2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Forest · Our Yard

Our Yard/Forest In Early May (2)


1) Wild Columbine; 2) Ozzy; 3) Dark-barred twin-spot Carpet Moth;
4) Maples in our forest; 5) Norway Maple Leaves; 6) Bumble Bee on
Honeysuckle; 7) Crabapple Blossoms; 8 & 9) Pusteblume;
10)Star of Bethlehem; 11) More Maples; 12) Garlic Mustard


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (5)


Some of my veggies and fruits were potted separately. It was still too cold to plant the tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse-raised beds. There were nights, I had to cover the crop since I didn’t heat the greenhouse. Two to three weeks later, it was a different story. The soil and the air were warm enough for planting. And I had to keep the greenhouse door and window open during the daytime. It became warm very quickly in Texas.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar

April Showers Day 2024

April Showers Day, unlike many other American holidays, was created by the online greeting card company 123greetings.com. However, the exact year that April Showers Day was established is unknown. The term β€œApril Showers” is well-known in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It essentially describes the heavy and rapid rain showers that are typical of April weather in the northern hemisphere, particularly in the British Isles and are caused by the jet stream’s northward movement.

Winter in the Northern Hemisphere lasts from the December solstice, which occurs on December 21 UTC, through the March equinox, which occurs on March 20 UTC. As temperatures rise in Western New York, the last bit of snow melts and turns to rain, igniting the beginnings of flowers and plants blooming in the area. The smallest possibility of rain in the U.K. this year falls between April 21 and April 27. The average sliding 31-day rainfall in April is also quite low, ranging from 1.3 to 1.8 inches (between 3.3 to 4.6 centimeters).

The saying β€œMarch winds and April showers bring forth May flowers” was first documented in English-speaking countries in 1886. The shorter, trochaic variant β€œApril showers bring May flowers,” originally β€œSweet April showers/Do spring May flowers,” was part of a poem published in 1610. The phrase is mentioned in the General Prologue of β€œThe Canterbury Tales.” So this April Showers Day, get out your umbrella and rain shoes, and let’s stand outside to witness an amazing downpour β€” don’t forget your raincoat!

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/april-showers-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Yard

A Beautiful Spring Morning In April (1)


The weather was beautiful, today. We had a lot of sunshine with temperatures of 72℉/22℃. It is supposed to be nice and warm until Wednesday. On Thursday we get more rain and the temperatures will be in the 50s, again. I hope it will stay above freezing since Spring blooms are in the yard.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Furbabies · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (4)


After the greenhouse was built, the next stage was to start a garden-raised bed. I still had plenty of weeds to pull on the greenhouse ground. when most of the weeds were gone, I loosened the clay and mixed it with the raised bed soil. Kevin and I put up an 8′ x 25″ x 1.5″ wood plank as a barrier before we filled in the rest of the soil. Finley inspected and watched my garden work before he took a nap behind the greenhouse. I guess, watching people work can make a cat very tired. It was a sunny Spring afternoon. I can’t blame him.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Yard

Spring Rain In New England (1)


Throughout the night we had strong wind gusts and rain. At one point, it was thundering. When the wind blows that strong, I have a hard time sleeping and spend time listening to music and documentaries on YouTube. That keeps me occupied. Rolling from one side to the other makes me fuzzy, gives me a headache, and I feel groggy all day.

Later in the morning, I went outside to see if we had any damage. Some branches and twigs projected into the ground. They were about two inches deep in the soil. I always avoid the front yard and the forest when we get high winds. You never know when a big branch breaks off and hits you right on the noggin. Last year, we got the trees trimmed. But there are always a couple of branches that can’t sustain a good wind storm.

In the last couple of days, some trees and shrubs began to bloom in our yard. I noticed, my neighbor’s saucer magnolia is in bloom, too. So, I snuck into his yard to capture photos of his beautiful tree. He doesn’t mind, when I walk over there. I mind my own business and only leave footprints in his yard.


2024 · Solar Eclipse

The Total Solar Eclipse In New England 2024

I remember when a host on a Dallas radio station talked about this year’s Total Solar Eclipse event, in 2004. Back then, I hoped I would still be in Dallas, Texas. Unfortunately, since we moved to Connecticut that didn’t happen. However, Katelynn had the chance to see it from her office building in Dallas.

