2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Garden · Our Greenhouse

Our Garden/Greenhouse In Early June (3)


1) Blueberry; 2) Raindrops; 3) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 4) Blueberries;
5) Blooming Purple Milkweed; 6 & 7) Raindrops; 8 Broccoli


2024 · β›΅β˜€ Summer β˜€β›΅ · Our Garden · Our Yard

Summer Rain In New England (1)


My allergies were acting up, today. I had an itchy nose and itchy ears. When it began to rain, the itchiness stopped immediately. I could go back outside and breathe without sneezing. It was still raining when I captured photos outdoors, and the cool drops felt so good on my skin.


2024 · National Day Calendar

Remembering D-Day ~ June 6, 1944

Normandy Landing 06/06/1944

On the morning of June 6, 1944, American troops and their allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France in an invasion, code-named Operation Overlord, during World War II, which began the liberation of France, and ultimately other areas of Europe, from Hitler’s Nazi regime. This day, known as D-Day, and the strategically planned landing of 156,000 British, Canadian, and American troops at 6:30 A.M. on the five beaches of Normandy was code-named Operation Neptune.

Earlier in the morning of June 6, 24,000 airborne troops were dropped into battle by parachute to close exits and overtake bridges slowing the advancement of Nazi reinforcements. Troops entering the beaches by land and sea were met with Hitler’s β€˜Atlantic Wall,’ 2,400 miles of bunkers, landmines, and beach obstacles (metal tripods, barbed wire, and wooden stakes) established in anticipation of a French coast invasion. Nazis planted 4 million landmines along Normandy beaches.

Planning for our invasion of German-occupied France began in 1942. To mislead the Germans and maintain the secrecy of the details of the D-Day invasion, the Allies conducted a military deception, codenamed Operation Bodyguard. It included fake radio transmissions, double agents, and a β€˜phantom army’ commanded by American General George Patton.

June 5 was originally chosen as D-Day due to predictions of weather and high tide, based on the phase of the moon. Bad weather conditions interfered with the established plans and D-Day moved to June 6. Ultimately, over 4,400 identified soldiers, sailors, airmen, and coastguardsmen died on D-Day with an estimated 5,000 or more lost at sea, in an air battle, or otherwise not identified. Their sacrifice and the valiant efforts of all troops turned the tide of the entire war that day.

1944 – 2024

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/d-day/

2024 · National Day Calendar

National Yo-Yo Day 2024 πŸͺ€

Yo-yo Toys

If it seems like yo-yos have been around forever, that’s because they have; we’re talking over 2,000 years! Some believe it all started in ancient Greece, but modern yo-yos likely came from the Philippines. In fact, the word β€œyo-yo” first appeared in a Filipino dictionary in 1860. But they didn’t become popular stateside until the 1930s. Pedro Flores (of Filipino descent) began mass producing yo-yos in 1928. After holding some promotional competitions, he caught the eye of Donald F. Duncan Sr, who thought these yo-yo things were awesome! Duncan bought Flores out, hired him to run the marketing campaigns, and the rest is National Yo-yo Day history. 

Today the Duncan Toy Company is synonymous with this iconic toy. However, it wasn’t Duncan’s or Flores’ idea to hold a National Yo-Yo Day. No, that honor goes to Daniel Volk β€” a yo-yo pro whose talent helped spread the toy’s popularity. After all, he starred in β€œThe Yo-Yo-Yo Man Instructional Video” alongside the Smothers Brothers. 

In order to pay tribute to his employer, Volk founded National Yo-yo Day on what he thought was Duncan’s birthday: June 6. As it turns out, Duncan’s birthday is actually June 8, but hey, it’s the thought that counts. Anyway, National Yo-yo Day has been held on June 6 since 1990, so why stop a good thing? We’re certainly not going to. So, channel your inner child and let’s start celebrating!

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-yo-yo-day/

2024 · Our House · Throwback Thursday

Kevin’s House Improvement Project: A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That ~ 2021

Kevin wanted to shower in the master bathroom on Friday morning when he noticed the water heater was not working and the shower head was leaking. πŸšΏπŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ. Well, 🀬! Kevin busted open the shower wall to see, what was behind it. This master bathroom project comes much sooner than we were planning on it. But, it is what it is. It needs to be fixed ASAP.

Downstairs, the half bath/laundry room had its fair share of problems. Every time, I sat on that toilet the whole thing moved. No, I’m not talking about the toilet seat. That sucker was screwed on sturdy. Even my MIL would have a hard time, breaking that seat … LMBO (Oh boy! That’s another story I could tell and vent about.). The whole throne was moving. GROSS! The pre-previous owner slapped the house together to make a quick fix, so he could sell it. Yeah, but just putting wax under the toilet and letting the porcelain drop on it, doesn’t work that way. It needs to be screwed into the ground and the edges sealed with silicon. Come on, every kid in town knows that!

Since Lowe’s had a good Memorial Day Weekend Sale, we drove to Danbury. We just picked up three new toilets, two vanities with a sink, and a mirror medicine cabinet. We needed them anyway and got them for half price. Before I was losing my mind, Kevin started fixing the downstairs bathroom last weekend. We have a new toilet and a new vanity in the laundry room. And I’m not worried, about falling off that darn “Oval Office Chair”.

~ 06/01/2021 ~