2024 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · Our Property

Nor’easter Winter Storm “Aspen” (Part II)


In the next six hours, the Winter Storm added another four to five inches of snow on our property, before it reached an end. And Kevin could go outside to clean up the long driveway with his snow blower. It felt like a déjà vu moment from two years ago. In 2022, Kevin’s birthday was the first Winter storm of the year. He really seems to enjoy using that snow blower. And he complained about the weather when he couldn’t use it, last year.

After about an hour and a half, the driveway was clean, sanded, and ready for the icy morning today. In the meantime, the guy with his snow truck showed up twice and left a big snow wall right in front of our driveway. So much about getting the entrance to our property cleaned up. @#$%! Telling by his big grin on his face, that @$$hole seemed to enjoy that, too. But hey, that’s still better than driving in eight inches of snow down the street to get to a main street. After all, we appreciate his time volunteering to clean up all these roads.



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