky sap and their seeds make a mess. However, Ranger loved the tree. It provided a lot of shade for him.

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Train Day 2024 πŸš‚πŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒ

Modern trains have developed rapidly since their invention some 200 years ago. Trains can be classified as one of the most important inventions of modern history. Train transport has drastically changed business, exploration, and how we travel daily.

In the 1800s, the steam train made its way to the railways of industrial England. Today, we have bullet trains that carry passengers at incredible speeds, with a distance of thousands of miles in no time. There are also freight trains that are used to transport goods, including food, post, and fuel. Distant lands have become almost instantly reachable. Long distances can be covered in a matter of hours. The industrial revolution was hastened by the arrival of trains, which made the transport of raw materials and the outgoing transport of finished goods an easy task. Even with the arrival of airplanes, trains still continue to do a fair haul of public and commercial transport around the world. Trains are used in a variety of ways – from trams, subway electric trains, distance trains, and specialized tourist trains to freight trains and high-speed bullet trains that can go up to 275 miles an hour.

National Train Day marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Golden Spike in Promontory, Utah, at the Promontory Summit. The day also observes the first anniversary of the rail route system in the United States. Events such as exhibitions of railroad layouts are organized on the day to celebrate the event.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-train-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Garden Journal · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (6)


The rest of the raised beds were built and filled with soil. and ready for some planting. Joshua was my greenhouse inspector. He would make sure, the beds were built to standard. The vegetable seedlings grew nicely and were ready to be planted into the beds.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Texas

Beautiful Colors of Spring (10)



2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (5)


Some of my veggies and fruits were potted separately. It was still too cold to plant the tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse-raised beds. There were nights, I had to cover the crop since I didn’t heat the greenhouse. Two to three weeks later, it was a different story. The soil and the air were warm enough for planting. And I had to keep the greenhouse door and window open during the daytime. It became warm very quickly in Texas.


2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Garden

Gardening For Wildlife Month ~ May 2024

A devastating byproduct of human growth has been the loss of natural habitats around the world. Wild animals and plants can no longer rely on woodlands, marshes, and ponds β€” these places have been slowly disappearing to make way for roads, homes, factories, etc. As a result, wildlife that was once thriving is now facing multiple threats, and their populations are dwindling.

That’s when, over time, studies began to be conducted to find a solution to this concerning issue. Since private residential property took almost one-third of the urban landscape in many developed nations, one way to revive wildlife was to plan urban gardens that would be completely wildlife-friendly.

A key organization leading the development of these β€˜wildlife gardens’ was the National Wildlife Federation, which began operations in 1973 and has been pushing for a wildlife-supportive gardening method ever since. They’d even conducted 24 studies on the impact of wildlife gardening, which clearly showed that such places do boost biodiversity, help wildlife ecosystems thrive, and supplement natural resources when local plants and trees are planted. These places are also almost always home to twice as many species of birds as areas without such gardens.

People who’ve had their homes and backyards turned into wildlife gardens witness this phenomenon first-hand. They’ve recounted tales of seeing local species of animals along with many migratory birds and butterflies, many of whom return to this safe haven year after year.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/gardening-for-wildlife-month/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Yard · Texas

Beautiful Colors of Spring (7)


Our backyard in early Spring 2011


2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

National Gardening Day 2024


National Gardening Day was founded by Cool Springs Press in 2018 to celebrate the hobby of gardening and to encourage gardeners to share their expert knowledge.

Forest gardening, a forest-based food production system, is known to be the world’s oldest form of gardening. Forest gardens could be found in prehistoric times along jungle banks. Ancient Egyptian paintings from around 1500 BC provide some of the earliest evidence of people gardening for pleasure and to achieve an aesthetically pleasing outcome.

After a decline during the Middle Ages, cottage gardens became popular during Elizabethan times. These usually contained food and herbs, with flowers added for decorative purposes. Gardens gradually became more open-plan and less rigid in their structure and by the mid-19th century in Europe, we were starting to see the types of gardens that we are all familiar with today.

The initial gardeners in the U.S. were essentially harvesters. In the 17th and 18th centuries, those lucky enough to own land and consequently a garden would try and use it to make money by harvesting whatever crops were suitable. Home gardening started to become a leisure activity in the 1800s as villages grew bigger and mass production was beginning. Ornamental gardens took the place of edible gardens and research on plant diseases and pests began.

