2024 · National Day Calendar

National Balloon Ascension Day 2024

This hot air balloon flew over The Colony in January 2016.

Balloon Ascension Day is an annual celebration established to honor the brilliant work of Jean-Paul Blanchard. He was the French aeronaut and inventor who, in 1793, made the first manned balloon trip in America. He is generally regarded as the inventor of balloon flight. Balloon Ascension Day was initiated on the same date he took to the sky in 1793, January 9. 

During the first manned balloon trip in America, Blanchard stood opposite the Walnut Street Prison located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A relatively large number of people, including the President of the United States, George Washington, watched him mount and fly his hydrogen-filled gas balloon 200 fathoms or 1,200 Feet over the earth. Every year since 2011, the day has been observed to commemorate the first manned balloon flight in the United States and also encourage participation and foster interest in the field of aeronautics. 

According to historical records, during his flight in a balloon in 1793, there were not a lot of ways for Blanchard to steer his balloon, so his trip only lasted 46 minutes. A gust from the breeze swept him away to land on a farm, where he had to convince local farmers to help him get back to Philadelphia. 

This is not only considered America’s first aerial voyage but it is known to have also helped solidify the United States’ reputation as a country for innovative and great technological advances. On National Balloon Ascension Days, we are expected to go out and conquer our fears of traveling in a hot air balloon. We can take beautiful selfies for social media or watch other people mount and have their first experience flying in a hot air balloon. 

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