2023 · Bavaria · Days of The Week · Germany · Travel Tuesday

An Easter Trip To Lake Constance (Bodensee), Germany ~ 1984

The Easter weekend in 1984, my Mom and my stepfather got their RV ready to take a trip to the Neuschwanstein Castle in Füssen. But we changed our minds on the road and decided to go to Lake Constance instead. The first night we spent in Memmingen in a parking lot. After breakfast, we went to our destination. And in the afternoon, we arrived in Lindau. Mom purchased a 35mm film for my first camera, she handed down to me before our trip. It was a hand-me-down. Well, still being 10 years old I didn’t need the newest expensive model to learn how to capture photos. So, a snap-and-shoot did the job.

Once, we had everything we needed we went to the Lindau Harbor and looked at boats coming in from Meersburg, Friedrichshafen, Austria, and Switzerland. The harbor is a Landmark with its southernmost lighthouse in Germany. Lake Constance borders two German states (Bavaria and Baden-Würtemberg) and three countries Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). In the evening, we had dinner on the island, while the RV was parked at the mainland.

The following morning, we drove to Meersburg and took a boat to Island Mainau. Mainau is a Botanical Garden on the lake not far from Constance (german: Konstanz). I was fascinated with all these tropical fruits inside the greenhouse. The banana plants were so high and the fruits were hanging from it. That’s mainly, what I can remember from Mainau.

After spending the night in Meersburg, we made a stop in Kempten and spent the night there before we drove home on Easter Monday. In Germany, Easter is on two days: Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. We had plenty of time to get back home. Mom was on vacation and I was on Spring Break for the rest of the week. So, we could relax after this trip.

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