2024 · National Day Calendar

International Zebra Day 2024 ðŸ¦“

International Zebra Day was most likely founded by a consortium of conservation organizations such as the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and the Conservation Biology Institute. International Zebra Day aims to help raise awareness about the living conditions of zebras and how their numbers can be protected from further decline.

Presently, three types of zebra can be found in the wild. They are the Grévy’s zebra, the plains zebra, and the mountain zebra. Although the Grévy’s zebra, found in the northern regions of Kenya are extremely rare, they are an endangered variety having suffered a loss of more than 54% of its total population. The loss has occurred rapidly in the last three decades because of zebras being poached for their hides and pelts.

Zebras are found in the African Savannah where their natural habitat has been well preserved and not all zebras are in danger of disappearing. The other two subspecies of zebra are less endangered than the Grevy’s zebra. Plains zebras are thriving and don’t face threats of endangerment. The mountain zebra lives in South Africa, Angola, and Namibia. Along with the dangers of poaching, these zebras are also in danger from locals who might hunt them for meat when the going gets tough. Zebras have been battling many concerns regarding preserving their population.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/international-zebra-day/