2024 · National Day Calendar

National Cherry Dessert Day 2024 đŸ’

Cherry Cheesecake

If you’ve made it this far, you are either a lover of cherry desserts, intrigued about the obscurity of this holiday, or just looking for interesting ways to celebrate the day. Whatever the case may be, you’ve come to the right place and we have all the answers you need below.

It’d be more accurate to talk about the origin of cherries when discussing National Cherry Dessert Day because cherry desserts would not be a thing without cherries. There are different types and even colors of cherries that have been identified throughout history. Some of them include true cherries, bird cherries or cherry laurels, and bush cherries, with the term ‘wild cherries’ referring to cherries growing outside cultivation.

The word cherry was coined from the Old Nothern French word ‘cherise,’ which was derived from the Latin word ‘cerasum’ to refer to the ancient Greek region of Kerasous, which is said to be the first place in Europe cherries were exported to. In the US, cherries arrived first in Brooklyn, New York. Colonists in Massachusetts planted the first sour cherry, which is still a people’s favorite.

Queen Elizabeth I is given credit for making the first cherry pie in the 1500s with the start of fruit pies and tarts. Since then, a variety of cherry-flavored desserts have made their way into the scene. Cherry can be used as a filling like in cherry pie and cobbler, as part of the flavoring like cherry cheesecake, or even as a topping like cherry tarts or biscuits.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-cherry-dessert-day/

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