2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · National Day Calendar · Our Garden

Pink Flamingo Day 2024 πŸ¦©

Pink Flamingo Day is observed annually in the United States on June 23. Why celebrate the occasion, you might ask? Well, it’s a fun way to appreciate the pink flamingos used as garden decor. They are a staple icon in pop culture and are popular among working-class homeowners. The pink flamingo was designed in 1957 by Don Featherstone from photos in β€œNational Geographic.” It was one of the first projects he worked on at Union Products in Leominster, Massachusetts. He was a sculptor fresh out of art school hired by the company to create 3D plastic lawn and garden ornaments. He named the first pink flamingo Diego, and his design won him the Ig Nobel Prize for Art in 1996. He died at 79, only a few hours before Pink Flamingo Day.

The meaning of the pink flamingo has changed somewhat over the years. It was considered at one time a symbol of bad taste. In 1972, a director called John Waters released the movie entitled β€œPink Flamingos.” It became infamous for its outrageousness featuring a drag queen and carrying the tagline β€œAn exercise in poor taste.” By 1980, avant-garde galleries seized on the concept and started to display flamingo-themed installations. Baby boomers could be seen carrying pink flamingos across Europe in their backpacks. They also kayaked with them through the wilderness.

Around the 1990s, the plastic pink version became popular as housewarming gifts. The pink flamingo has different meanings to different people. It represents an influential part of popular culture. It has become a symbol for showing a sense of humor, crossing boundaries, and for those daring to be different.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/pink-flamingo-day/

2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (2)


1) Swiss Chard; 2) Carrots; 3) Purple Milkweed; 4) Blue Sage
(Salvia β€˜Amistad’); 5) Cauliflower; 6) Our Garden & Greenhouse;
7) Tomato Blossoms; 8 & 9) Our Garden Raised Beds;
10) Summer Garden Decoration


2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (1)


1) Purple Top Vervain; 2) Purple Milkweed; 3) Mexican Thistle;
4) Blooming Parsley; 5) Arugula Blossom; 6) Collard Greens;
7) Summer Garden Decoration; 8) Blooming Bok Choy


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (5)


Some of my veggies and fruits were potted separately. It was still too cold to plant the tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse-raised beds. There were nights, I had to cover the crop since I didn’t heat the greenhouse. Two to three weeks later, it was a different story. The soil and the air were warm enough for planting. And I had to keep the greenhouse door and window open during the daytime. It became warm very quickly in Texas.


2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

National Gardening Day 2024


National Gardening Day was founded by Cool Springs Press in 2018 to celebrate the hobby of gardening and to encourage gardeners to share their expert knowledge.

Forest gardening, a forest-based food production system, is known to be the world’s oldest form of gardening. Forest gardens could be found in prehistoric times along jungle banks. Ancient Egyptian paintings from around 1500 BC provide some of the earliest evidence of people gardening for pleasure and to achieve an aesthetically pleasing outcome.

After a decline during the Middle Ages, cottage gardens became popular during Elizabethan times. These usually contained food and herbs, with flowers added for decorative purposes. Gardens gradually became more open-plan and less rigid in their structure and by the mid-19th century in Europe, we were starting to see the types of gardens that we are all familiar with today.

The initial gardeners in the U.S. were essentially harvesters. In the 17th and 18th centuries, those lucky enough to own land and consequently a garden would try and use it to make money by harvesting whatever crops were suitable. Home gardening started to become a leisure activity in the 1800s as villages grew bigger and mass production was beginning. Ornamental gardens took the place of edible gardens and research on plant diseases and pests began.

The last 150 years have seen gardens become an increasingly social space, with methods of caring for them evolving to provide gardeners with a much-increased body of knowledge and equipment from which to garden.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-gardening-day/


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal · Our Furbabies · Our Greenhouse

The Greenhouse In Texas ~ 2013 (4)


After the greenhouse was built, the next stage was to start a garden-raised bed. I still had plenty of weeds to pull on the greenhouse ground. when most of the weeds were gone, I loosened the clay and mixed it with the raised bed soil. Kevin and I put up an 8′ x 25″ x 1.5″ wood plank as a barrier before we filled in the rest of the soil. Finley inspected and watched my garden work before he took a nap behind the greenhouse. I guess, watching people work can make a cat very tired. It was a sunny Spring afternoon. I can’t blame him.


