2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Yard

Naugatuck River Valley Backyard Wildlife (8)


1) Bumble Bee on Motherwort; 2) Honey Bee on Purple Milkweed;
3) Young Eastern Gray Squirrel


2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Yard

Naugatuck River Valley Backyard Wildlife (7)


1) Eastern Gray Squirrel; 2 & 3) Carolina Wren;
4) Tufted Titmouse; 5) Carolina Wren


2024 · National Day Calendar

Squirrel Appreciation Day 2024

In 2001, wildlife rehabilitation specialist, Christy Hargrove, founded Squirrel Appreciation Day in Asheville, North Carolina. Christy created this day to encourage kind attitudes towards our bushy-tailed neighbors by setting out food and water for squirrels and even allowing them to play with that bird feeder you normally don’t want them touching. We might generally look at squirrels as being an unnecessary nuisance, but their existence is actually beneficial to the environment, and in urban areas, assists in park beautification. Albeit by accident, squirrels plant seeds (initially meaning to store away nuts to come back to when they’re hungry) which eventually grow into trees, thus assisting with forest renewal. They’re nature’s gardeners!

Up until the mid-19th century, squirrels weren’t present in American cities. To have squirrels in the middle of urban areas, you’d need to transform the landscape by planting trees and building parks. You also needed to change the way people behaved by discouraging them from shooting squirrels and encouraging them to start feeding the animals instead.

The first documented introduction occurred in Philadelphia’s Franklin Square in 1847. Boston and New Haven followed suit and brought in squirrels a few years later in 1850. The squirrel experiment had ended by the 1860s when many squirrels had either passed or were killed amid concerns that they would disturb birds and lead to insect problems. But releases began again in the 1870s, this time on a larger scale as expansive parks were built in New York, Boston, Washington D.C., Chicago, and other major cities, providing a welcomed habitat for squirrels to live and thrive.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/squirrel-appreciation-day/

2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Yard

Naugatuck River Valley Backyard Wildlife (5)


1) White-breasted Nuthatch; 2 & 3) White-throated Sparrow
4 & 5) American Red Squirrel; 6) Eastern Red Squirrel


2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Connecticut · Our Yard

Naugatuck River Valley Backyard Wildlife (4)


1) Eastern Gray Squirrel; 2) Tufted Titmouse; 3) White-throated Sparrow
4) Downy Woodpecker; 5) White-throated Sparrow;
6) Eastern Gray Squirrel


2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Connecticut · Our Yard

Naugatuck River Valley Backyard Wildlife (3)


1) White-breasted Nuthatch; 2) Red-bellied Woodpecker; 3) Blue Jay
4) White-throated Sparrow; 5) Blue Jay; 6) Eastern Gray Squirrel
7) Blue Jay; 8) Red-bellied Woodpecker; 9) Tufted Titmouse


2024 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Our Property

Nor’easter Winter Storm “Aspen” (Part I)


Since yesterday evening it has been snowing. And it hasn’t let up this morning. So far, the snow accumulated four to five inches. Two weeks after Christmas, we finally got our Winter Wonderland in southern New England.


… to be continued ..

2023 · Days of The Week · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚ · Throwback Thursday

Naugatuck River Valley Backyard Wildlife In November (1) ~ 2021


1) Eastern Gray Squirrel; 2) Downy Woodpecker; 3) Tufted Titmouse;
4) Blue Jay; 5) Eastern Gray Squirrel; 6) American Robin;
7)) Golden-crowned Kinglet


~ 11/04/2011 ~

2023 · Connecticut · πŸ‚πŸ Autumn πŸπŸ‚

Naugatuck River Valley Backyard Wildlife (1)


This afternoon, I watched Momma Squirrel having an adventure with her two pups. The weather was sunny and warm enough to hop around in the trees. Since most of the leaves dropped to the ground, Momma Squirrel had a better eye on her offspring. She made sure, they were all safe on their playground.

Later on, I went over to my neighbors’ for a little chat, while my dinner was simmering on the stove. Now, that it gets colder, he provides the birds and critters some sunflower seeds. I haven’t put mine out, yet. It is still too warm. And Bruno, the Bear, might roam around in our neighborhood. Probably in another week or two, I’ll be more comfortable to add a bird feeder to my yard. For right now, I do some birdwatching in my neighbor’s yard.

1) White-breasted Nuthatch; 2) Northern Cardinal; 3) Tufted Titmouse;
4) House Finch; 5) Eastern Chipmunk; 6) Tufted Titmouse;
7) Northern Cardinal
