2023 · Days of The Week · My Health · Throwback Thursday

In The Healing Garden At The Yale/New Haven Hospital 2021


Kevin came for a visit, today. After I took a long-needed shower, we went to the Healing Garden on the 7th floor of the Yale-New Haven Hospital. It’s not very big. However, the garden can be a nice little oasis. At this time of the year, it’s mostly grayish/brown or snowed-in white. I was amazed to find a blooming Rhododendron bush in this cold weather. There is a water feature. But it is not running, due to the Winter. On the mulch, between some plants can painted stones with motivating quotes be found. Some of the trees have cute painted birdhouses hanging from their branches. The birds seemed to like them. They might over-winter in these birdhouses. It was great to get some fresh air outdoors. For a week, I spent most of my time in my hospital room. It was a welcomed change.


~ 12/05/2021 ~

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