The last 150 years have seen gardens become an increasingly social space, with methods of caring for them evolving to provide gardeners with a much-increased body of knowledge and equipment from which to garden.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-gardening-day/


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Furbabies · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (4)


After the greenhouse was built, the next stage was to start a garden-raised bed. I still had plenty of weeds to pull on the greenhouse ground. when most of the weeds were gone, I loosened the clay and mixed it with the raised bed soil. Kevin and I put up an 8′ x 25″ x 1.5″ wood plank as a barrier before we filled in the rest of the soil. Finley inspected and watched my garden work before he took a nap behind the greenhouse. I guess, watching people work can make a cat very tired. It was a sunny Spring afternoon. I can’t blame him.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Beautiful Colors of Spring (6)



2024 · National Day Calendar

National Wildlife Week 2024

Understanding and valuing nature and all that it has to offer is a character quality we cherish at National Today, especially during National Wildlife Week which takes place from April 5–9 this year. From providing us with multiple food sources to medicinal properties and a flourishing planet to live on, Mother Nature has continued to bless us with the best of the best. However, factors like rapid globalization and industrialization have put an unnecessary strain on the planet resulting in many dangers like climate change, new diseases, extinctions, etc. National Wildlife Week aims to raise awareness about said issues through discussions, campaigns, donations, and such. Just some years shy of celebrating 100 years of National Wildlife Week, the first National Wildlife Week was celebrated back in 1938.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-wildlife-week/

2024 · National Day Calendar

Community Garden Week 2024


Community Garden Week is a special week that allows us to celebrate schools and community gardens up and down the country. Community gardens are great for the environment and are also a great way to promote healing and happiness as they can have a positive effect on our sense of well-being.

Today, as around half of the world’s population currently lives in cities, keeping our environment sustainable, liveable, and, most importantly, carbon-neutral is one of the major challenges in urban policy and planning. This issue has existed for a couple of decades, and there might be a solution to it too in the form of community gardens. Back in the 1960s, communities across the U.K. started transforming unused plots of land into green spaces that allowed residents and volunteers to grow everything from flowers to fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, the benefits of contributing to a community garden are endless. Some of those benefits include spending time outdoors and getting back in touch with nature, community gardening is also an activity for the whole family, especially for kids β€” it is an enjoyable way to educate them and teach them all about flora and nature. It also encourages kids to eat healthily and to help others. Contributing to community gardens is a learning experience for everyone as you can learn all about gardening and growing different types of plants, and you can also meet and connect with different types of people who have the same interests as you.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/community-garden-week/


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Beautiful Colors of Spring (5)



2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (2)


Finally, the two pieces I had to reorder were arriving. And I could finish building the greenhouse. Once the frame was up, I slid the panels on the bottom, and installed the window, before I could slide the roof panels in place. The ground was already straightened when I put the base together. Kevin had to help me to lift the greenhouse across the fence. The kit was light, so it was easy for us to get it from the porch to the garden, where I could fasten it to the base. The following morning, I built the door and installed it, before a Spring storm came through. The greenhouse made it successful through the storm.


2024 · Wildlife Wednesday

Northern Cricket Frog (Acris crepitans)

Northern Cricket Frog at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano, Texas

The Northern Cricket Frog (Acris crepitans) is a small hylid frog native to the United States and northeastern Mexico. These frogs are majorly in grey, green, and brown color with blotching patterns. Many have a brown or orange stripe down the center of their back and a triangular marking on the top of their head. Despite being members of the tree frog family, they are not arboreal. These frogs prefer habitats near the edges of slow-moving bodies of water and near shelter items, like rocks. It has two recognized subspecies, A. c. crepitans and A. c. paludicola.

The northern cricket frog is one of the three smallest vertebrates in North America, ranging from 19–38 mm (0.75–1.50 in) long. Its dorsal coloration varies widely and includes greys, greens, and browns, often in irregular blotching patterns. The dorsal stripes vary in brightness and hue and are not present until metamorphosis occurs. One New York biologist has identified six distinct color morphs and four pattern morphs, and several intergrades between these. Typically there is dark banding on the legs and a white bar from the eye to the base of the foreleg. The skin has a bumpy texture. It is similar to the southern cricket frog, Acris gryllus, found in the US Southeastern Coastal Plain, but with some overlap along the Fall Line. The southern cricket frog has longer legs, with less webbing on the hind feet, and a more pointed snout, though northern cricket frogs have been observed with snouts indistinguishable from those of the southern species, and the markings on the back of the thigh are typically more sharply defined than that of the northern cricket frog, though biologists have recorded northern cricket frogs in the northern fringes of their range with extremely sharp posterior leg stripes. Northern cricket frogs do not have toe pads. This frog is active most of the year, decreasing during December and resuming around mid-March.