So, Plan B was to travel to Niagara Falls ~ New York, Burlington ~ Vermont, or up to Maine. The latter had ironically the clearest sky for the April weather. We made plans for Niagara Falls. But when we heard, how crowded the place would be and saw the weather report with 100 percent overcast, we decided last minute to stay home and watch the Solar Eclipse from our back porch.

That was a smart choice. Yes, we had “only” 93 percent eclipse coverage. And we had to fight some hazy clouds. However, it cleared up at the maximum coverage. I didn’t get special equipment for my cameras. But Kevin, Sara, and I looked at the eclipse with our protective glasses and enjoyed the event as a family.

Nature was still busy. The birds were still chirping. And the squirrels went to town in the forest. But most animals stayed lower to the ground than usual. The Moon dimmed the daylight drastically, but it wasn’t like nighttime for a moment. In the path of totality, the experience would have been completely different.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Yard

Spring Is Coming!


Today is another nice Spring day. It is mostly cloudy. But, the temperatures are 59℉/15℃. It’s very comfortable to be outside wearing a hoodie or a light jacket. When I looked for our blooming snowdrops, I had a curious little chickadee following me around the garden. The closest distance between the bird and me was maybe three-and-a-half to four feet. I must have been in its territory. Maybe, it wanted to tell me: “Spring is coming!”


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Beautiful Colors of Spring (1)


Mammatus Clouds
Mammatus Clouds In The North Texas Sky ~2008


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Forest · Our Yard

The First Day of Meteorological Spring In Litchfield County, Connecticut 2024


Aaahh! The first day of March was a beautiful day. Cool, but with the right clothes being in the sun it was comfortable to sit in the garden for a while. When I let our dogs outside, I noticed a Red-tailed Hawk couple visiting the nest on the tree in our forest. They both were fixing some twigs and brought softer material to the nest. Soon, we will have a hawk nursery. How exciting?!

Later, I walked down to the rim of our forest. However, it didn’t take long until Chewbacca came following me and meowing as he wanted to tell me, that it is not that safe down here at the moment. Well, he’s right. Bruno and his bear cousins will be out of their den and roaming the woods for food soon, again. And they will be hungry. Therefore, my neighbor puts out only a small portion of seeds for the birds. By sundown, the seeds are usually all eaten up. And there is no big concern that Bruno visits the neighborhood. He usually stays in the woods.

The Snowdrops are in bloom, and some of the trees show some flower buds. It will take another four to six weeks until the edge of the Winter is gone in Litchfield County. But, once Spring has arrived, and won’t go anywhere else until Summer will knock on the door. Spring, you can’t come soon enough. I want to start my vegetable garden, soon.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Hello, March 2024!


March Racing clouds and whistling winds,
Coats flapping in the breeze,
Bright kites circling in the skies,
The dance of swaying trees,
The cheerful sight of crocuses,
The first sweet breath of spring –
Just part of all the many moods
The month of March can bring.

Author unknown


2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Yard

A Warmer Winter Day In New England (2)

The weather spoiled us the last couple of days. Unfortunately, everything must have an end. And so has this beautiful weather with 57℉/14℃ where I live in Connecticut. Down at the Long Island Sound, they even reported temperatures in the 60s. That’s almost swimming weather in New England. πŸ˜€ Well, Tuesday has another report for a Winter storm. And we will have freezing temperatures, again. I enjoyed this warm spell as long as I could by opening all my windows in the house and walking around on our property. The fresh air was so good. I didn’t close the windows until it began to rain at 7 pm.

2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Furbabies · Our Yard

A Warmer Winter Day In New England (1)

It’s still early February. But the sun feels a little warmer already. It’s gaining strength, again. The breeze was still cool. But it wasn’t cold enough to bundle up. Ozzy and his brothers enjoyed a stroll on our property until the sunset. Then they all wanted to come back in.

In the next few days, we will have a warming trend in Connecticut and parts of New England. By Saturday, we are supposed to get temperatures up to 57℉/14℃. Since it is dried up and there’s no rain in the forecast until Sunday, Kevin and I might take a short hike this weekend. it won’t be so muddy and cold.