2024 · National Day Calendar · Wyoming

National Wyoming Day 2024

National Wyoming Day celebrates three occasions, the first is the day it became the 44th state of the U.S. the second is the day the Wyoming territory passed the bill to grant voting rights to women. It is sometimes even celebrated on December 10 at the behest of the Wyoming Federation of Women’s Clubs which requested this particular day to commemorate the passage of the bill to vote. The third day is May 24, due to the order in which the states became a part of the union, and is celebrated by the National Day Calendar.

The states in the West approved of women’s suffrage as some of the men recognized the important role women played. The state of Wyoming has been inhabited for roughly 13,000 years. However, around 1869, it was observed that the territory had a huge imbalance in the male and female population. The territory was occupied by 6,000 adult males but only 1,000 females. Men hoped that more women would settle down in the isolated territory and alleviate their issue of loneliness if they were granted the right to vote. Moreover, a territorial legislator by the name of William Bright was convinced by his young wife that it would be a gross injustice to deny women the right to vote. Thus, in 1869, the then-governor signed the bill that officially allowed women to vote.

Wyoming boasts many monuments and historical sites. These include the Fossil Butte National Monument and the Fort Laramie National Historic Site. The state even provides magnificent views in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-wyoming-day/

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