2024 · National Day Calendar

Dinosaur Day 2024


Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. They were reptiles and ancestors of the common lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles that exist today. Dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic era or Age of Reptiles, which started about 252 million years ago. The first complete dinosaur skeleton to be found was an iguanodon in 1878. β€˜Dinosaur’ stems from the words β€˜terrible lizard’ in Greek. The name was invented by a famous scientist called Richard Owen in 1842. 

Fossil footprints give us clues about the way dinosaurs moved about. The birds you see today are believed to be descendants of the dinosaurs and rocks from that era show that the last of the dinosaurs roamed the Earth 64 million years ago. There have been many theories about why dinosaurs became extinct. A change in the temperature of the Earth seems the most likely reason. Since they were cold-blooded, dinosaurs could not have survived without the warmth from the sun. Many scientists now agree that, 46 million years ago, a huge meteorite struck the Earth. It created a gigantic cloud of dust and cut out the sunlight for months, maybe even years, which led to the eventual decline of the Earth’s temperature.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/dinosaur-day/
