2023 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ… · National Day Calendar · Yuletide

Winter Solstice/Yule 2023


Our ancestors depended on the passage of times and seasons. And the best way to measure the seasons was by observing the Sun and the Earth’s orbit around it. The winter solstice is the time of the year when the Sun is reborn, announcing a new season.

On December 21, the day is shorter as the Sun seems to stand still at a lower elevation, making the night longer. But, it is a transition period that ushers in a new season of more sunlight. Yule celebrations used to be tied with different pagan traditions, bordering on mythology and culture. Popular notions include the myth of the goddess giving birth to the Sun god. There is also the celebration of the surrender of power from the Holly King unto the Oak King. Plus, the ancient festival of the Germanic people about the Wild Hunt and the god Odin is also around the same time.

All the above form the crust of the Yule celebration. But, as stated earlier, it is even more symbolic in that it helped our ancestors to determine times and seasons. Understanding times and seasons was usually the difference between life and death, food availability and famine, victory and defeat, and many other things. With the introduction of Christianity, the Yule celebration has been linked with Christmas traditions too. It’s thought that December 25 was chosen to celebrate the birth of Christ because it is the renewal period. Yule and Christmas both share certain similarities, and they often overlap as well.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/yule/


2023 · Maine · National Day Calendar · USA

National Maine Day 2023

Photo by Skyler Ewing

Before Maine was colonized by French and English settlers, it was populated by Wabanaki tribes. Until two centuries ago, Maine was part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, before it voted to leave Massachusetts. As part of the Missouri Compromise, it became a separate state. It was then admitted to the Union as the 23rd state.

Nobody can say for sure why it is called Maine. Some say it was named by French colonizers after the province of Maine in France. Others say it was named by English colonizers as a reference to the mainland. Either way, it is Maine today, and it is the only state named with a single syllable, and also the only state to border only one other state.

Maine’s rocky coastline, rough mountains, green expanses, and wiggly waterways have inspired numerous artists. From writers and poets to painters, they have all flourished here for centuries. Maine’s mountains and shores offer enough hidden treasures for tourists and locals alike.

Resource: https://nationaltoday.com/national-maine-day/

2023 · β˜ƒβ„ Winter β„β˜ƒ · Days of The Week · πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ… · Our Furbabies · Throwback Thursday

Christmas Season (Part IV) 2010 – 2011


In 2010, Kevin, Katelynn, Sara, and I went to our local Christmas Parade again. This time, the girls got a glimpse of Santa. Katelynn was in first grade. Her class had the school play β€œSanta’s Suit”, where she was the β€œLego” Elf. On Christmas Eve, Katelynn lost her first tooth. So, the Toothfairy and Santa visited our home on the same night. Unfortunately, Sara had a bad cold on Christmas Day. She wasn’t too happy. But we made the best out of the situation.


Santa left apples, oranges, nuts, and candy under the tree. Of course, Sara found the candy first and wanted some. Kevin and I said she could have some after breakfast. Instead of listening, she was very sneaky, put one in her mouth, and acted like she didn’t know what we were talking about. Lexi was happy, she had a new toy duck, which was shredded by her and Ranger the same day.


… to be continued …

2023 · Days of The Week · My Health · Throwback Thursday

In The Healing Garden At The Yale/New Haven Hospital 2021


Kevin came for a visit, today. After I took a long-needed shower, we went to the Healing Garden on the 7th floor of the Yale-New Haven Hospital. It’s not very big. However, the garden can be a nice little oasis. At this time of the year, it’s mostly grayish/brown or snowed-in white. I was amazed to find a blooming Rhododendron bush in this cold weather. There is a water feature. But it is not running, due to the Winter. On the mulch, between some plants can painted stones with motivating quotes be found. Some of the trees have cute painted birdhouses hanging from their branches. The birds seemed to like them. They might over-winter in these birdhouses. It was great to get some fresh air outdoors. For a week, I spent most of my time in my hospital room. It was a welcomed change.


~ 12/05/2021 ~