2024 · ⛵☀ Summer ☀⛵ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (3)


1) Blueberry; 2) Raindrops; 3) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 4) Blueberries;
5) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 6 & 7) Raindrops; 8 Broccoli


2024 · ⛵☀ Summer ☀⛵ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (2)


1) Swiss Chard; 2) Carrots; 3) Purple Milkweed; 4) Blue Sage
(Salvia ‘Amistad’); 5) Cauliflower; 6) Our Garden & Greenhouse;
7) Tomato Blossoms; 8 & 9) Our Garden Raised Beds;
10) Summer Garden Decoration


2024 · ⛵☀ Summer ☀⛵ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (1)


1) Purple Top Vervain; 2) Purple Milkweed; 3) Mexican Thistle;
4) Blooming Parsley; 5) Arugula Blossom; 6) Collard Greens;
7) Summer Garden Decoration; 8) Blooming Bok Choy


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our New Raised Bed Garden In Early April (2)


In the past few days, the weather was gorgeous. Kevin and I finished the raised beds, filled the beds with soil, and planted a row of broccoli. Tomorrow, I will plant a row of cauliflowers, and sow some early Spring vegetable seeds. I’m thinking about carrots, onions, radishes, etc. They like the warm days and the cooler nights. After Mother’s Day, I can plant and sow the Summer vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Meanwhile, they are still in the house under grow lights.

The greenhouse also needs to be replenished with more soil. I will plant some tomatoes in there, again. I can’t trust the deer around here. One day, I have beautiful tomatoes. And the next day, all the fruits will have a bite out of them. So far, they never walked into the greenhouse, even with the wide open doors. We all just need to find a way to prepare and co-exist.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (3)


The seedlings finally moved to the greenhouse. The nights weren’t too cold for the Spring/Summer sowings anymore. One night, I wasn’t sure if the seedlings would survive the cooler night. So, I covered them up with some sandwich backs. I wanted to be on the safe side. The next morning, the greenhouse was covered in dew. But no frost. I was lucky. 🍀


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Garden

Texas Gardening In March 2013 (1)


I started my garden in the early Spring of 2013 by sowing beans, bell peppers, corn, pumpkins, sunflowers, tomatoes, and other goodies. I also worked on some herbs. At least, I had something ready to grow in the greenhouse, once the parts arrived and I could finish building it. Joshua made sure, that I watered the seedlings every day. And Sara enjoyed the milder days on the back porch.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Garden

Pre-gardening In February 2013


In February 2013, I purchased an 8 x 6 ft. greenhouse kit. While I waited for the kit to arrive at our house, I started some seeds with Katelynn and Sara. We also prepared some avocado pits and let a pineapple grow roots in a water-filled jar. The girls had a miniature greenhouse with colorful salad tomatoes.


2024 · In My Kitchen · National Day Calendar · Our Garden

National Celery Month ~ March 2024

Celery is a fibrous vegetable that grows into a leafy stalk. While many enjoy it fresh, celery also goes well into a cooked meal. Per serving, the crunchy vegetable has 16 calories. It’s a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamins A and C. Add it to snacks to benefit from its anti-inflammatory qualities. However, celery is not a superfood. They are the perfect complement to a healthy diet. While it is not glorified as a superfood, celery does class up the plate. Seasoned right, celery can stand out with a flavor all its own.

Meanwhile, back in your kitchen, your celery sticks scream for something else. Add some peanut butter or avocado. Mix chopped celery into a pasta dish or stir-fry. Stir chopped celery into onions and potatoes for a delicious soup. While all these items are cooking, chop up a few extra sticks store them in an airtight container, and place them in the refrigerator. They will keep crisp for at least two days. The celery will lose quality after that, but you can still enjoy them or use them in soups or other recipes.

Resource: https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/march/national-celery-month-march