2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Our Forest · Our Yard

Our Yard/Forest In Early May (2)


1) Wild Columbine; 2) Ozzy; 3) Dark-barred twin-spot Carpet Moth;
4) Maples in our forest; 5) Norway Maple Leaves; 6) Bumble Bee on
Honeysuckle; 7) Crabapple Blossoms; 8 & 9) Pusteblume;
10)Star of Bethlehem; 11) More Maples; 12) Garlic Mustard


2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · Ostara

Spring Equinox/Ostara 2024


Springtime; heady scents, vibrant splash of breathtaking colors, so-refreshing rustling of leaves, spring blesses us with colorful brighter days, making us feel more alive than ever. One of four seasons including summer, fall, and winter, each accompanied by a change in weather, spring is characterized by warmer, brighter temperatures, an increase in rainfall, the bloom of flowers, and the grand return of certain animals (bears, bats hedgehogs, wood frogs, among many others); sometimes spring also is characteristic of storms and tornadoes.

Marked by the astronomical definition, spring which occurs between the spring equinox and the summer solstice is dependent on equinoxes (β€˜equinox’ β€” Latin for β€˜equal night.’) One of the two times of the year when daytime and nighttime are almost the same lengths) and solstices, β€” β€˜solstice’ β€” derived from the Latin word β€˜sol’ meaning Sun, and β€˜sistere,’ translated to make stand. Solstice is one of two moments yearly when the Sun is farthest from Earth’s equator. During spring, the earth’s axis is not tilted toward or away from the Sun.

In the Northern Hemisphere, spring kick-starts when the vernal equinox blesses us with her presence and the sun crosses the equator line, heading north. (β€˜vernal’ from the mid-16th century Latin β€˜vernalis’ derived from the Latin word β€˜ver’ β€” β€˜spring’ and β€˜equinox’ from the Latin words β€˜aequi’ β€” β€˜equal,’ and β€˜nox’ β€” night.’) In contrast, at that very moment, the Southern hemisphere begins tilting away from the sun, officially signaling the ushering in of cooler temperatures autumn (fall). In the Southern Hemisphere, spring, associated with September, October, and November, occurs on September 22. During the first day of spring, the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Spring, dubbed the season of new beginnings, rebirth, rejuvenation, and transformation is eagerly embraced with lots of excitement, melting our hearts with endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/spring-begins/
