2023 · National Day Calendar · Our Furbabies

National Joshua Day 2023

National Joshua Day is on December 25 each year. Joshua is many things at once. Some of you may know him as the lovable Josh — familiar, traditional, and always sunny. In Abrahamic religions, the name carries significant weight and importance. He was Moses’ right hand, after all, leading the people of Israel into the promised land. The legacy of excellence seems to have lived on. The Joshuas of today aren’t just leaders wherever they go — they’re also at the top of our list of favorite people.

Our Joshua teaches the younger cats, how to catch a rodent at his old & wise age.

2023 · ☃❄ Winter ❄☃ · 🎅🎄 Christmas 🎄🎅 · Yuletide

Christmas Day 2023


May your holidays be happy days,
Filled with love and laughter.
May each day bring joy your way
in the year that follows after
