2024 · National Day Calendar

World Oceans Day 2024

Rolling in Atlantic waves at OBX

The Ocean Project has coordinated the June 8 World Oceans Day for the past 17 years. It’s a crucial environmental issue. We get food and medicines from the deep blue, which helps keep the climate in check. Oh, and there’s this thing about water being the “lungs of the earth” — as it turns out, most oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean. We always felt that the waves breathed some life into us. (Alright, once or twice it was the lifeguard, but that doesn’t diminish the worth of one of our most valuable resources.) However, if we don’t take the steps to conserve it, we’ll lose a lot more than a spot for a weekend getaway. So dive in and do your part to keep Big Blue going strong.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/world-oceans-day/