Resource: Wikipedia

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Texas

Beautiful Colors of Spring (4)


A walk in The Colony, Texas ~ Spring 2010


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Garden

Texas Gardening In March 2013 (1)


I started my garden in the early Spring of 2013 by sowing beans, bell peppers, corn, pumpkins, sunflowers, tomatoes, and other goodies. I also worked on some herbs. At least, I had something ready to grow in the greenhouse, once the parts arrived and I could finish building it. Joshua made sure, that I watered the seedlings every day. And Sara enjoyed the milder days on the back porch.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar

National Flower Day 2024


The earliest connection between flowers and their importance to humans dates back to the Paleolithic Age with the discovery of flower fossils. Similarly, gifting flowers has always been central to life and culture. Across civilizations, flowers would feature prominently in ancient myths and stories. The Ancient Greeks revered flowers and associated them with several Gods.

Flowers have bloomed on Earth and in our hearts throughout history as we know it. They bring an extra spring to our steps. Add color to mundane days. Flowers can convey love, joy, and strength through every season or reason. Their fragrance and beauty bring cheer to anyone’s day.

National Flower Day in March reminds us to pause and appreciate nature’s art. The holiday is perfect for planting more flowers. You could gift flowers to someone or even yourself. It’s a great day for a long stroll in the park or a short hike. To stop and smell the roses, tulips, or camellias. As you soak in pops of color in gardens everywhere, it’s hard not to radiate the same joy.

If you’ve been dreaming of spring blooms throughout the Winter, today’s perfect to prep for spring gardening. This special day helps us get ready for warm weather. The perfect pick-me-up after a long, dreary winter. Today’s excellent for getting our gardens ready for spring. National Flower Day is also an excuse to celebrate big moments and small ones. Gift flowers to someone you love or to yourself as a personal pat on the back.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-flower-day/


2024 · Wildlife Wednesday

Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis)

Adults are clean gray above, with a white head, body, and tail; their black wingtips are spotted with white. They have yellow legs and a yellow bill with a black band around it. Nonbreeding adults have brown-streaked heads. During their first two years, Ring-billed Gulls are motley brown and gray with a pink bill and legs.

These sociable gulls fly overhead by the hundreds or feed together at a golf course, beach, or field. Strong, nimble flyers and opportunistic feeders, Ring-billed Gulls circle and hover acrobatically looking for food; they also forage afloat and on foot.

Ring-billed Gulls often congregate around humans, at garbage dumps, parking lots, and freshly plowed fields. While the species is common on coastal beaches, particularly during winter, many Ring-billed Gulls lead inland lives, never setting eyes on the sea.

Resource: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Ring-billed_Gull/id

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Backyard Day 2024

For many years, American backyards were purely functional. They were mainly used for gardening since there were few corner stores and market produce. However, after World War II, people had more disposable income and migrated to the suburbs. This brought about a significant transformation in the treatment of backyards. People focused more on the aesthetic appeal of these spaces and introduced ornamental plants and garden features. Also, there was a surplus of materials such as aluminum and concrete, meaning that it was affordable to build patios, pools, and lawn furniture. The backyard grew into a place for leisure and entertaining guests and became an extension of the living space.

The establishment of Earth Day in 1970 renewed people’s interest in growing produce at home. Landscapers started mingling vegetables and fruits with ornamentals in formal garden designs, and β€œedible landscaping” became increasingly popular. Urban community gardens became more widespread and people picked up an interest in organic gardening once more. Similar to the dooryard gardens of early America, today’s home gardens contain edible plants and herbs. People also include flowers and native plants to add interest to these utility spaces in distinctly American ways.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-backyard-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Beautiful Colors of Spring (3)


In 2008, Kevin started a garden. We got an idea from a neighbor, how to layer a raised bed, and started gardening in our backyard. Here are some tomatoes and sunflowers. They make great companions. The sunflowers attract the bees to pollinate the tomatoes. And they keep unwanted bugs away from each other.

