2024 · Connecticut · Throwback Thursday

A Car Wash Fundraiser & A Hike In The Woods Near Danbury, Connecticut ~ 2021

Tomato Basil Marinara Sauce and a car wash for a fundraiser at a local church in Redding

Originally, I wanted to go to the Saugatuck Waterfalls near Redding. But Kevin and I had a hard time finding a parking spot. So, we decided to go back to Danbury and hike on a trail up there. On the way back, we ran into some kids with signs next to a church. They offered us a carwash and a cup of freshly made tomato sauce for $25. If we wanted only the carwash ($20) or the Marinara Sauce ($10) we could have gotten that, too. We went for both. Behind the church, they had everything set up for the carwash. Whole families were scrubbing, washing, and drying cars. I think this is a cool idea for a warm Sunday afternoon. Those kids can enjoy family time and still learn a bit about the value of a Dollar.


When we found our way back to Danbury, we went to the Wooster Mountain State Park Scenic Reserve. There was a decent parking lot and a nice trail system. Kevin and I hiked on the Bennet’s Pond Trail for a little bit, talked about the area, got all excited about the house sale & purchase the next day, listened to some birds, and looked at some vegetation. Yeah, it was a relaxing afternoon as a couple. Kevin and I needed that, after all the stress we’ve been through the last six months. The fresh air and walking together made all up for it. 💕

… to be continued …


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Forest · Our Yard

Our Yard/Forest In Early May (2)


1) Wild Columbine; 2) Ozzy; 3) Dark-barred twin-spot Carpet Moth;
4) Maples in our forest; 5) Norway Maple Leaves; 6) Bumble Bee on
Honeysuckle; 7) Crabapple Blossoms; 8 & 9) Pusteblume;
10)Star of Bethlehem; 11) More Maples; 12) Garlic Mustard
