2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (3)


1) Blueberry; 2) Raindrops; 3) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 4) Blueberries;
5) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 6 & 7) Raindrops; 8 Broccoli


2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (2)


1) Swiss Chard; 2) Carrots; 3) Purple Milkweed; 4) Blue Sage
(Salvia β€˜Amistad’); 5) Cauliflower; 6) Our Garden & Greenhouse;
7) Tomato Blossoms; 8 & 9) Our Garden Raised Beds;
10) Summer Garden Decoration


2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (1)


1) Purple Top Vervain; 2) Purple Milkweed; 3) Mexican Thistle;
4) Blooming Parsley; 5) Arugula Blossom; 6) Collard Greens;
7) Summer Garden Decoration; 8) Blooming Bok Choy


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Garden

Our Garden In Mid-April (2)


Today I did a thing. Kevin and I originally went to Home Depot for more soil. Our last garden-raised bed needed more soil and my greenhouse-raised beds need some replenishment, too. After purchasing the soil, which was only $2/per 0.75 cubic feet bag instead of $4.89, we went to the fenced-off area in the parking lot across the garden center. And there we found vegetables for $2 per pot and four packs. Well, I started to pick up some broccoli, peppers, spinach, swiss chard, and tomatoes. I also picked up two blueberry bushes. I see the deer having a blast with it in the future.

At home, I planted all the veggies in the raised beds. Yep, the tomatoes and peppers found a home too. I just have to keep a close eye on the weather forecast. Back in Texas, I did the PPP gardening. It means Plant, Prepare, Protect. The next couple of nights temperatures will drop into the 30s close to the freezing point. For those nights, I need to cover up the plants until it is warm and sunny in the afternoon. When the nights are milder, I can keep the plants uncovered. And if that doesn’t work well, then $14 went down the drain. But, I also learn an important lesson to stay away from PPP in Connecticut. Right now, my hopes are very high that it will work out.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Garden

Our Garden In Mid-April (1)


Strawberries & Cabbages


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our New Raised Bed Garden In Early April (2)


In the past few days, the weather was gorgeous. Kevin and I finished the raised beds, filled the beds with soil, and planted a row of broccoli. Tomorrow, I will plant a row of cauliflowers, and sow some early Spring vegetable seeds. I’m thinking about carrots, onions, radishes, etc. They like the warm days and the cooler nights. After Mother’s Day, I can plant and sow the Summer vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Meanwhile, they are still in the house under grow lights.

The greenhouse also needs to be replenished with more soil. I will plant some tomatoes in there, again. I can’t trust the deer around here. One day, I have beautiful tomatoes. And the next day, all the fruits will have a bite out of them. So far, they never walked into the greenhouse, even with the wide open doors. We all just need to find a way to prepare and co-exist.


2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

April Nor’easter Winter Storm In New England ~ 2024


The last few days, we had a lot of rain and high wind gusts, and it became colder each day. We were supposed to get some sleet this morning. But when I looked out of the window, I saw snow. The ground was too warm. Therefore the snow turned into slush. I was not a happy camper when I saw this mess. On a good note, we didn’t have to deal with fallen trees, power outages, and floods as many people did in other regions in the Northeastern United States. Sadly, some people lost their lives in this storm. And here, I’m annoyed because I can’t work in my garden. πŸ˜₯ In the afternoon, the snow/slush was gone on our property.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Yard · Throwback Thursday

Spring’s Coming To New England ~ 2022

Before it began to rain, I walked down the hill on our property to look for some plants. Since the last couple of days were warm, I was hoping for something to be sprouting out of the leaf-covered soil. And sure enough, I found snowdrops right below our shed. How exciting it was to see Spring arriving in our yard. I haven’t seen snowdrops since I left Germany, almost a couple of decades ago. The sight lifted my spirit, although we might get some snow on Wednesday, again.

~ 03/07/2022 ~

2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Garden

And The Gardening Season of 2024 Begins …


Last Saturday, I was sowing seeds for early vegetables. And now, some poke their little seedling heads out already. So far, we can see beans, broccoli, corn, cauliflower, and Roma tomatoes. The beefsteak tomatoes, cabbages, and lettuce seem to need more time to sprout. Soon, I have to put some of the seedlings in pots. Their roots need room to stretch out.

Once, April knocks on the door I have to build my garden-raised beds and fill them in with soil. The beans and tomatoes need steady trellises, and then also the sowing of root vegetables can begin. It is getting busy in and around the garden, now. I still have to find a way to keep the deer, chipmunks, and rabbits at bay.