Our neighbor saved this little bunny while mowing the lawn. Thank goodness, he saw the Eastern Cottontail baby before it would have become lawnmower stew. He asked me to hold on to it until he was done taking care of the yard. Later on, we put it back in the area, where he found it. In Spring, these little critters are everywhere.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Beautiful Colors of Spring (2)


Springtime in our Texas neighborhood ~ 2008


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Beautiful Colors of Spring (1)


Mammatus Clouds
Mammatus Clouds In The North Texas Sky ~2008


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar · Our Yard

🌸 Peach Blossom Day 2024 πŸŒΈ

The peach blossoms come from the peach tree, which is native to China. Historians and archaeologists think this plant has been around for more than 2,500 years. They’ve found literature and text that mentions peaches and even little fossilized peach stones as evidence of this fact. There is also evidence to show that the Chinese particularly revered the flowers of the peach tree, as peach blossoms were a part of most major celebrations. The Chinese believed (and still do) that peach blossoms can ward off evil spirits and increase vitality in a person. Soldiers walked before Emperors, carrying peach blossoms, and people all over the country would hang peach blossoms on their front doors to kick off the New Year.

Persia had a big role to play in the spread of this plant to other regions. In fact, the Latin name, β€˜Prunus persica,’, which translates to β€˜Present from Persia,’ refers to when Persians introduced this fruit to the Romans. When Alexander the Great conquered Persia in 334 B.C., he took the seeds of this plant to Europe, and soon, explorers were taking the peach all over the world.Β 

By the 16th century, the peach came to the U.S. via Spanish explorers. From there, it traveled to England, becoming a rare and prized delicacy. Colonists began domesticating the peach tree in America, and by the 1800s, peaches were being commercially grown in the U.S. The first peaches grown for sale were by farmers in Maryland, Delaware, Georgia, and Virginia. Today, the peach blossom has found a place in popular culture, appearing in art, paintings, and even folk tales.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/peach-blossom-day/

2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Yard

Winter Wonderland (12)



2024 · National Day Calendar

National Cabbage Day 2024

Cabbage is more than just a side of coleslaw or an accompaniment to corned beef on St. Patrick’s Day. This delightful veggie deserves additional credit because it has much more to offer. Apart from being a very good source of fiber and vitamins, cabbage is a vegetable that offers value for money.

Although there isn’t much history on National Cabbage Day, apart from the day it was officiated, the history of the domestication of cabbage can be traced back to 4000 B.C. By the Middle Ages, it had become an integral part of European cuisine. During the 17th and 18th centuries, cabbage was a staple in many countries including Germany, England, Ireland, and Russia, where pickled cabbage was frequently consumed. The cabbage made its debut in North America in 1541 with French explorer Jacques Cartier. By the 18th century, it was commonly planted by both colonists and Native Americans.

Today, the world production of cabbage and other species of the same family is nearly 69 million tons, with China accounting for 48% of the total. Although cabbage is a vegetable that is taken for granted, its production numbers affirm its popularity across the world and its nutritional value makes it an essential part of every kitchen. Cabbage has been around for thousands of years coming in different varieties and flavors. Also, you can enjoy it in a range of ways. You can either eat it raw, steam it, boil it, bake it, braise it, or fry it. You can even ferment it to enjoy it in the future.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-cabbage-day/

2024 · Dallas/Fort Worth · πŸ—½ 4th July πŸ—½ · Texas · The Colony Events

The Independence Day Parade In The Colony, Texas 2011

In 2011, Sara was old enough to take her to her first Independence Day parade. It was very warm the whole weekend. But we were prepared. Plenty of water, sunscreen, and sitting in the shade helped tremendously. Katelynn and Sara both enjoyed the parade’s colors and candy. There were parrots, pirates, landmarks, Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty, the Fire Department & Police Department, and so many flags. It was a wonderful event to see people from the community celebrating the 4th of July.

2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Furbabies · Our Yard

Winter Wonderland (9)


Snow on Christmas Day 2012


2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Furbabies

National Hug Your Puppy Day 2024 πŸΆ

Kevin & Lexi at our first house in Texas in September 2005

National Hug Your Puppy Day is celebrated on January 21 to appreciate our pups by hugging them. These wonderful furry friends deserve all the love and affection we can give them, and it is in recognition of this that an entire day has been created especially for hugging them! It has been said that hugging puppies releases a hormone called β€˜oxytocin’, more informally known as β€œthe cuddle hormone” in both the pups and humans. Not only does a good tight hug help to strengthen the bond between man and pup, but it shows the pets that we care. It is a great idea to pick your pup up and give them a big hug today!

