2023 · Bavaria · Days of The Week · Germany · Travel Tuesday

A School Trip To Randersacker, Germany ~ 1985

The Kartoffelturm (Potato Tower) was built before WWII to warrant a great view over the Main river. The tower is located in the vineyards of Randersacker which produce some of the best wine in Lower Franconia. The whole area is worth a hike. You can start in Würzburg and then either go alongside the Main river or directly walk through the vineyards. Wherever you look, you will see a beautiful idyllic coexistence of nature and human life. Trees, shrubbery, and meadows are omnipresent between the river and the mountains. Once you go uphill you can enjoy the fantastic clean air of this region. And when you arrive at the Sonnenstuhlturm you will have a magnificent panoramic view. In 1972, the name was changed to Sonnenstuhlturm (Sun Lounger Tower, or Sun Deck Chair Tower). However, Kartoffelturm is still the more common name for the residents of Würzburg and Randersacker.

Randersacker is located in the south of Würzburg. This part of the Main is called Maindreieck. The term refers to the course of the river, it looks similar to a triangle. The city of Würzburg is about three miles away from the village center of Randersacker. There are two subdistricts: Lindelbach and the main part Randersacker.

2023 · Bavaria · Days of The Week · Germany · Travel Tuesday

From Schaippach To Gemünden In Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany ~ 1985

When I was 11 my schoolmates and I went to a school camp in Schaippach an der Sinn with our teacher. In the mornings, we had regular school. But school started at 9 AM and ended at noon. and in the afternoon, we hiked several miles to learn more about regional history and geography. There was still plenty of time to hang around the building or sit in the story area and write a letter or postcard for the family at home. We had also responsibilities like taking care of the dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Make our beds and go to bed on time. Sleeping was another story when being in a room with nine other girls. After five or six days, we rode the bus back home, where our parents, in my case grandparents, were waiting in front of the school to pick us up. At home, we had a lot of stories to tell about that week at camp.

On one hike we went from Schaippach to Gemünden. Our teacher was always talking about the merging of the rivers Sinn and Saale into the River Main (pronounced: mine). A river merging with another river into a larger river means “münden” in German. Therefore the town at the three rivers is named Gemünden. So, we students wanted to see it and hiked to the exact place, where the merging of the rivers can be viewed from that spot.

Gemünden is about 25 miles (40 km) NNE down the river from my hometown Würzburg and located in the region of Main-Spessart in Lower Franconia, Northern Bavaria Germany.