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Pink Flamingo Day 2024 🦩

Pink Flamingo Day is observed annually in the United States on June 23. Why celebrate the occasion, you might ask? Well, it’s a fun way to appreciate the pink flamingos used as garden decor. They are a staple icon in pop culture and are popular among working-class homeowners. The pink flamingo was designed in 1957 by Don Featherstone from photos in “National Geographic.” It was one of the first projects he worked on at Union Products in Leominster, Massachusetts. He was a sculptor fresh out of art school hired by the company to create 3D plastic lawn and garden ornaments. He named the first pink flamingo Diego, and his design won him the Ig Nobel Prize for Art in 1996. He died at 79, only a few hours before Pink Flamingo Day.

The meaning of the pink flamingo has changed somewhat over the years. It was considered at one time a symbol of bad taste. In 1972, a director called John Waters released the movie entitled “Pink Flamingos.” It became infamous for its outrageousness featuring a drag queen and carrying the tagline “An exercise in poor taste.” By 1980, avant-garde galleries seized on the concept and started to display flamingo-themed installations. Baby boomers could be seen carrying pink flamingos across Europe in their backpacks. They also kayaked with them through the wilderness.

Around the 1990s, the plastic pink version became popular as housewarming gifts. The pink flamingo has different meanings to different people. It represents an influential part of popular culture. It has become a symbol for showing a sense of humor, crossing boundaries, and for those daring to be different.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/pink-flamingo-day/

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