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-hug-your-puppy-day/

2024 · Dallas/Fort Worth · Texas · The Colony Events

Kids Colony II Playground (Phase I), The Colony, Texas 2011

In 1993, residents and businesses in The Colony came together to build a playground. There was lots of planning, fundraising, scheduling, and building – all done by volunteers! This little town in Texas made a great effort and the result was a community-built playground named Kids’ Colony. The years and hot Texas sun took its toll on the expansive wooden structures and the process began to replace the beloved playground. In 2011, Phase I of the rebuild of Kids’ Colony was completed with the addition of a nature-themed play structure, pavilion, picnic tables, and benches. 

Resource: https://www.thecolonytx.gov/472/Kids-Colony-Park

2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Garden

National Bean Day 2024

Because National Bean Day on January 6 falls in the middle of winter, it’s the perfect excuse to cook a favorite comfort food. Wondering why National Bean Day is held on January 6? That’s the same day the famous geneticist Gregor Mendel died in 1884. Mendel used bean and pea plants to develop theories on plant genetics. So the formation of National Bean Day has more to do with scientific development than how good bean recipes taste. But don’t let that deter you from enjoying eating beans this holiday!

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-bean-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

World Braille Day 2024

About 36 million people around the world are blind. By 2050, the number of people diagnosed with blindness is predicted to rise to 115 million. Those who are blind or who have severe vision impairments face many challenges in life. Some of these challenges include navigating new environments, using a computer, handling cash, and arranging clothes.

Blind people have ways to successfully deal with many of these situations. In today’s world, advanced technology and voice activation make a blind person’s life much more manageable. But one invention, in particular, has helped countless numbers of blind people. This invention is called braille and it was developed nearly 200 years ago. Braille gives blind people the ability to read and even write letters. The system consists of raised dots that form letters and words which are read by touch.

Louis Braille invented the reading system of raised dots in 1824. Born on January 4, 1809, in France, Louis lost his sight after an accident in his father’s harness shop at the age of three. He would later attend the National Institute for Blind Children in Paris. There, his interest in music would benefit him when at the age of 10 he met Charles Barbier, a captain in Napolean’s army. The captain taught the students about a communication code using dots called Night Writing. Combining his knowledge of music and the inspiration of code communication, Louis Braille invented a 6-dot fingertip reading system when he was only 15 years old.

In 2009, the World Blind Union and its partner organizations celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille. The celebration evolved into World Braille Day. In 2018, the UN General Assembly decided to make it an official observance by proclaiming January 4th as World Braille Day. January 4th commemorates the birthdate of Louis Braille. The UN celebrated the first official World Braille Day in 2019.

Resource: https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/international/world-braille-day-january-4

2023 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ… · Throwback Thursday

Christmas Season (Part V) 2012 (1)



… to be continued in December 2024

2023 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Days of The Week · πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ… · Our Furbabies · Throwback Thursday

Christmas Season (Part IV) 2010 – 2011


In 2010, Kevin, Katelynn, Sara, and I went to our local Christmas Parade again. This time, the girls got a glimpse of Santa. Katelynn was in first grade. Her class had the school play β€œSanta’s Suit”, where she was the β€œLego” Elf. On Christmas Eve, Katelynn lost her first tooth. So, the Toothfairy and Santa visited our home on the same night. Unfortunately, Sara had a bad cold on Christmas Day. She wasn’t too happy. But we made the best out of the situation.


Santa left apples, oranges, nuts, and candy under the tree. Of course, Sara found the candy first and wanted some. Kevin and I said she could have some after breakfast. Instead of listening, she was very sneaky, put one in her mouth, and acted like she didn’t know what we were talking about. Lexi was happy, she had a new toy duck, which was shredded by her and Ranger the same day.


… to be continued …

2023 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Winter Wonderland (3)



2023 · πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ… · Kringle Candle Company

Kringle Candle Company’s “Stardust”


Stardust is a heavenly constellation of bold florals, and warm amber and musky woods.

