2023 · Our Forest

Bruno, The Black Bear

This evening, I went on my porch to see if I could get shots of the Full Beaver Moon. This was a dud. No visibility due to the overcast. And I could have sworn, that some snowflakes came down with it While I was still outside, I heard leaves crunching and footsteps from an animal coming out of our forest. And suddenly he was standing on all four right down at the treeline and staring at me. I yelled: “Holy sh*t!. Bruno is here.” After that, I ran into the house and screamed for Kevin to look at that large bear. When Kevin came down to see, what was all the commotion about, Bruno strolled slowly along the forest line and was minding his own business. When we went back into the house, Kevin said: “That is so cool. We finally got to meet Bruno.” Of course, it is dark. And I couldn’t get a photo of the huge black bear.

Bruno is either A: looking for some food, or B: a den he can make his home for the Winter. He won’t be roaming around very soon anymore. Winter is coming. And this boy needs to go into hibernation. Either way, I finally had my first black bear encounter on our property. I was waiting for two-and-a-half years to meet Bruno. Bruno, what the heck took you so long?

2 thoughts on “Bruno, The Black Bear

    1. Yep!
      I’ve noticed a lot more bear activity this Spring, compared to the two previous years.
      It was amazing seeing this big bear in our backyard. He just minded his own business and kept moving along.

      Liked by 1 person

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