2024 · 🌸🌷 Spring 🌷🌸 · My Texas Garden Journal

A New Fence Pole & An Old Dismantled Shed ~ 2013

One of our fence poles didn’t have a cap to cover it. When it rained the pole collected water. Over time the metal started to rust through and didn’t hold up the fence. It also didn’t help, that Ranger always peed on it. So, one Saturday afternoon Kevin got the materials to fix the fence. He dug the concrete block up, which was huge. It took us both to lift it out of the ground. Once the new pole was in place, Kevin poured the new concrete to keep the pole in place.

While the concrete was set, Kevin dismantled the old rusty shed which was here, before we moved into the house. All it did was attract rats. We had to get rid of it sooner or later. We had that extra space and enough room to trim the trumpet vines. In the meantime, Katelynn and Sara collected the rest of the twigs from the Mimosa, which was cut down three days prior. Our cats made sure, we all did our chores.

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