Top; Green, Lemon, Floral
Mid: Amber, Jasmine, Nutmeg, Orchid
Base: Benzoin, Musky, Oriental, Sandalwood


2023 · Days of The Week · Flower Friday · Our Yard

The Bradford/Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana)

The trees were introduced to the U.S. by theΒ United States Department of AgricultureΒ facility at Glenn Dale, Maryland, as ornamental landscape trees in the mid-1960s. They became popular with landscapers because they were inexpensive, transported well, and grew quickly.Β Lady Bird JohnsonΒ promoted the tree in 1966 by planting one in downtown Washington, D.C.Β The New York TimesΒ also promoted the tree saying, “Few trees possess every desired attribute, but the Bradford ornamental pear comes unusually close to the ideal.”

In much of North America these cultivars, particularly ‘Bradford’, are widely planted asΒ ornamental trees. The trees are tolerant of a variety of soil types, drainage levels, and soil acidity. Their crown shape varies from ovate to elliptical but may becomeΒ asymmetricΒ from limb loss due to excessive and unstable growth rates. The initial symmetry of severalΒ cultivarsΒ leads to their attempted use in settings such as industrial parks, streets, shopping centers, and office parks. Their dense clusters of whiteΒ blossomsΒ are conspicuous in early spring, with an odor often compared to rotting fish orΒ semen.Β According to extension specialist Kelly Oten ofΒ North Carolina State University, the smell attractsΒ fliesΒ which are the primaryΒ pollinatorsΒ rather thanΒ bees.Β At the latitude of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the trees often remain green until mid-November,Β and in warm autumns, the colors are often bright, although, in a cold year, they may get frozen off before coloring. In the South, Callery pears tend to be among the more reliable coloring trees.

2023 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · California · Days of The Week · πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ… · Texas · Throwback Thursday

Christmas Season (Part II) 2006 – 2007


In the Christmas Season of 2006, Kevin, Katelynn, and I visited California. Since we celebrated the 60th Anniversary of Kevin’s grandparents in Anaheim, we stayed an extra day to go to Disneyland.


In December 2007, Kevin installed his first outdoor Christmas tree made of Christmas light chains. Everything was held up by a PVC pipe.


… to be continued …

2023 · Days of The Week · Wildlife Wednesday

Mallard Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) πŸ¦†

πŸ¦† Mallard Ducks πŸ¦†

If someone at a park feeds bread to ducks, there are Mallards in the fray. Perhaps the most familiar of all ducks, Mallards occur throughout North America and Eurasia in ponds, parks, wilder wetlands, and estuaries. The male’s gleaming green head, gray flanks, and black tail curl arguably make it the most easily identified duck. Mallards have long been hunted for the table, and almost all domestic ducks come from this species.

2023 · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚ · πŸ¦ƒπŸŒ½ Thanksgiving πŸŒ½πŸ¦ƒ

Giving Thanks (1)


Homegrown Pumpkin 2013


2023 · Days of The Week · Flower Friday · Our Greenhouse

Wild Pansy

Viola tricolorΒ is a common European wild flower, growing as anΒ annualΒ or short-livedΒ perennial. The species is also known asΒ wild pansy,Β Johnny Jump upΒ (though this name is also applied to similar species such as the yellow pansy),Β heartsease,Β heart’s ease,Β heart’s delight,Β tickle-my-fancy,Β Jack-jump-up-and-kiss-me,Β come-and-cuddle-me,Β three faces in a hood,Β love-in-idleness, andΒ pink of my john.

It has beenΒ introducedΒ into North America, where it has spread. It is the progenitor of the cultivatedΒ pansy, and is therefore sometimes calledΒ wild pansy; before the cultivated pansies were developed, “pansy” was an alternative name for the wild form. It can produce up to 50 seeds at a time. The flowers can be purple, blue, yellow or white.

Resource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_tricolor

2023 · National Day Calendar

National Clarinet Day 2023

National Clarinet Day is celebrated on November 16 every year, and if you’re an aficionado of music, this day is for you. Do you know that it has been 3,000 years since the first hornpipes were created in Ancient Greece? A clarinet is similar to a single-reed instrument and is a blowing-type musical instrument with a cylindrical body and a flared bell at the bottom. It is a musical instrument widely used in bands and orchestras, especially in the military. It comes from the family of woodwind instruments. Clarinet Day was created to give credit to this amazing instrument that is a favorite among most musicians around the world.