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our New Raised Bed Garden In Early April (2)


In the past few days, the weather was gorgeous. Kevin and I finished the raised beds, filled the beds with soil, and planted a row of broccoli. Tomorrow, I will plant a row of cauliflowers, and sow some early Spring vegetable seeds. I’m thinking about carrots, onions, radishes, etc. They like the warm days and the cooler nights. After Mother’s Day, I can plant and sow the Summer vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Meanwhile, they are still in the house under grow lights.

The greenhouse also needs to be replenished with more soil. I will plant some tomatoes in there, again. I can’t trust the deer around here. One day, I have beautiful tomatoes. And the next day, all the fruits will have a bite out of them. So far, they never walked into the greenhouse, even with the wide open doors. We all just need to find a way to prepare and co-exist.


2024 · National Day Calendar

Community Garden Week 2024


Community Garden Week is a special week that allows us to celebrate schools and community gardens up and down the country. Community gardens are great for the environment and are also a great way to promote healing and happiness as they can have a positive effect on our sense of well-being.

Today, as around half of the world’s population currently lives in cities, keeping our environment sustainable, liveable, and, most importantly, carbon-neutral is one of the major challenges in urban policy and planning. This issue has existed for a couple of decades, and there might be a solution to it too in the form of community gardens. Back in the 1960s, communities across the U.K. started transforming unused plots of land into green spaces that allowed residents and volunteers to grow everything from flowers to fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, the benefits of contributing to a community garden are endless. Some of those benefits include spending time outdoors and getting back in touch with nature, community gardening is also an activity for the whole family, especially for kids β€” it is an enjoyable way to educate them and teach them all about flora and nature. It also encourages kids to eat healthily and to help others. Contributing to community gardens is a learning experience for everyone as you can learn all about gardening and growing different types of plants, and you can also meet and connect with different types of people who have the same interests as you.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/community-garden-week/


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸

Beautiful Colors of Spring (5)



2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Furbabies · Our Yard

Winter Wonderland (8)



2024 · National Day Calendar

National Houseplant Appreciation Day 2024

By mid-January, most of our various holiday decorations and Christmas trees have made their way out of our homes. Houseplant Appreciation Day is on January 10 every year, and it reminds us that we don’t have to lose the freshness and vibrancy that plants bring to our homes just because the holidays have drawn to a close. If you have the post-holiday blues, this is the perfect chance for you to brighten up your house with a lovely plant that you can enjoy all year long. But houseplants do more than just bring a splash of green into our homes, and National Houseplant Appreciation Day is all about raising awareness of the numerous benefits of tending an indoor plant. Houseplants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen for us to breathe, improving the air quality in your home. Plants also release moisture into the air, conditioning it with refreshing humidity that can actually make your house feel cooler! What’s more, many houseplants are easy to care for and have an array of household uses that help you save money. Whether your green thumb has driven you to amass an impressive indoor garden or you’re just kicking around the idea of a low-maintenance cactus for your desk, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and join us in bringing the outdoors inside on National Houseplant Appreciation Day.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/houseplant-appreciation-day/

2023 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ

Winter Wonderland (4)



2023 · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚ · Our Forest · Our Yard

Our Yard/Forest In Mid-November (2)



2023 · πŸŽƒπŸ‘» Halloween πŸ‘»πŸŽƒ

Halloween Cat Poem


Trick-o-Treat Halloween Kitty Cat

Could Be Halloween

Yowling, prowling, growling cat
Why do you switch your tail like that?
Why do your eyes flash gold and green?
Could be–must be–Halloween!
Slinky, inky, blinky cat,
Why do you arch your back like that?
What scary creatures have you seen?
Could be–must be Halloween!
