2024 · National Day Calendar

Mount Everest Day 2024

Mount Everest’s Summit

Mount Everest is known for being the highest mountain above sea level. It stands tall in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas. Its height is about 29,000 feet. Many climbers are attracted to the mountain, including highly experienced mountaineers. There are two routes to climb the hill. The first is the standard route approaching the summit from the southeast in Nepal. The other route approaches it from the north in Tibet. Climbing the mountain requires substantial technical climbing skills. It also comes with significant risks such as altitude sickness, weather, wind, and hazards from avalanches and the Khumbu Icefall. Some mountaineers have attempted the climb and have not made it back.

Mount Everest Day is a chance to celebrate the brave climbers who attempt the mighty Everest. They are a reminder that anything is possible when you are determined. The holiday signifies bravery and endurance. It takes a lot of courage to embark on a dangerous climb like Mount Everest. People worldwide can be inspired to take more chances and go after their dreams. It shows people that they can face any challenges they may be facing in their lives. The holiday raises awareness about the natural wonder. This eventually leads to support that can aid the mountain’s preservation. Preserving the environment’s natural treasures is important for our society and future generations.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/mount-everest-day/

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