2024 · Arizona · National Day Calendar

National Arizona Day 2024

Formerly part of the Territory of New Mexico, Arizona was originally carved from Spanish and Mexican territories. It was later ceded to the United States in the war between Mexico and America. Consequently, a part of the territory broke off and became the Territory of Arizona as established and named by the Confederate States of America. Due to the various secessions it witnessed, an act to have the territory of Arizona organized was signed. This new territory was merged with parts from the earlier New Mexico Territory to form the U.S. Arizona Territory. Arizona was granted statehood on February 14, 1912, which made it the 48th state admitted by the United States and the 6th largest state in the United States.

With the state’s central location and resources, Arizona developed a fast-growing economy and saw its most vital economic boom with the mining industry in the 17th century. This took a drastic turn during the Great Depression. Famous for The Grand Canyon, a long list of parks and monuments, the drastic turn the economy took was uplifted as major road networks opened up the state to tourists and explorers. Tourism quickly became the center of Arizona’s booming economy.

Even though its most famous tourist attraction is its landmark shaped by nature, the country has a unique and exciting blend of history and culture that is derived from the influences of the Mexican and Native American populations. National Arizona Day is dedicated to celebrating and preserving the state’s natural, cultural, and historical resources.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-arizona-day/

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