2023 · National Day Calendar

National Samuel Day 2023

Kevin, Pluto & Sam at Chef Mickey’s in Disney’s Contemporary Resort

Samuel comes from the ‘Old Testament’ in the “Bible.” The name originates from a Hebrew phrase that means “name of God” or “God has heard.” A fascinating aspect of Samuel is how he’s a respected figure across all Abrahamic religions — Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Despite differing faiths, Samuel’s narrative is fairly consistent: a wise leader, seer, and judge in ancient Israel, a remarkable story that began before he was born.

His mother, Hannah, had been childless for years. Samuel was born to her and Elkanah after much heartache and prayers. In gratitude, Hannah dedicated her son to the service of Eli, the priest. Soon it became clear that Samuel was no ordinary boy and was destined for greatness. He received divine oracles as a child. As an adult, Samuel was instrumental in the victory of Israel over the Philistines. It is said that Yahweh spoke directly to Samuel, after which he anointed Saul as king.

The first ‘Book Of Kings’ contains detailed information on the man. Though the “Bible” has two books dedicated to Samuel, he was neither the author nor protagonist of the books. Why, then, were the books named after him? It could signify how respected and revered Samuel was. Was Samuel a prophet, politician, or a seer ahead of his time? Perhaps he was all these things if we go by history and religious scripture.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-samuel-day

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