2024 · National Day Calendar · USA

National American Eagle Day 2024 πŸ¦…

Celebrate the United States’ national symbol on National American Eagle Day! On June 20, we set aside time to raise awareness about the bald eagle and to preserve the bird’s natural habitat. The holiday is meant to educate others about the birds’ importance and explore ways to ensure that the eagles continue to thrive for decades to come. In the 1950s, the bald eagle was at serious risk of becoming extinct. Loss of their natural habitat, hunting, and the use of pesticides that damaged their eggs caused the population to massively decline. The bird was classified as endangered in the U.S. in 1967. The bird went on to become a prime success story of the Endangered Species Act. The bald eagle began to repopulate and thrive, and in 1995, it was moved from the national endangered species list to the national list of threatened speciesβ€”a major improvement! As of 2007, the bald eagle is no longer considered threatened and has a healthy population level. National American Eagle Day was launched by the American Eagle Foundation, a Tennessee organization focused on protecting bald eagles and their fellow birds of prey. Bald eagles like to live near large bodies of water, as they mostly eat fish, and are known for their beauty and grace when they soar through the air. They have been known as special symbols of the United States since the 1700s.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-american-eagle-day/

2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Litha · Wheel of The Year

Summer Solstice/Litha 2024


Litha, also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice, is a Pagan festival celebrated between June 20 – 23, marking the longest day of the year. It honors the Sun at its peak strength and the abundance of nature. Celebrations often include bonfires, feasting, dancing, and rituals to encourage prosperity, love, and good health.

Blessed Litha!


2024 · Throwback Thursday

“Boys And Their Toys” ~ 2021

A few weeks ago, I mentioned Kevin had to take care of several things in Connecticut, while Katelynn, Sara, and I were packing in Dallas. One of the errands was waiting for the riding lawnmower to get delivered to the house in Watertown. Kevin started mowing already, before he left for Dallas, again. Unfortunately, it began to rain. And there was not much he could do until we came back. Last night, the grass was dry enough to get things started in the yard. Of course, Kevin had a blast driving the lawnmower all over the grassy property. He had so much fun, that he chased me a couple of times, while I tried to capture photos of him. After a hard workday, this was the perfect activity for him. Sometimes it’s nice to be in the mid-40s and act like a kid again. As long as everything is done safely. He will go to town with this riding lawnmower on our big property, all Summer. πŸ˜‚πŸ¦—

“Boys never grow up. Their toys just get bigger and more expensive.”

~ 06/03/2021 ~