2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Forest · Our Yard

Our Yard/Forest In Late June (1)


1) Common Motherwort; 2) Foggy Backyard; 3) Common Pokeweed;
4) Bittersweet Nightshade Droplets; 5) Roseleaf Raspberries; 6) Wood Fern;
7) Foggy Forest; 8) Heal-all; 9) Foggy Forest; 10) Robber Fly;
11) Courting Hoverflies; 12) Robber Fly


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Yard

Spring Rain In New England (1)


Throughout the night we had strong wind gusts and rain. At one point, it was thundering. When the wind blows that strong, I have a hard time sleeping and spend time listening to music and documentaries on YouTube. That keeps me occupied. Rolling from one side to the other makes me fuzzy, gives me a headache, and I feel groggy all day.

Later in the morning, I went outside to see if we had any damage. Some branches and twigs projected into the ground. They were about two inches deep in the soil. I always avoid the front yard and the forest when we get high winds. You never know when a big branch breaks off and hits you right on the noggin. Last year, we got the trees trimmed. But there are always a couple of branches that can’t sustain a good wind storm.

In the last couple of days, some trees and shrubs began to bloom in our yard. I noticed, my neighbor’s saucer magnolia is in bloom, too. So, I snuck into his yard to capture photos of his beautiful tree. He doesn’t mind, when I walk over there. I mind my own business and only leave footprints in his yard.


2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Yard · Throwback Thursday

A Foggy February Morning In New England (1) ~ 2022


Morning fog in the Naugatuck River Valley

The sun fought its way through the dense fog in the Naugatuck River Valley. With the rays dancing in that haze, it was a beautiful sight in our backyard this morning.


~ 02/10/2022 ~

2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Yard · Throwback Thursday

February Winter Weather In New England ~ 2022


The last couple of days, we had a warming trend in Connecticut. Day temperatures were 44℉ (7℃) in Watertown on both days. Yesterday was dry; today the rain and fog came in. Tonight, the temperatures will sink with freezing rain will arrive with some snow. Tomorrow could be really slippery. We won’t know if schools are open or closed, until tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, Texas is dealing with a freeze as well. But it is by far not as bad as it was in February of last year. Y’all stay warm, my friends!


~ 02/03/2022 ~

2023 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Forest

Morning Fog In The Naugatuck River Valley (3)


It was quite foggy until the rain arrived around noon. The weather(wo)man talked about severe storms. But we didn’t see much of it here in Connecticut. The storm line was further west from us, in Pennsylvania and New York State. Either way, we stay home and snuggle with our pets until the rain is over.


2023 · Days of The Week · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚ · Throwback Thursday

Morning Fog In The Naugatuck River Valley 2021


Before I drove Sara to school, I warmed up the car and captured some photos with my Nikon. The sun just rose above the horizon, when I could see the fog past the trees in the valley. While we had no fog up on the hill in Watertown, Oakville was covered in a blanket. Sara’s school is about 300 ft lower in altitude than our home. The Autumn fog looked so pretty this morning.


– 10/12/2021 –

2023 · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚ · Our Forest · Our Yard

Morning Fog In The Naugatuck River Valley (1)


The fog was so dense this morning. Kevin told me, his co-worker ran almost a deer over because it was standing in the middle of the road. He saw it just shortly before he almost hit it. The deer must have been disoriented due to the density. Who knows, what happened to the deer this morning. Let’s hope, it made it safely to its destination. Up at our house, the fog rolled in, rolled out, and rolled in to roll back out. It came in waves until the sun had enough strength to make the fog disappear. The rest was a nice Autumn day.
