2024 · ⛵☀ Summer ☀⛵ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (3)


1) Blueberry; 2) Raindrops; 3) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 4) Blueberries;
5) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 6 & 7) Raindrops; 8 Broccoli


2024 · ⛵☀ Summer ☀⛵ · Our Garden · Our Yard

Summer Rain In New England (1)


My allergies were acting up, today. I had an itchy nose and itchy ears. When it began to rain, the itchiness stopped immediately. I could go back outside and breathe without sneezing. It was still raining when I captured photos outdoors, and the cool drops felt so good on my skin.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · National Day Calendar

April Showers Day 2024

April Showers Day, unlike many other American holidays, was created by the online greeting card company 123greetings.com. However, the exact year that April Showers Day was established is unknown. The term “April Showers” is well-known in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It essentially describes the heavy and rapid rain showers that are typical of April weather in the northern hemisphere, particularly in the British Isles and are caused by the jet stream’s northward movement.

Winter in the Northern Hemisphere lasts from the December solstice, which occurs on December 21 UTC, through the March equinox, which occurs on March 20 UTC. As temperatures rise in Western New York, the last bit of snow melts and turns to rain, igniting the beginnings of flowers and plants blooming in the area. The smallest possibility of rain in the U.K. this year falls between April 21 and April 27. The average sliding 31-day rainfall in April is also quite low, ranging from 1.3 to 1.8 inches (between 3.3 to 4.6 centimeters).

The saying “March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers” was first documented in English-speaking countries in 1886. The shorter, trochaic variant “April showers bring May flowers,” originally “Sweet April showers/Do spring May flowers,” was part of a poem published in 1610. The phrase is mentioned in the General Prologue of “The Canterbury Tales.” So this April Showers Day, get out your umbrella and rain shoes, and let’s stand outside to witness an amazing downpour — don’t forget your raincoat!

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/april-showers-day/

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Yard

Spring Rain In New England (1)


Throughout the night we had strong wind gusts and rain. At one point, it was thundering. When the wind blows that strong, I have a hard time sleeping and spend time listening to music and documentaries on YouTube. That keeps me occupied. Rolling from one side to the other makes me fuzzy, gives me a headache, and I feel groggy all day.

Later in the morning, I went outside to see if we had any damage. Some branches and twigs projected into the ground. They were about two inches deep in the soil. I always avoid the front yard and the forest when we get high winds. You never know when a big branch breaks off and hits you right on the noggin. Last year, we got the trees trimmed. But there are always a couple of branches that can’t sustain a good wind storm.

In the last couple of days, some trees and shrubs began to bloom in our yard. I noticed, my neighbor’s saucer magnolia is in bloom, too. So, I snuck into his yard to capture photos of his beautiful tree. He doesn’t mind, when I walk over there. I mind my own business and only leave footprints in his yard.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Hello April 2024!


April Songbirds’ joyful music, and the early springtime flowers,
Colorful umbrellas opened wide for April showers.
Days are brighter, hearts are lighter, promise fills the air –
The gifts of April bring us special happiness to share.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Hello, March 2024!


March Racing clouds and whistling winds,
Coats flapping in the breeze,
Bright kites circling in the skies,
The dance of swaying trees,
The cheerful sight of crocuses,
The first sweet breath of spring –
Just part of all the many moods
The month of March can bring.

Author unknown


2024 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · Our Yard · Throwback Thursday

February Winter Weather In New England ~ 2022


The last couple of days, we had a warming trend in Connecticut. Day temperatures were 44℉ (7℃) in Watertown on both days. Yesterday was dry; today the rain and fog came in. Tonight, the temperatures will sink with freezing rain will arrive with some snow. Tomorrow could be really slippery. We won’t know if schools are open or closed, until tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, Texas is dealing with a freeze as well. But it is by far not as bad as it was in February of last year. Y’all stay warm, my friends!


~ 02/03/2022 ~

2024 · Our Yard · Throwback Thursday

Rainy & Warm Weather On New Year’s Day 2022

The new year began with fog, rain, and temperatures in the mid-50s (12℃) here in the Naugatuck River Valley. Since there was no wind, it felt warm outside. This allowed me to capture photos of some raindrops, seedpods, and small mushrooms. We better enjoy these temperatures. Tomorrow, it is supposed to freeze at night. And there might be also some snow in the forecast for this upcoming week.

– 01/01/2022 –

2023 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · Our Forest

Morning Fog In The Naugatuck River Valley (3)


It was quite foggy until the rain arrived around noon. The weather(wo)man talked about severe storms. But we didn’t see much of it here in Connecticut. The storm line was further west from us, in Pennsylvania and New York State. Either way, we stay home and snuggle with our pets until the rain is over.


2023 · Days of The Week · Flower Friday · Our Yard

The Bradford/Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana)

The trees were introduced to the U.S. by the United States Department of Agriculture facility at Glenn Dale, Maryland, as ornamental landscape trees in the mid-1960s. They became popular with landscapers because they were inexpensive, transported well, and grew quickly. Lady Bird Johnson promoted the tree in 1966 by planting one in downtown Washington, D.C. The New York Times also promoted the tree saying, “Few trees possess every desired attribute, but the Bradford ornamental pear comes unusually close to the ideal.”

In much of North America these cultivars, particularly ‘Bradford’, are widely planted as ornamental trees. The trees are tolerant of a variety of soil types, drainage levels, and soil acidity. Their crown shape varies from ovate to elliptical but may become asymmetric from limb loss due to excessive and unstable growth rates. The initial symmetry of several cultivars leads to their attempted use in settings such as industrial parks, streets, shopping centers, and office parks. Their dense clusters of white blossoms are conspicuous in early spring, with an odor often compared to rotting fish or semen. According to extension specialist Kelly Oten of North Carolina State University, the smell attracts flies which are the primary pollinators rather than bees. At the latitude of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the trees often remain green until mid-November, and in warm autumns, the colors are often bright, although, in a cold year, they may get frozen off before coloring. In the South, Callery pears tend to be among the more reliable coloring trees.

2023 · 🍂🍁 Autumn 🍁🍂 · Our House · Our Yard

Autumn Rain In New England (2)


So far, it has been raining every weekend in October. It’s so annoying!


2023 · 🍂🍁 Autumn 🍁🍂 · Our Furbabies · Our House · Our Yard

Autumn Rain In New England (1)


The remnants of the post-tropical cyclone “Philippe” moves through New England and Canada’s southeast Atlantic coast, this weekend. And we have a cold front approaching from the west, which brings heavy rains and gusty winds. So, we are getting drenched in Connecticut. With all the rain we had this past Summer and in September, there seems to be no break from the rivers rising over their banks and therefore flooding the region.

Our pets seem to enjoy resting in the cooler sunroom, listening to the rain, and taking a snooze on their beds. Except Zoey: She wants to get out so bad. But she doesn’t like to be wet while doing her business. She looks outside and hopes for the rain to end soon.
