2024 · National Day Calendar

World Turtle Day 2024 🐢

Tiny Red-eared Slider Turtle

It’s easy to get confused between a tortoise and a turtle. The main difference is that turtles sometimes live in the water, while tortoises only live on the land. Turtles live up to 40 years and have streamlined and mostly flat shells. On the other hand, tortoises can live up to 300 years and have larger, more domed shells. You will mostly find turtles in the sea, while tortoises inhabit dense jungles and grasslands.

Turtles and tortoises are different species but this day is dedicated to celebrating and protecting both. The day was first celebrated by American Tortoise Rescue in 2002 and it highlights the suffering and the dwindling numbers of these animals due to human interference and environmental hazards. Schools, rescue centers, and nature lovers all come together on this day to learn more about these creatures and pledge their allegiance to help save them.

American Tortoise Rescue was created by Susan Tellem and Marshall Thompson. They organize charity drives and actively work to spread awareness of the critical conditions of these shelled reptiles. The couple is known for their humane treatment of all animals, including reptiles. Since its establishment in 1990, American Tortoise Rescue has given homes to over 4,000 tortoises and turtles. The organization also assists local law enforcement in guarding turtles’ natural habitats and tending to them when they are sick.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/world-turtle-day/

2024 · Connecticut · Throwback Thursday

A Car Wash Fundraiser & A Hike In The Woods Near Danbury, Connecticut ~ 2021

Tomato Basil Marinara Sauce and a car wash for a fundraiser at a local church in Redding

Originally, I wanted to go to the Saugatuck Waterfalls near Redding. But Kevin and I had a hard time finding a parking spot. So, we decided to go back to Danbury and hike on a trail up there. On the way back, we ran into some kids with signs next to a church. They offered us a carwash and a cup of freshly made tomato sauce for $25. If we wanted only the carwash ($20) or the Marinara Sauce ($10) we could have gotten that, too. We went for both. Behind the church, they had everything set up for the carwash. Whole families were scrubbing, washing, and drying cars. I think this is a cool idea for a warm Sunday afternoon. Those kids can enjoy family time and still learn a bit about the value of a Dollar.


When we found our way back to Danbury, we went to the Wooster Mountain State Park Scenic Reserve. There was a decent parking lot and a nice trail system. Kevin and I hiked on the Bennet’s Pond Trail for a little bit, talked about the area, got all excited about the house sale & purchase the next day, listened to some birds, and looked at some vegetation. Yeah, it was a relaxing afternoon as a couple. Kevin and I needed that, after all the stress we’ve been through the last six months. The fresh air and walking together made all up for it. 💕

… to be continued …
