2023 · Days of The Week · Wildlife Wednesday

European Mantis (Mantis religiosa)

The European mantis is a large insect in the family of the Mantidae (‘mantids’), which is the largest family of the order Mantodea (mantises). Their common name praying mantis is derived from the distinctive posture of the first pair of legs that can be observed in animals in repose. It resembles a praying attitude. Both males and females have elongated bodies with two pairs of wings. The most striking features that all Mantodea share are a very mobile, triangular head with large compound eyes and their first pair of legs (the ‘raptorial legs’), which are highly modified for the efficient capture and restraint of fast-moving or flying prey. In Germany, the European Mantis is listed as Gefährdet [endangered] on the German Red List based on an assessment from 1998. It is not supposed to be caught or held as a pet. At a global level, it is assessed by the IUCN as least concern.

European Mantis
2023 · 🍂🍁 Autumn 🍁🍂 · Samhain · Wheel of The Year

Witches’ New Year – Samhain 2023


As the darkness now draws near
See the cycle of the year
As the light now goes within
Let the hallows dance begin.
Blessed Samhain Night!


2023 · 🍂🍁 Autumn 🍁🍂

November … 🍁


Japanese maple leaves in the Fort Worth Japanese Garden
November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.
With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And Earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.

Author: Clyde Watson