Happy National Clarinet Day!
2023 · πŸŽƒπŸ‘» Halloween πŸ‘»πŸŽƒ

Kevin’s DIY Brewing Witch 2011


Kevin installed a motor and attached the brew stick in the cauldron. The motor was on a timer, so it seemed like the witch was literally stirring her brew. The funny part about it was, the motor started speeding up and the whole witch tried to keep the brew in control. When that happened, Kevin had to secure the cauldron and make sure, the witch wasn’t flying off. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜‚


2023 · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚

Beautiful Colors of Autumn (5)



2023 · Days of The Week · πŸŽƒπŸ‘» Halloween πŸ‘»πŸŽƒ · Throwback Thursday

Halloween Season (Part IV) 2010 – 2011


Katelynn loves going to the pumpkin patch because she can jump in the bounce house, go on hay rides, and pick a pumpkin. Sara just enjoyed crawling around between the pumpkins. Every pumpkin had to be tested by giving it a good slap on top. We also went to the Pirate Days. Unfortunately β€œBoo at the Zoo” got rained out the day, we went to the Fort Worth Zoo. But it wasn’t the end of the world, either. The girls got out and had fun, anyway.


Awww! 2011 was one of my favorite Halloween Seasons of all time so far. Katelynn had a crush on β€œMarvin, the Martian” and wanted to marry him. That’s right. She loved this Looney Toon character so much, that we had to get her a plush Marvin. She said she wanted to become an Astronaut and be the First Woman on Mars. Well, over the years her idea of flying to Mars has changed. But she still wants to be a Paleontogist, now.

Sara was the cutest little garden gnome, I’ve ever seen. It was her first Halloween, she could walk to the houses. But she still had a hard time catching up with her older sister. Her little feet were not fast enough. So, she called Katelynn to wait for her: β€œKaitin, Kaitin! I want to go T’ick-o’-T’eat with you!” Sara wasn’t scared of any monsters either. Since we always made a big fest out of Halloween, she must have thought it was normal.


… to be continued in October 2024

2023 · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚ · πŸŽƒπŸ‘» Halloween πŸ‘»πŸŽƒ · Samhain

My Jack-o-Lanterns (Part IV) 2013 – 2014


Another Sunday has arrived to show off some of my Jack-o-Lanterns of the years 2013 and 2014. Some I carved for our local β€œFamily Fright Night Campout”. And a couple of pumpkins I carved for Halloween night. The white skull pumpkin is from Courtney. She asked me if I could capture a photo of it. It looked so cool I had to add it to my Jack-o-Lantern photo collection.


… to be continued …


14 Years …


From the day you came into this world
We were as proud as can be
Blessed with a Daughter
For everyone to see.
So every year we celebrate
This very special day
To mark another milestone
As your life moves on its way.
So happy Birthday to you
We wish you all the happiness in the world
We are thankful all year round
For our very precious girl.

Happy 14th Birthday, Sara!


2023 · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚

Beautiful Colors of Autumn (3)


Autumn Willow Oak 2008


2023 · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚

Beautiful Colors of Autumn (2)



2023 · Days of The Week · Texas · Wildlife Wednesday

Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)

Mockingbirds are one of the most commonly noticed birds in the state of Texas. They are either applauded for their audaciousness or cursed for their persistence in nocturnal singing or in the defense of their territory. Insects, fruit, crustaceans, and small vertebrates make up the mockingbird’s diet. The fact that they enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables hasn’t exactly made them gardeners’ friends either, although they do eat lots of insects.

Mockingbirds are found in just about every habitat type in the state. The males’ territoriality and constant singing and displaying during the breeding season make them the most noticeable bird in Texas. Often this territoriality takes the form of early morning singing sessions or diving attacks on other animals or people!

Unmated male mockingbirds sing more than mated ones, and only unmated males sing at night. Both sexes sing in the fall to claim winter feeding territories. These areas are often different than their spring breeding territories. Mockingbirds mimic 50 other bird songs. They have also been known to imitate other sounds they hear such as rusty hinges, whistling, cackling hens, and dogs barking so expertly that even an electronic analysis could not tell the difference between the mockingbird and the original. Scientists have found that female mockingbirds are attracted to males that can make the most different sounds.


2023 · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚

Beautiful Colors of Autumn (1)

