2024 · ⛵☀ Summer ☀⛵ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (3)


1) Blueberry; 2) Raindrops; 3) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 4) Blueberries;
5) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 6 & 7) Raindrops; 8 Broccoli


2024 · ⛵☀ Summer ☀⛵ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (2)


1) Swiss Chard; 2) Carrots; 3) Purple Milkweed; 4) Blue Sage
(Salvia ‘Amistad’); 5) Cauliflower; 6) Our Garden & Greenhouse;
7) Tomato Blossoms; 8 & 9) Our Garden Raised Beds;
10) Summer Garden Decoration


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Garden

Our Garden In Mid-April (2)


Today I did a thing. Kevin and I originally went to Home Depot for more soil. Our last garden-raised bed needed more soil and my greenhouse-raised beds need some replenishment, too. After purchasing the soil, which was only $2/per 0.75 cubic feet bag instead of $4.89, we went to the fenced-off area in the parking lot across the garden center. And there we found vegetables for $2 per pot and four packs. Well, I started to pick up some broccoli, peppers, spinach, swiss chard, and tomatoes. I also picked up two blueberry bushes. I see the deer having a blast with it in the future.

At home, I planted all the veggies in the raised beds. Yep, the tomatoes and peppers found a home too. I just have to keep a close eye on the weather forecast. Back in Texas, I did the PPP gardening. It means Plant, Prepare, Protect. The next couple of nights temperatures will drop into the 30s close to the freezing point. For those nights, I need to cover up the plants until it is warm and sunny in the afternoon. When the nights are milder, I can keep the plants uncovered. And if that doesn’t work well, then $14 went down the drain. But, I also learn an important lesson to stay away from PPP in Connecticut. Right now, my hopes are very high that it will work out.
