2024 · National Day Calendar

National Wedding Ring Day 2024

Happy National Wedding Ring Day!

Today, wedding rings are considered a must in almost all cultures across the globe. When a couple is about to tie the knot, rings are exchanged by both parties to signify their commitment to each other. Those rings are then worn at all times and often indicate who is single and who is committed. But wedding/engagement rings weren’t always a thing. There was a time when all that was needed to confirm a marriage was a verbal exchange of vows. It is widely believed, however, that in ancient Egypt lovers would wear rings made out of woven reed and leather to declare the love they felt for each other. Later on, the Greeks and Romans started sporting signet rings to show they were engaged to be married.

The history of the evolution of wedding rings not only includes how the tradition was formed; it also looks at the materials and forms of the rings exchanged over time. For instance, during the Middle Ages, the rings partners gave to each other had an image of Jesus Christ. Sometime in the 1100s, people exchanged Irish rings known as the ‘Claddagh.’ This type of ring had a special design that showed a heart in between two clasping hands. In the 15th century, people wore ‘Posy’ rings. These rings were special because they had a verse or a poem inscribed on them.

Yes, people didn’t always wear diamond rings, and the stone itself really had nothing to do with the concept of marriage and commitment. The craze of exchanging diamond rings started in 1947 because of a marketing gimmick by De Beers. This was a corporation known for mining diamonds. To increase their sales, they started marketing diamonds as something that was needed in a marriage. This was the time when the phrase “diamonds are forever” was launched.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-wedding-ring-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar · Our Furbabies

National Golden Retriever Day 2024

Ranger, our Golden Retriever/Collie-Mix in 2008

Get ready to celebrate a furry friend, because National Golden Retriever Day is every February 3! The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the US, and for good reason. Their calm temperament, intelligence, and playfulness make them ideal best friends for any dog lover. Plus, they make great disability assistance animals, like seeing-eye dogs for the blind and hearing dogs for the deaf. They’ve ended up saving lives in these roles—no wonder they have a holiday named after them.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-golden-retriever-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

Feed The Birds Day 2024 🐦

Feed the Birds Day first occurred in 1994 to encourage people to feed birds in winter. Celebrated in February as part of National Bird-Feeding Month, this day is celebrated during the coldest part of the year when the snow is thick and food scarce. February is also the last stretch of winter, which is when bird’s food reserves run low, and finding more becomes incredibly difficult. This is a dangerous time for birds because they need the extra calories that they get from food to keep themselves warm but don’t have the energy to go out looking for it. Most of the seeds they eat will be buried under the snow where they can’t get to it.

Feed the Birds Day is also a day celebrated to spread information about what birds eat so that they receive exactly the kind of food they need to survive. Rather than bread, which most people think is a good food source, birds need seed blends that are denser in calories and help them generate the energy they need to fly and stay warm. Nutrient-rich seeds include black-oil sunflower, nyjer (or thistle seed,) white proso millet, and sunflower chips. A seed to avoid is the red milo seed (sorghum,) which birds won’t even eat if blended with other seeds. Once birds learn that they can get a steady source of food, they will rely on it, so it’s important to stay consistent with the feeding. Besides food, people are also encouraged to set up heated bird watering stations so that birds have easy access to water in a safe space.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/feed-the-birds-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

Elmo’s Birthday 2024

Happy Birthday, Elmo!

Elmo’s Birthday is celebrated on February 3 every year by the Sesame Workshop who produce content on the “Sesame Street” show. Elmo is a red puppet, referred to as a muppet whose character appears on the educational show, “Sesame Street,” which is one of the longest-running children’s programs in the country today. Although “Sesame Street” was created to appeal to a wide audience, its focus was to educate children using a set curriculum aimed at achieving educational goals. Researchers, educators, writers, and producers all worked together on the show that monitors the educational effects it has on its viewers and adjusts where necessary to better suit the show’s objectives.

Elmo first appeared in the 1980 “Sesame Street” song, ‘We Are Monsters.’ While various puppeteers manned the character, it was puppeteer Kevin Clash’s performance that really brought the character to life. Elmo has since become a popular character who appears regularly on “Sesame Street” and hosts the last 15 minutes of the show, which is aimed at toddlers. He is ideal for this role because children that age can relate to him since he is in their age group.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/elmos-birthday/