2024 · Massachusetts · National Day Calendar

National Boston Day 2024

Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge viewed from the Paul Revere Landing Park

National Boston Day takes place on January 16 every year to celebrate the unique name of Boston. It is believed to be a name of Middle English origin. Boston is also a place in the U.S. that is the capital of Massachusetts. It is the largest city in the state of Massachusetts and among the oldest established cities in the United States. The possible meaning of the name can be traced to the woods.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-boston-day/

2024 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · 🎅🎄 Christmas 🎄🎅 · Kringle Candle Company · Massachusetts · Travel Journal

The Kringle Candle Flagship Store In Bernardston, Massachusetts ~ December 2023

December 30, 2023

In Autumn 2019, a friend mentioned the name Kringle Candle Company after I was dissatisfied with the throw of a particular Yankee Candle. She said, that since Yankee Candle was sold by the original owner, Michael Kittredge II, the product is not the same anymore. Something is missing, and I call it L.O.V.E. with every pour of a candle. About ten years, after Mike Kittredge II sold Yankee Candle in Deerfield, Massachusetts, his son opened the Kringle Candle Flagship Store in Bernardston. Bernardston is about 10 miles north of Deerfield.

I did purchase a lot of Kringle Candles in Texas and Connecticut. But I always wanted to visit the store as well. And finally, today was the day. Kevin, Katelynn, Sara, and I loved the Christmas display. While the girls were walking around every room in the store, and Kevin was eyeing the peanut butter fudge at the candy corner, I went on a shopping spree. Since an abundance of Autumn and Christmas candles were 50% off, I couldn’t say NO. Kevin’s heart dropped with every candle I sat in the cart. I don’t know why. He didn’t have to pay for it. 😉 Eight candles, some fudge, and several photos later, I went to the register. I believe this upcoming Autumn and Christmas Season, we will be decked out with candles; until the Halloween deal comes around in August.

~ The End ~