2024 · National Day Calendar · The Night Sky

International Astronomy Day 2024 (1)

Astronomy is a natural science that has been ever-present in human history. Our ancestors looked at the night sky, filled with curiosity about what was beyond our planet with the same fervor as we do. Indigenous cultures from around the world practiced astrology with the naked eye. It played a key role in their societies. A famous example of this was Mayan astronomy. They were avid observers, keeping recordings and producing calendars and star charts. To them, the actions of the gods could be read in the movement of the stars, moon, and sun.

While many different cultures made great advances in astronomy, there probably isn’t a more revered astronomer than Nicolaus Copernicus. He first proposed that the Earth revolved around the sun. This was a truly revolutionary idea (no pun intended) since it was widely believed by many astronomers and religions that the Earth was the center of the universe. Challenging this, Copernicus proposed that humanity was only a part of a more complex system of space and time.

International Astronomy Day was started by Doug Berger, the President of the Astronomical Association of Northern California at the time. He intended to get people in urban areas interested in astronomy. To do this, he set up telescopes that people could use to enjoy gazing at space. Since then, the event has gained popularity and the support of organizations such as educational institutions, space agencies, and museums.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/international-astronomy-day/

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