2024 · National Day Calendar · Washington

National Washington Day 2024

National Washington Day, celebrated on May 10, recognizes Washington as the 18th-largest state, with a zone of 71,362 square miles, and the 13th-most populated city, with over 7.7 million inhabitants. A large percentage of Washington’s residents live in the Seattle metropolitan area. It serves as the state’s transportation, business, and industrial hub on Puget Sound, a Pacific Ocean inlet with numerous islands.

Washington is one of the most prosperous and socially liberal states in the nation. Life expectancy and unemployment rates in the state are consistently among the highest in the country. Washington is a major lumber producer, with forests of Douglas fir, hemlock, pine trees, white pine, spruce, larch, and cedar covering its rugged terrain.

The state is the major producer of apples, hops, pears, blueberries, spearmint oil, and sweet cherries in the United States. It also produces apricots, asparagus, dry edible peas, grapes, lentils, peppermint oil, and potatoes. Domesticated animals, types of meat, and commercial fishing, particularly salmon, halibut, and bottom fish, contribute significantly to the state’s economy. In terms of wine production, Washington is second only to California.

The Olympic National Park contains several of the nicest, calmest areas in the United States. One Square Inch of Silence contributes to the preservation and, hopefully, expansion of Earth’s naturally silent spaces. There are more than 3,000 glaciers in the state and it is known for its storm-watching in winter and beaches in summer. Without a doubt, Washington is a fantastic place to take in.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-washington-day/

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